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Releases: tajo/ladle

@ladle/[email protected]

14 Jul 21:13
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Minor Changes

  • #460 29c4e6c Thanks @tajo! - Support argTypes boolean, text, number, color and date.

Patch Changes

@ladle/[email protected]

13 Jun 05:09
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Minor Changes

  • #449 d3e0200 Thanks @tajo! - Add args and argTypes to context for Storybook compat

  • #447 802b351 Thanks @tajo! - Pass legacy parameters through context into decorators (Storybook compat)

  • #450 7ce734a Thanks @tajo! - Quicker side-navigation for deeply nested stories. The sub-tree is automatically expanded and the first story/link activated.

@ladle/[email protected]

07 Jun 22:38
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Minor Changes

@ladle/[email protected]

27 May 06:56
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Minor Changes

  • #437 04a4662 Thanks @tajo! - Include all stories into optimizeDeps.entries so all deps get prebundled and there are no further reloads later.

Patch Changes

@ladle/[email protected]

27 Apr 23:18
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Patch Changes

  • #427 180cfd5 Thanks @tajo! - Add i18n and onDevServerStart config options (undocumented for now)

@ladle/[email protected]

21 Apr 20:15
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Patch Changes

@ladle/[email protected]

19 Apr 05:05
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Patch Changes

  • #420 10456ac Thanks @tajo! - When the width of iframed story was bigger than the main canvas, the iframe was not properly centered and parts were missing.

@ladle/[email protected]

17 Apr 06:56
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Minor Changes

  • #413 b75f5c4 Thanks @wojtekmaj! - Improved wording on "Story not found" page, added "Back to home" link, fixed typo in GitHub name

Patch Changes

  • #418 27d90ed Thanks @tajo! - Fix context.globalState passed into decorators (second argument) was not updated.

@ladle/[email protected]

13 Apr 05:25
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Patch Changes

  • #414 06bf239 Thanks @tajo! - Recent react-frame-component version bump causes iframe content to glitch - it sometimes doesn't load. It seems they switched some waiting logic. Pinning this dependency to 5.2.4 - the latest working version for now.

@ladle/[email protected]

08 Apr 05:53
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Minor Changes

  • #412 6567b78 Thanks @tajo! - ## Global args and argTypes

    You can now define global args and argTypes in .ladle/components.tsx:

    export const args = {
      test: true,
    export const argTypes = {
      cities: {
        control: { type: "select" },
        options: ["NYC", "London", "Tokyo"],

    These will be applied to all stories in your project and can be overriden on the story level.

    Background Control

    Introducing a new special control type background. You can use it to change the background color of your stories. You might want to place it into .ladle/components.tsx so it's available to all stories. There can be only one active background control.

    export const argTypes = {
      background: {
        control: { type: "background" },
        options: ["purple", "blue", "white", "pink"],
        defaultValue: "purple",

    Control Name and Labels

    You can now customize the name and labels of your controls and their options:

    Story.argTypes = {
      airports: {
        name: "International Airports",
        control: {
          type: "select",
          labels: {
            sfo: "San Francisco",
            lax: "Los Angeles",
            prg: "Prague",
        options: ["sfo", "lax", "prg"],

    Deterministic meta.json

    Stories are now sorted in the meta.json file in a deterministic way. Useful when creating a hash of the Ladle's output for caching purposes.

Patch Changes

  • #409 0182092 Thanks @tajo! - Don't active tsconfig path plugin in yarn pnp env since it's buggy