Ladle is an environment to develop, test, and share your React components faster.
mkdir my-ladle
cd my-ladle
pnpm init
pnpm add @ladle/react react react-dom
mkdir src
echo "export const World = () => <p>Hey</p>;" > src/hello.stories.tsx
pnpm ladle serve
with yarn
mkdir my-ladle
cd my-ladle
yarn init --yes
yarn add @ladle/react react react-dom
mkdir src
echo "export const World = () => <p>Hey</p>;" > src/hello.stories.tsx
yarn ladle serve
with npm
mkdir my-ladle
cd my-ladle
npm init --yes
npm install @ladle/react react react-dom
mkdir src
echo "export const World = () => <p>Hey</p>;" > src/hello.stories.tsx
npx ladle serve
For powershell, replace in the above listings echo with the following
export const World = () => <p>Hey</p>;
"@ | out-file -encoding ASCII src/hello.stories.tsx