All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See conventional commits for commit guidelines.
0.1.2 - 2024-03-31
- backend-0.1.2 bumped to backend-0.1.2
- random emojis are fixed in dimensions - (ef49417) - @szattila98
- record view radio button has focus - (528ca87) - @szattila98
- content with length 1 or 2000 can be submitted without crashing - (e588fdf) - @szattila98
0.1.1 - 2024-03-30
- backend-0.1.1 bumped to backend-0.1.1
- views do not invoke commands anymore, only main app - (8cc4a2a) - @szattila98
- added padding to textarea - (4b86318) - @szattila98
- selected counter appears next to delete button, submitting 1 length content no longer panics - (7fb27bb) - @szattila98
- enter only submits, no new line is added - (e966c4c) - @szattila98
- image flicker no longe occurs, transitions ease navigation - (ef20927) - @szattila98
- window state is saved on exit button - (0506289) - @szattila98
- user input is trimmed - (1d55cc1) - @szattila98
- lints and tests run in parralel for backend and frontend - (bf599aa) - @szattila98
0.1.0 - 2024-03-27
- backend bumped to backend-0.1.0
- release publishes hopefully - (606a4b2) - @szattila98
- non functional features are invisible - (d582c02) - @szattila98
- wait on check action is given a correct check name - (35deab5) - @szattila98
- (backend) release can be made manually - (05ff5ed) - @szattila98
- (backend) deploy github job uploads bundles to release - (d301fe1) - @szattila98
- lint fixes and older ubuntu runner - (2d8bf80) - @szattila98
- checks, lints and test run in ci - (d4f45da) - @szattila98
- basic CI present, lints missing yet - (38f2f1d) - @szattila98
- git is configure correctly, toml files excluded with taplo - (cd5a98a) - @szattila98
- (backend) sqlite database is created and migrations run on startup - (4cbb17b) - @szattila98
- release workflow waits on every other checks to run - (f61569a) - @szattila98
- wait on check correctly waits on workflow - (677ee4f) - @szattila98
- window state is saved on exit and restore on relaunch - (0a39f3b) - @szattila98
- many kinds of emojis show up now - (00080bb) - @szattila98
- individual highlights can be edited and deleted - (dd9514b) - @szattila98
- footer appears under menu and jump to top button on every scrollable view if scrolled far enough - (d0a70f0) - @szattila98
- tooltip shows up on hovering over relative date of highlight - (108f14f) - @szattila98
- loader shown on init, icon set is new - (d0487e7) - @szattila98
- list and record views are less spaghetti - (42bd0b8) - @szattila98
- record highlight is styled, every view has a layout - (669b282) - @szattila98
- listing is styled, with random but contextual emojis and colors - (5d47feb) - @szattila98
- new highlight can be recorded once a day - (4d67159) - @szattila98
- highlights can be saved to the database - (bf51f8e) - @szattila98
- commands are now typesafe thanks to specta - (9115154) - @szattila98
- tauri project is initialized - (a62001d) - @szattila98
- lintig enabled and test framework present - (637ebd9) - @szattila98
Changelog generated by cocogitto.