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Table of contents

  1. Connects but no/partial configuration collected
  2. No push to remote git repository
  3. Git performance issues with large device counts
  4. Oxidized ignores the changes I made to its git repository

Oxidized connects to a supported device but no (or partial) configuration is collected

A common reason for configuration collection to fail after successful authentication is prompt mismatches. The symptoms typically fall into one of two categories:

  • Oxidized successfully logs into the device, then reports a timeout without collecting configuration. This can be caused by an unmatched prompt.
  • Only partial output is collected and collection stops abruptly. This can be caused by overly greedy prompt being matched against non-prompt output.

Troubleshooting an unmatched prompt:

Log in manually into the device. Use the same username and password or key configured for Oxidized. Observe the prompt returned by the device.

Logging into this device is dangerous! Do so at your own risk.

Username: superuser
Password: *********

Welcome to the advanced nuclear launchinator 5A-X20. Proceed with caution.


Review the relevant device model file and identify the defined prompt. You can find the device models in the lib/oxidized/model sub-folder of the repository. For example, the Cisco IOS model, ios.rb may use the following prompt:

  prompt /^([\w.@()-]+[#>]\s?)$/

Use IRB to verify if the prompt you've observed would match:

An example of a successful match:

# irb
irb(main):001:0> 'SEKRET-5A-X20#'.match /^([\w.@()-]+[#>]\s?)$/
=> #<MatchData "SEKRET-5A-X20#" 1:"SEKRET-5A-X20#">

An example of an unsuccessful match, for the prompt $EKRET-5A-X20# ($ used instead of capital S at the beginning of the prompt):

irb(main):002:0> '$EKRET-5A-X20#'.match /^([\w.@()-]+[#>]\s?)$/
=> nil

The prompt can then be adapted and re-tested, for example, by allowing the $ character as part of the prompt via /^([\$\w.@()-]+[#>]\s?)$/

irb(main):003:0> '$EKRET-5A-X20#'.match /^([\$\w.@()-]+[#>]\s?)$/
=> #<MatchData "$EKRET-5A-X20#" 1:"$EKRET-5A-X20#">

The new prompt now matches. You can copy the current model into the ~/.config/oxidized/model/ directory (keeping the original file name), and modify the prompt within the model file. After restarting Oxidized, the adapted model will be used.

Troubleshooting an overly greedy prompt:

Log in manually into the device. Use the same username and password or key configured for Oxidized. Execute the last command (which may be the first command to run) from which partial output is collected.

Compare the output to the partial output collected by Oxidized, focusing on the the difference that has been truncated. You can evaluate if this output could have matched the prompt regexp unexpectedly with IRB in a manner similar to the outlined in the previous section.

Adapt the prompt regexp to be more conservative if necessary in a local model override file.

We encourage you to submit a PR for any prompt issues you encounter.

Oxidized does not push to a remote Git repository (hook githubrepo)

See Issue #2753

You need to store the public SSH keys of the remote Git server to the ~/.ssh/known_hosts of the user running oxidized.

This can be done with

ssh-keyscan >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

If you are running oxidized in a container, you need to map /home/oxidized/.ssh in the container to a local repository and save the known_hosts in the local repository. You can find an example how to do this under examples/podman-compose

Git performance issues with large device counts

When you use git to store your configurations, the size of your repository will grow over time. This growth can lead to performance issues. To resolve these issues, you should perform a Git garbage collection on your repository.

Follow these steps to do so:

  1. Stop oxidized (no one should access the git repository while running garbage collection)
  2. Make a backup of your oxidized data, especially the Git repository
  3. Change directory your oxidized git repository (as configured in oxidized configuration file)
  4. Execute the command git gc to run the garbage collection
  5. Restart oxidized - you're done!

Note that slow performance in oxidized-web when listing the versions of a device are due to the necessity to go through the whole git log to search for the versions. See Issue #3121, the fix will come with oxidized version 0.32.0.

Oxidized ignores the changes I made to its git repository

First of all: you shouldn't manipulate the git repository of oxidized. Don't create it, don't modify it, leave it alone. You can break things. You have been warned.

In some situations, you may need to make changes to the git repository of oxidized. Stop oxidized, make backups, and be sure you know exactly what you are doing. You have been warned.

If you simply clone the git repository, make changes and push them, oxidized will ignore these modifications. This is because oxidized caches the HEAD tree in the index and git push does not update the index because the repository is a bare repo and not a working directory repository.

So, you have to update the index manually. For this, go into oxidized repo, and run git ls-tree -r HEAD | git update-index --index-info. While you're at it, consider running git gc, as oxidized cannot garbage collect the repo (this is not supported in Rugged).