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Mini Expense Tracker


A web application that allows users to track and manage their expenses with category-wise insights.

Key Features

  • Add, modify, delete, and view expenses
  • Category-wise spending insights with bar charts
  • Secure login and user authentication using JWT
  • Search expenses by category, amount, or date

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: Vite + ReactJS, TailwindCSS
  • Backend: NodeJS, ExpressJS
  • Database: MongoDB
  • Authentication: JSON Web Token (JWT)

Development Approach


  1. Initial design drafted in Canva: View Design
  2. Implemented using React + TypeScript and TailwindCSS 4
  3. Directory structure:
    ├── assets/
    ├── components/
    ├── screens/
    ├── App.tsx
    └── main.tsx
  4. API communication is made using Axios
  5. Navigation between screens is done using React Router Dom
  6. Data visualization (Bar Charts) implemented using Chart.js and react-chartjs


  1. Built with Node.js, Express, and MongoDB (with Mongoose)
  2. Directory structure:
    ├── config/
    ├── controllers/
    ├── middleware/
    ├── models/
    ├── routes/
    └── index.ts
  3. Established database schema and relationships between models
  4. Implemented authentication with secure password handling
  5. Implemented CRUD operations for expense management
  6. Created endpoints for category-wise expense calculations
  7. Created endpoints for all the operations

Authentication Implementation

JWT Workflow

  1. Registration:
    • User provides firstname, lastname, email and password
    • Password is hashed using bcryptjs with salt rounds for security
    • User record created in database with hashed password
  2. Login:
    • Email and Password are verified against the DB record
    • If valid, a JWT access token and refresh token are issued
  3. Storage:
    • JWT access token is stored in both: Secure HTTP-only cookies for security and in localstorage (for easy application state management)
    • Refresh Token stored only in HTTP-only cookie
  4. Verification:
    • Protected routes require token in Authorization header as Bearer <token>
    • User information extracted from token payload
  5. Expiration:
    • Access tokens expire after 2 hours for security
    • Refresh token valid for 7 days
    • Automatic refresh mechanism implemented when access token expires
  6. Logout: JWT cookie is cleared to end the session

Expense Management Features

Adding an Expense

Users can add expenses with the following details:

  • Expense name
  • Amount
  • Category
  • Date
  • Description

The process flow:

  1. User clicks the "+" button on the dashboard
  2. A modal appears with input fields, User provides details and submits
  3. Frontend validates all inputs and data sent to backend via POST request.
  4. Backend validates data and creates expense record
  5. Dashboard updates to show new expense

Managing Expenses

  • Update:
    • Edit existing expense details
    • PUT request sent to update the database record
  • Delete:
    • Remove expenses from the system
    • DELETE request made to delete the expense from the database
  • View:
    • Retrieve and display all user expenses
    • a GET request made to fetch all the expenses

Spending Insights

An endpoint aggregates expenses by category and provides:

  • Total spending per category
  • Percentage breakdown of spending
  • Overall total expenditure

Endpoint: GET /api/expense/insights

Example Response:

  "categoryPercentages": [
      "category": "Food",
      "totalSpent": 200,
      "percentage": 20
      "category": "Travel",
      "totalSpent": 800,
      "percentage": 80
  "totalSpent": 1000



Collections inside the DB:

Screenshot 2025-03-23 at 4 27 20 AM

Local Setup Instructions


  • Git
  • Node.js and npm

Installation Steps

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd expense-io
  2. Create a .env file in the backend directory with:

  3. Install dependencies and start servers:

    Command Location Action
    npm install Frontend & Backend Install dependencies
    npm run dev Frontend Start dev server at localhost:5173
    npm start Backend Start server at localhost:8000

Note: Backend deployed on free render instance so might take 40-50 seconds for a response.