A fixed convention is proposed for Bible book filenames, regardless of language or translation. A separate mechanism to customize and localize references to these books will be provided later. The books and their respective filename are given in the following table:
Filename | Code | Book |
1chron.md |
1chron |
1 Chronicles |
1cor.md |
1cor |
1 Corinthians |
1john.md |
1john |
1 John |
1kings.md |
1kings |
1 Kings |
1macc.md |
1macc |
1 Maccabees |
1pet.md |
1pet |
1 Peter |
1sam.md |
1sam |
1 Samuel |
1thess.md |
1thess |
1 Thessalonians |
1tim.md |
1tim |
1 Timothy |
2chron.md |
2chron |
2 Chronicles |
2cor.md |
2cor |
2 Corinthians |
2john.md |
2john |
2 John |
2kings.md |
2kings |
2 Kings |
2macc.md |
2macc |
2 Maccabees |
2pet.md |
2pet |
2 Peter |
2sam.md |
2sam |
2 Samuel |
2thess.md |
2thess |
2 Thessalonians |
2tim.md |
2tim |
2 Timothy |
3john.md |
3john |
3 John |
acts.md |
acts |
Acts of the Apostles |
amos.md |
amos |
Amos |
bar.md |
bar |
Baruch |
col.md |
col |
Colossians |
dan.md |
dan |
Daniel |
deut.md |
deut |
Deuteronomy |
eccles.md |
eccles |
Ecclesiastes |
eph.md |
eph |
Ephesians |
est.md |
est |
Esther |
ex.md |
ex |
Exodus |
ezek.md |
ezek |
Ezekiel |
ezra.md |
ezra |
Ezra |
gal.md |
gal |
Galatians |
gen.md |
gen |
Genesis |
hab.md |
hab |
Habakkuk |
hag.md |
hag |
Haggai |
heb.md |
heb |
Hebrews |
hos.md |
hos |
Hosea |
isa.md |
isa |
Isaiah |
james.md |
james |
James |
jer.md |
jer |
Jeremiah |
job.md |
job |
Job |
joel.md |
joel |
Joel |
john.md |
john |
Gospel of John |
jonah.md |
jonah |
Jonah |
josh.md |
josh |
Joshua |
jth.md |
jth |
Judith |
jude.md |
jude |
Jude |
judg.md |
judg |
Judges |
lam.md |
lam |
Lamentations |
lev.md |
lev |
Leviticus |
luke.md |
luke |
Gospel of Luke |
mal.md |
mal |
Malachi |
mark.md |
mark |
Gospel of Mark |
matt.md |
matt |
Gospel of Matthew |
mic.md |
mic |
Micah |
nah.md |
nah |
Nahum |
neh.md |
neh |
Nehemiah |
num.md |
num |
Numbers |
obad.md |
obad |
Obadiah |
phil.md |
phil |
Philippians |
philem.md |
philem |
Philemon |
prov.md |
prov |
Proverbs |
ps.md |
ps |
Psalms |
rev.md |
rev |
Revelation |
rom.md |
rom |
Romans |
ruth.md |
ruth |
Ruth |
sir.md |
sir |
Wisdom of Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) |
song.md |
song |
Song of Songs (Canticle of Canticles) |
titus.md |
titus |
Titus |
tob.md |
tob |
Tobit |
wisdom.md |
wisdom |
Wisdom of Solomon |
zech.md |
zech |
Zechariah |
zeph.md |
zeph |
Zephaniah |
- Source: http://www.sacredbible.org/challoner/index.htm
- Language: English
This is a Catholic Bible from the 18th Century, falling under the public domain.
Example configuration:
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"markdownScripture.sources": [
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