The Edge Microgateway Decorator is now included in the Apigee Service Broker as the coresident plan. Please use this link instead.
This is the short version of the edgemicro-decorator documentation.
** Please note that the edgemicro-decorator will execute only if you bind the Cloud Foundry app to the edgemicro_service
- You must have access to Edge and you must complete the following.
- Create an edgemicro aware proxy.
- Create an Apigee product.
- Create an Apigee App.
These steps are detailed here.
The only difference is that when you create your proxy in the Edge UI make sure to set the Proxy Base Path
to /edgemicro_hello
your Existing API
(target server) will be http://localhost:8090.
- Install and start PCF Dev.
NOTE: you can stop after you execute the cf dev start
Next execute the following command to login to PCF Dev:
cf login -a --skip-ssl-validation
And enter the following when prompted.
API endpoint:
Email> admin
Password> admin
Select the following Cloud Foundry org and space.
- Clone meta-buildpack decorator into your Github directory and upload it to PCF Dev.
git clone
cd meta-buildpack
- Clone the edgemicro-decorator into your Github directory and upload it to PCF Dev. Please note that this repo will eventually be moved to /apigee/edgemicro-decorator location.
git clone
cd edgemicro-decorator
- Clone the Spring Boot hello world sample application and push it to PCF Dev.
git clone
cd gs-rest-service/complete
You must modify the manifest.yaml
file with the changes shown below.
name: spring_hello
JBP_CONFIG_JAVA_MAIN: '{arguments: "--server.port=8090"}'
Build the jar file:
./gradlew build
Then push the application to PCF Dev and enable diego.
Make sure to install the Diego plugin first.
cf push --no-start -m 512M
cf enable-diego spring_hello
- Create the Edge Microgateway User Defined Service Instance with the following command in Cloud Foundry. However, you must update all the fields with CHANGEME.
If you are using an on-premise installation of Edge then use the service instance below.
cf cups edgemicro_service -p '{"application_name":"edgemicro_service", "org":"CHANGEME", "env":"CHANGEME", "user":"CHANGEME","pass":"CHANGEME", "nodejs_version_number": "6.10.2", "edgemicro_version":"2.3.1", "edgemicro_port":"8080", "onpremises": "true", "onprem_config" : {"runtime_url": "http://CHANGEME:9001", "mgmt_url" : "http://CHANGEME:8080", "virtual_host" : "default"}, "tags": ["edgemicro"]}'
If you are using an Apigee SaaS organization then use the following service instance.
cf cups edgemicro_service -p '{"application_name":"edgemicro_service", "org":"CHANGEME", "env":"CHANGEME", "user":"CHANGEME","pass":"CHANGEME", "nodejs_version_number": "6.10.2", "edgemicro_version":"2.3.1", "edgemicro_port":"8080", "tags": ["edgemicro"]}'
Bind the service to the Cloud Foundry App
cf bind-service spring_hello edgemicro_service
- Restart the spring_hello service
cf restage spring_hello
- Test the service.
Will fail without a valid token.
Get a valid token.
curl -X POST "http://CHANGEME/edgemicro-auth/token" -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"client_id":"CHANGEME","client_secret":"CHANGEME","grant_type":"client_credentials"}'
edgemicro token get -o [org] -e [env] -i [client_id] -s [client_secret]
Send request to CF with a valid token.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer CHANGEME_JWT"