This is an example on how you can incrementaly adopt @swan-io/chicane
in a codebase using another router (here, react-router-dom
), in order to add type safety on your internal links creation.
👉 Note that @swan-io/chicane
is a fully featured router that provides type safety on link creation and on route matching (and other cool features!).
First create a router.ts
import { createRouter } from "@swan-io/chicane";
// Here we list all our application pages
const routes = {
Home: "/",
Teams: "/teams?:created", // chicane supports search params declaration
Team: "/teams/:teamId",
NewTeam: "/teams/new",
// Note that chicane "createGroup" works perfectly here! (for routes nesting)
} as const;
// We avoid exporting chicane routing functions
const { getRoute, useRoute, push, replace, } = createRouter(routes);
// We exports all the link creation functions
export const Router = rest;
// We export paths (without search params, as react-router-dom doesn't support them)
export const paths = (Object.keys(routes) as (keyof typeof routes)[]).reduce(
(acc, key) => ({ ...acc, [key]: routes[key].replace(/[?#].*/, "") }),
{} as Record<keyof typeof routes, string>,
Then, replace your react-router-dom
component paths declarations:
import { BrowserRouter, Route, Routes } from "react-router-dom";
import { paths } from "./router";
{/* we use paths from router.ts */}
<Route path={paths.Home} element={<Home />} />
<Route path={paths.Teams} element={<Teams />} />
<Route path={paths.Team} element={<Team />} />
<Route path={paths.NewTeam} element={<NewTeam />} />
Finally, enjoy safe link creation!
import { Link, useNavigate } from "react-router-dom";
import { Router } from "./router";
const SomePage = () => {
const navigate = useNavigate();
return (
<Link to={Router.Home()}>Back to home page</Link>
<Link to={Router.Team({ teamId: "foo" })}>Team foo page</Link>
<Link to={Router.Team({ teamId: "bar" })}>Team bar page</Link>
onClick={(event) => {
navigate(Router.Teams({ created: "baz" }), { replace: true });
Click me
✨ Once your links are type safe, you can start migrating your routes matching.