Enspiral Foundation Limited has contracted Enspiral Ops to provide a range of back office and administrative services. This is a summarised version of the agreed scope of work.
Banking and Xero - Financial Admin
- Process invoices and bills and keep bank accounts reconciled to Xero
- Update accounts on the my.enspiral backend system, and regularly reconcile
- Make payments for monthly fixed costs
- Pay out Cobudget buckets
- Chase any overdue invoices
- Work with the accountants and make sure the monthly financial report is published to members
- Keep an accurate record of how much we have in all Foundation accounts
General Inquiries
- Respond to emails coming to [email protected] (website contact address) and [email protected]
- If someone doesn't know who to talk to at Enspiral, point them in the right direction
Manage Contributors
- Manage contributor enquiries about operations via email & slack
- Process requests from members to add new contributors
- Send new contributor welcome email
- Add new person to online systems
- Assign contributor buddy
- Keep list of contributors up to date
- Manage contributor re-opt-in and financial contribution process (at three months, and annually thereafter), including removing contributors who opt out
Manage Tools
- Serve as SaaS admin for all Foundation platforms
- Reconcile list of users for all tools with master list of contributors
Manage Membership
- Run 6-monthly member re-opt in process
- Schedule 2-monthly members meetings
- Add add a remove members from the Members Loomio group as needed
- Manage issue and forfeiture of member shares in the Foundation
Company Support
- Compliance paperwork for AGM and Shareholder meetings
- Manage Enspiral Foundation Ltd on the Companies website and CompanyBox
- Maintain a shareholders register
- Manage document signing for shareholder resolutions
Collaborative Funding
- Ensure all contributors are added to Cobudget
- Distribute funds in Cobudget according to contributions
- Update buckets when paid out
- Reconcile total funds in Cobudget to total collab funding funds in my.enspiral
Role Optimisation
- Manage and prioritise a roadmap of identified and suggested improvements to Foundation processes
- Make improvements within scoped budget to provide increased value to Enspiral Foundation
- Reporting back on improvements periodically
- Update the FAQ, help, and onboarding documentation when possible