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A CEF Client (Chrome/Chromium) CDP authentication automation tool for mRemoteNG. Allows you to auto fill forms and login to some types of login forms automagically and using Chrome inside of mRemoteNG.



  • Added Field name typed automation option

Known bugs/limitations

  • Doesn't handle element ids or names with commas
  • Doesn't handle iframe ids with commas
  • Doesn't handle usernames or passwords with commas
  • Sometimes startup is slow
  • Sometimes field_id mode bugs out and can't login
  • Passes clear password on a shell execute instruction to cdp-auth
  • Can open a single instance of each login due to debug port
  • Sometimes enter key on typed forms causes cdp error after login, workaround just by pressing the "back" button

Possible bug fixes

  • Handling commas, Wrap parameters in quotes or something maybe
  • Passing clear passwords on shell execute, encrypt them with AES and store a key internally somewhere maybe or temp file?

Known working logins

  • Any basic auth interfaces, routers, switches, etc.
  • pfSense (using field_id like field_id,ADMINUSER,usernamefld,passwordfld)
  • HP Integrated Lights Out or ILO (using field_id+iframe like field_id+iframe,ADMINUSER,usernameInput,passwordInput,appFrame)
  • Joomla (using field_id like field_id,ADMINUSER,mod-login-username,mod-login-password)
  • Portainer (using field_id_typing like field_id_typing,ADMINUSER,username,password)
  • Nginx Manager (using field_name like field_name,ADMINUSER,identity,secret)
  • SQLPad (using field_name_typing like field_name_typing,ADMINUSER,email,password)
  • TP-Link managed switch (using field_id like field_id,ADMINUSER,username,password)

Known not working logins

  • ...

Note: Please report any working/non-working login with its full method to be integrated in the list. Do it by opening an issue or something.

Quick start


  1. Download the latest cdp-auth release (0.0.3)
  2. Download cef client binary (if you don't have it yet) you can get this one from the official source, spotifycdn mirror my github mirror
  3. Extract cdp-auth binary to cef client folder
  4. Configure cefclient-embedded-passthrough as an external tool cefclient-embedded-passthrough should be passed the following arguments: %HOSTNAME% %USERFIELD% %PASSWORD% pick "try to integrate" (Very important if you want it to be embedded)
  5. Configure connections like
    • Hostname/IP: Full url with protocol and port like:
    • Password: User password as normal
    • Protocol: External Tool
    • External Tool: (whatever you set as your cefclient-embedded-passthrough)
    • User field: Depending on the type of authentication this field will look differently (refer to types of authentication below)
  6. Check if your cefclient folder contains cefclient-embedded-passthrough, cdp-auth and messagebox beside cefclient.
  7. Enjoy

Types of authentication

Your "User Field" will look differently depending on the type of login form:


Basic Authentication: basic_auth: Basic authentication the uses a small box on top of the browser, common in some routers and switches

  • format: basic_auth,USERNAME
  • example: basic_auth,admin


Form Field ID: field_id: Form authentication using username and password input IDs

  • example: field_id,administrator,usernameField,passwordField


Form Field Name: field_name: Form authentication using username and password input names

  • example: field_name,administrator,user,pass


Form Field ID (typed): field_id_typing: Form authentication using username and password input IDs but values are "typed" in (Alternative when field_id doesn't work)

  • example: field_id_typing,administrator,usernameField,passwordField


Form Field Name (typed): field_name_typing: Form authentication using username and password input names but values are "typed" in (Alternative when field_name doesn't work)

  • example: field_name_typing,administrator,usernameField,passwordField


Form Field ID on Iframe: field_id+iframe: Form authentication using username and password input IDs when they're inside an iframe ID

  • example: field_id+iframe,administrator,usernameField,passwordField,loginFrame

You'll need to check the specific form you want to login using Inspect and see what type of form it is and whats the most adequate solution.

Getting started with source

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install modules using npm install
  3. .…
  4. Profit?

You can do npm start and pass arguments with it, you should because it doesn't really work otherwise.

Also you might need to recreate the sea folder and dist folder inside of it for the build to be successful.

cdp-auth-passthrough.au3 is a small passthrough that hide the SEA console window on launch, very useful when not debugging to avoid pesky windows popping up. cefclient-embedded-passthrough.au3 is a bigger version of cdp-auth-passthrough.au3 that generates a random debug port, embeds cefclient on a gui and serves as a passthrough for cdp-auth. (Current recommended way of automation)

Auxiliary npm scripts

  "scriptsComments": {
    "start": "Run cdp-auth with arguments (recommended for debugging)",
    "tsbuild":  "Clean build typescript to javascript",
    "esbuild": "Create a commonjs version of the app to be built into a SEA",
    "sea-build": "Executes the builder script",
    "sea-build-full": "Run all necessary build steps"


Distributed under MIT License. See for more information.