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libfixkalman: Function reference

libfixkalman relies on libfixmath and libfixmatrix for all calculations.

libfixmatrix requires FIXMATRIX_MAX_SIZE to be defined on the project to the largest matrix size. libfixkalman adds the constraint that FIXMATRIX_MAX_SIZE must be greater than or equal to the number of system states, inputs or observations (i.e. the largest of these values). If, for example, the system has 4 states, 1 input and 2 measured outputs (observations), FIXMATRIX_MAX_SIZE must be defined to at least 4.

In order to reduce code size, some features can be disabled by globally defining one ore multiple of the following:

KALMAN_DISABLE_UC:Disable filter functions for systems without control input. Set this if all your systems use control input or if you use certainty tuning.
KALMAN_DISABLE_C:Disable filter functions for systems with control inputs. Set this if none of your systems use control input.
KALMAN_DISABLE_LAMBDA:Disable filter functions with certainty tuning (lambda parameter). Set this if you do not need to control filter convergence speed.
KALMAN_JOSEPH_FORM:Enable the Joseph form of the covariance update equation. Set this if Kalman gain is non-optimal or your filter has problems with numerical stability. Please be aware that this form of the covariance update equation is computationally more expensive. Set this definition in settings.h.
KALMAN_TIME_VARYING:Enable time-varying Kalman filter for Kalman filter with control input. In this case the square system process noise matrix is replaced by the square contol input covariance matrix and the covariance prediction step changes from P = A*P*A' + Q to P = A*P*A' + B*Q*B'. Set this definition in settings.h.

There are two kinds of filters that can be processed with this library: Regular filters described by state transition and control input and such systems without control inputs (dubbed 'uncontrolled'). For each of these types a separate set of functions exists: Regular functions and functions postfixed with _uc (such as kalman_predict_uc) for uncontrolled systems.

Data structure for the filter state.

typedef struct {
    mf16 x; // S x 1
    mf16 A; // S x S
    mf16 P; // S x S
    mf16 u; // C x 1
    mf16 B; // S x C
    mf16 Q; // C x C    if KALMAN_TIME_VARYING is defined
    mf16 Q; // S x S    if KALMAN_TIME_VARYING is not defined
} kalman16_t;
x:System state vector. Number of rows in the vector, 1 <= rows <= FIXMATRIX_MAX_SIZE.
A:Square system state transition model matrix. Number of rows and columns in the matrix is equal to the number of rows in the state vector x.
P:Square system state covariance matrix. Number of rows and columns is identical to A.
u:Input vector. Number of rows in the vector, 1 <= rows <= FIXMATRIX_MAX_SIZE.
B:Control input model matrix. Number of rows in the matrix is equal to the number of rows in the state vector x. Number of columns in the matrix is equal to the number of rows in the input vector u.
Q:Square contol input covariance matrix. Number of rows and columns in the matrix is equal to the number of rows in the input vector u. (if KALMAN_TIME_VARYING is defined)
Q:Square system process noise matrix. Number of rows and columns is identical to A. (if KALMAN_TIME_VARYING is not defined)

The filter structure can be initialized by calling

kalman_filter_initialize(&filter, NUM_STATES, NUM_INPUTS);

Data structure for the uncontrolled (inputless) filter state.

typedef struct {
    mf16 x; // S x 1
    mf16 A; // S x S
    mf16 P; // S x S
    mf16 Q; // S x S
} kalman16_t;
x:System state vector. Number of rows in the vector, 1 <= rows <= FIXMATRIX_MAX_SIZE.
A:Square system state transition model matrix. Number of rows and columns in the matrix is equal to the number of rows in the state vector x.
P:Square system state covariance matrix. Number of rows and columns is identical to A.
Q:Square system process noise matrix. Number of rows and columns is identical to A.

The filter structure can be initialized by calling

kalman_filter_initialize_uc(&filter, NUM_STATES);

Data structure for the measurement updates.

typedef struct {
    mf16 z; // Z x 1
    mf16 H; // Z x S
    mf16 R; // Z x Z
} kalman16_t;
z:Observation vector. Number of rows in the vector, 1 <= rows <= FIXMATRIX_MAX_SIZE.
H:Observation model matrix. Number of rows in the matrix is equal to the number of rows in the measurement vector z. Number of columns in the matrix is equal to the number of rows in the state vector x.
R:Square observation covariance matrix. Number of rows and columns is identical to the number of rows in the measurement vector z.

The filter structure can be initialized by calling

kalman_observation_initialize(&filter, NUM_STATES, NUM_OBSERVATIONS);

Initializes a kalman16_t structure:

void kalman_filter_initialize(kalman16_t *const kf, uint_fast8_t num_states, uint_fast8_t num_inputs);
kf:The filter structure to initialize.
num_states:The number of system states.
num_inputs:The number of system inputs.

Initializes a kalman16_uc_t structure:

void kalman_filter_initialize_uc(kalman16_uc_t *const kf, uint_fast8_t num_states);
kf:The filter structure to initialize.
num_states:The number of system states.

Initializes a kalman16_observation_t structure:

void kalman_observation_initialize(kalman16_observation_t *const kfm, uint_fast8_t num_states, uint_fast8_t num_observations);
kf:The observation structure to initialize.
num_states:The number of system states.
num_observations:The number of observations.

Kalman filter prediction (time update) step:

void kalman_predict(kalman16_t *kf);
kf:The filter to update.

This performs a state and covariance update according to the state transition model A and the input model B. If B has zero dimensions, only the state transition model will be used.

This function is a thin wrapper around kalman_predict_x and kalman_predict_P. It is often more efficient to perform the state update manually instead of relying on the matrix multiplication algorithm. In this case, kalman_predict_P can be used to update the system covariance matrix afterwards.

If input values are used, the user is required to set the values in kfm.u prior to calling this function.

Kalman filter prediction (time update) step with applied certainty tuning:

void kalman_predict_tuned(kalman16_t *kf, fix16_t lambda);
kf:The filter to update.
lambda:The estimation certainty tuning factor. 0.0 < lambda <= 1.0;

This performs a state and covariance update according to the state transition model A and the input model B. If B has zero dimensions, only the state transition model will be used. In addition, the system covariance matrix will be scaled by the factor 1/lambda^2. This can be used to artificially increase prediction uncertainty to prevent convergence.

If input values are used, the user is required to set the values in kfm.u prior to calling this function.

Similar to kalman_predict(), this function is a thin wrapper around kalman_predict_x and kalman_predict_P_tuned. It is often more efficient to perform the state update manually instead of relying on the matrix multiplication algorithm. In this case, kalman_predict_P_tuned can be used to update the system covariance matrix afterwards.

Kalman filter state-only prediction (time update) step:

void kalman_predict_x(kalman16_t *kf);
kf:The filter to update.

This performs a state-only (i.e. no covariance) update according to the state transition model A and the input model B. If B has zero dimensions, only the state transition model will be used.

If input values are used, the user is required to set the values in kfm.u prior to calling this function.

Kalman filter covariance-only prediction (time update) step:

void kalman_predict_P(kalman16_t *kf);
kf:The filter to update.

This performs a covariance-only (i.e. no state) update according to the state transition model A and the input model B. If B has zero dimensions, only the state transition model will be used.

In cases where it is more efficient to calculate the state update manually (i.e. by not calling kalman_predict), kalman_predict_P can be used to update the covariance matrix.

Kalman filter covariance-only prediction (time update) step with certainty tuning:

void kalman_predict_P_tuned(kalman16_t *kf, fix16_t lambda);
kf:The filter to update.
lambda:The estimation certainty tuning factor. 0.0 < lambda <= 1.0

Similar to kalman_predict_P(), this function performs a covariance-only (i.e. no state) update according to the state transition model A and the input model B. If B has zero dimensions, only the state transition model will be used. In addition, the system covariance matrix will be scaled by the factor 1/lambda^2. This can be used to artificially increase prediction uncertainty to prevent convergence.

In cases where it is more efficient to calculate the state update manually (i.e. by not calling kalman_predict_tuned), kalman_predict_P_tuned can be used to update the covariance matrix.

Kalman filter correction (measurement update) step:

void kalman_correct(kalman16_t *kf, kalman16_observation_t *kfm);
kf:The filter to update.
kfm:The observation used to update the filter.

This updates the state estimation as retrieved from the prediction functions and corrects the estimate using the observation in kfm.

The user is required to set the values in kfm.z (and kfm.R if required) prior to calling this function.

Kalman filter prediction (time update) step:

void kalman_predict_uc(kalman16_uc_t *kf);
kf:The filter to update.

This performs a state and covariance update according to the state transition model A.

This function is a thin wrapper around kalman_predict_x_uc and kalman_predict_P_uc. It is often more efficient to perform the state update manually instead of relying on the matrix multiplication algorithm. In this case, kalman_predict_P_uc can be used to update the system covariance matrix afterwards.

If input values are used, the user is required to set the values in kfm.u prior to calling this function.

Kalman filter continuous-time prediction (time update) and integration step:

void kalman_predict_uc(kalman16_uc_t *kf, register fix16_t deltaT);
kf:The filter to update.
deltaT:The time differential in seconds.

This performs a state and covariance update according to the state transition model A.

This function is a thin wrapper around kalman_cpredict_x_uc and kalman_cpredict_P_uc. It is often more efficient to perform the state update manually instead of relying on the matrix multiplication algorithm. In this case, kalman_cpredict_P_uc can be used to update the system covariance matrix afterwards.

If input values are used, the user is required to set the values in kfm.u prior to calling this function.

Kalman filter prediction (time update) step with applied certainty tuning:

void kalman_predict_tuned_uc(kalman16_uc_t *kf, fix16_t lambda);
kf:The filter to update.
lambda:The estimation certainty tuning factor. 0.0 < lambda <= 1.0;

This performs a state and covariance update according to the state transition model A. In addition, the system covariance matrix will be scaled by the factor 1/lambda^2. This can be used to artificially increase prediction uncertainty to prevent convergence.

If input values are used, the user is required to set the values in kfm.u prior to calling this function.

Similar to kalman_predict_uc(), this function is a thin wrapper around kalman_predict_x_uc and kalman_predict_P_tuned_uc. It is often more efficient to perform the state update manually instead of relying on the matrix multiplication algorithm. In this case, kalman_predict_P_tuned_uc can be used to update the system covariance matrix afterwards.

Kalman filter state-only prediction (time update) step:

void kalman_predict_x_uc(kalman16_uc_t *kf);
kf:The filter to update.

This performs a state-only (i.e. no covariance) update according to the state transition model A.

If input values are used, the user is required to set the values in kfm.u prior to calling this function.

Kalman filter continuous-time state-only prediction (time update) and integration step:

void kalman_predict_x_uc(kalman16_uc_t *kf, register fix16_t deltaT);
kf:The filter to update.
deltaT:The time differential in seconds,

This performs a state-only (i.e. no covariance) update according to the state transition model A.

If input values are used, the user is required to set the values in kfm.u prior to calling this function.

Kalman filter covariance-only prediction (time update) step:

void kalman_predict_P_uc(kalman16_uc_t *kf);
kf:The filter to update.

This performs a covariance-only (i.e. no state) update according to the state transition model A.

In cases where it is more efficient to calculate the state update manually (i.e. by not calling kalman_predict), kalman_predict_P can be used to update the covariance matrix.

Kalman filter cintinuous-time covariance-only prediction (time update) and integration step:

void kalman_predict_P_uc(kalman16_uc_t *kf, register fix16_t deltaT);
kf:The filter to update.
deltaT:The time differential.

This performs a covariance-only (i.e. no state) update according to the state transition model A.

In cases where it is more efficient to calculate the state update manually (i.e. by not calling `kalman_cpredict`_), kalman_cpredict_P can be used to update the covariance matrix.

Kalman filter covariance-only prediction (time update) step with certainty tuning:

void kalman_predict_P_tuned_uc(kalman16_uc_t *kf, fix16_t lambda);
kf:The filter to update.
lambda:The estimation certainty tuning factor. 0.0 < lambda <= 1.0

Similar to kalman_predict_P(), this function performs a covariance-only (i.e. no state) update according to the state transition model A. In addition, the system covariance matrix will be scaled by the factor 1/lambda^2. This can be used to artificially increase prediction uncertainty to prevent convergence.

In cases where it is more efficient to calculate the state update manually (i.e. by not calling kalman_predict_tuned_uc), kalman_predict_P_tuned_uc can be used to update the covariance matrix.

Kalman filter correction (measurement update) step:

void kalman_correct_uc(kalman16_uc_t *kf, kalman16_observation_t *kfm);
kf:The filter to update.
kfm:The observation used to update the filter.

This updates the state estimation as retrieved from the prediction functions and corrects the estimate using the observation in kfm.

The user is required to set the values in kfm.z (and kfm.R if required) prior to calling this function.

Retrieves a pointer to the state vector x:

mf16* kalman_get_state_vector(kalman16_t *kf);
kf:The filter.

Retrieves a pointer to the state transition model A:

mf16* kalman_get_state_transition(kalman16_t *kf);
kf:The filter.

Retrieves a pointer to the system covariance matrix P:

mf16* kalman_get_system_covariance(kalman16_t *kf);
kf:The filter.

Retrieves a pointer to the control input vector u:

mf16* kalman_get_input_vector(kalman16_t *kf);
kf:The filter.

Retrieves a pointer to the control input transition model B:

mf16* kalman_get_input_transition(kalman16_t *kf)
kf:The filter.

Retrieves a pointer to the control input covariance matrix Q:

mf16* kalman_get_input_covariance(kalman16_t *kf)
kf:The filter.

Retrieves a pointer to the state vector x:

mf16* kalman_get_state_vector_uc(kalman16_uc_t *kf);
kf:The filter.

Retrieves a pointer to the state transition model A:

mf16* kalman_get_state_transition_uc(kalman16_uc_t *kf);
kf:The filter.

Retrieves a pointer to the system covariance matrix P:

mf16* kalman_get_system_covariance_uc(kalman16_uc_t *kf);
kf:The filter.

Retrieves a pointer to the system process noise matrix Q:

mf16* kalman_get_system_process_noise_uc(kalman16_t *kf)
kf:The filter.

Retrieves a pointer to the observation vector z:

mf16* kalman_get_observation_transformation(kalman16_observation_t *kfm)
kfm:The measurement.

Retrieves a pointer to the process noise matrix R:

mf16* kalman_get_observation_process_noise(kalman16_observation_t *kfm)
kfm:The measurement.