Code includes STTP functionality for both "subscribers" and "publishers".
Build instructions follow:
- Windows (using Visual Studio 2022)
- Unix Variants (using CMake)
To properly compile in Visual Studio, you will need to download Boost:
By default, the C++ STTP API project configuration adds an additional include directory for the Boost libraries in a parallel location to the API project in a folder called boost regardless of version, for example:
STTP API project files:
Boost library files:
If you have an existing Boost installation you can simply create a symbolic link to the folder, e.g.:
mklink /D C:\projects\sttp\boost C:\boost_1_80_0
Alternately you can adjust the additional include directories to your own Boost installation location for each of the build configurations. The code has been tested with v1.66, v1.71, v1.74, v1.75 and v1.80 of Boost.
Note that you will need to compile Boost in order to execute the sample applications found in:
The STTP API library requires the zlib features of Boost, as a result it is necessary to compile boost with access to zlib source code that can be downloaded separately:
After unzipping the zlib source code and running the Boost bootstrap.bat
run the .\b2
build application with the following zlib parameters, adjusting
the paths to the directory where the zlib source code was unzipped:
b2 -s ZLIB_SOURCE="C:\zlib-1.2.13" -s ZLIB_INCLUDE="C:\zlib-1.2.13"
The following information is intended to help developers build the STTP API library on Linux platforms. Similar instructions may apply to other platforms.
The STTP API library depends on the following libraries in order to build. Earlier versions of the libraries listed may not work properly.
CMake v2.8 (
GNU Make (
gcc v10.2 (for C++20 support)
zlib Library, e.g.:
sudo apt install zlib1g-dev
bzip2 Library, e.g.:
sudo apt install libbz2-dev
Boost C++ Libraries v1.80.0 (
- Boost.Asio
- Boost.Bind
- Boost.Iostreams
- Boost.System
- Boost.Thread
- Boost.Uuid
Boost will need to be compiled:
For Ubuntu, here are some common steps:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential
sudo apt install cmake
sudo apt install gcc-10 g++-10
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-10 100 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-10 --slave /usr/bin/gcov gcov /usr/bin/gcov-10
sudo apt install zlib1g-dev
sudo apt install libbz2-dev
sudo mkdir /usr/local/boost_1_80_0
cd /usr/local/
sudo wget
sudo tar -xvjf boost_1_80_0.tar.bz2
Start a new terminal session before building Boost:
cd /usr/local/boost_1_80_0
sudo ./
sudo ./b2 install
It may be necessary to add /usr/local/lib
, the default path for boost libraries,
to the system library path before running any samples:
sudo ldconfig /usr/local/lib
From the command terminal, enter the source directory containing this README file and type the following command:
cmake .
Alternatively, you can create a build directory separate from the source code you downloaded. Enter the build directory you created and type the following command:
cmake path/to/source
Using the CMake GUI, you can modify configuration options, such as building as a shared library or changing the installation directory.
To make a debug build, use the following:
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Wno-unknown-pragmas"
At the top level of the build directory, type the following command.
make -j6
In addition to the library itself, there are sample applications which demonstrate the proper use of the STTP library API. To build all samples, type the following command:
make -j6 samples
Hint: You can start with samples and this will auto-build STTP library depdendency.
Individual sample applications can be built as follows:
make AdvancedPublish
make AdvancedSubscribe
make AverageFrequencyCalculator
make DynamicMetadataPublish
make FilterExpressionTests
make InstancePublish
make InstanceSubscribe
make InteropTest
make LatencyTest
make ReversePublish
make ReverseSubscribe
make SimpleSubscribe
make SimplePublish
At the top level of the build directory, type the following command.
make install
This will move the header files and the library file to the location specified during configuration. Header files go under the 'include/' subdirectory, and the library file goes under the 'lib/' subdirectory.