Package thriftset provides "least active request" balancing over a set of endpoints provided by go.serversets. Connections are kept in a pool and reused as needed.
zookeepers := []string{"", "", ""}
watch, err := serversets.New(serversets.Production, "service_name", zookeepers).Watch()
if err != nil {
// This will be a problem connecting to Zookeeper
log.Fatalf("Registration error: %v", err)
ts := thriftset.New(watch)
// or using a fixed set of servers, to just use the loadbalancing
ts := thriftset.New(fixedset.New([]string{"host1:1234", "host2:1234"}))
service := New(ts)
resp, err := service.Find(123)
log.Printf("%v %v", resp, err)
The Service object is a helpful way to wrap the thrift interface into something nicer.
It handles the "checking out" or connections and returning them. This thriftset
returns a connection to the endpoint with the least amount of of checked out connections.
// A Service object wraps the thrift interface with helper methods to fetch/update data.
type Service struct {
set *thriftset.ThriftSet
protocolFactory thrift.TProtocolFactory
transportFactory thrift.TTransportFactory
func New(set *thriftset.ThriftSet) (*Service) {
return &Service{
set: set,
protocolFactory: thrift.NewTBinaryProtocolFactory(),
transportFactory: thrift.NewTFramedTransportFactory(thrift.NewTTransportFactory()),
func (s *Service) Close() error {
return s.set.Close()
func (s *Service) getClient() (*thriftset.Conn, *sampleservice.SampleServiceClient, error) {
conn, err := s.set.GetConn()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if conn.Client == nil {
transport := s.transportFactory.GetTransport(conn.Socket)
err = transport.Open()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// The client factory is cached on the client
conn.Client = sampleservice.NewSampleServiceClientFactory(transport, s.protocolFactory)
return conn, conn.Client.(*sampleservice.SampleServiceClient), nil
func (s *Service) releaseClient(conn *thriftset.Conn, err error) error {
// do some sort of check to see if this error should close the connection or not.
// ie. is it network related, or just a thrift exception
if fatalError(err) {
return err
return conn.Release() // returns the connection back to the pool
func (s *Service) Find(id int64) (*Sample, error) {
req := sampleservice.NewGetRequest()
req.ID = id
conn, client, err := s.getClient()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := client.Get(req)
err = s.releaseClient(conn, err)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// convert the thrift object into a "clearer" go type.
// Maybe add some validation.
return &Sample{
ID: id
Metadata: resp.Metadata,
}, nil
It'd be nice to mark an endpoint as down if it returns too many errors. If you'd like, submit a pull request.