diff --git a/.tekton/postgres-exporter-globalhub-1-3-pull-request.yaml b/.tekton/postgres-exporter-globalhub-1-3-pull-request.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..56e5246fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.tekton/postgres-exporter-globalhub-1-3-pull-request.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1
+kind: PipelineRun
+  annotations:
+    build.appstudio.openshift.io/repo: https://github.com/stolostron/postgres_exporter?rev={{revision}}
+    build.appstudio.redhat.com/commit_sha: '{{revision}}'
+    build.appstudio.redhat.com/pull_request_number: '{{pull_request_number}}'
+    build.appstudio.redhat.com/target_branch: '{{target_branch}}'
+    pipelinesascode.tekton.dev/max-keep-runs: "3"
+    pipelinesascode.tekton.dev/on-cel-expression: event == "pull_request" && target_branch
+      == "release-2.12"
+  creationTimestamp: null
+  labels:
+    appstudio.openshift.io/application: release-globalhub-1-3
+    appstudio.openshift.io/component: postgres-exporter-globalhub-1-3
+    pipelines.appstudio.openshift.io/type: build
+  name: postgres-exporter-globalhub-1-3-on-pull-request
+  namespace: acm-multicluster-glo-tenant
+  params:
+  - name: git-url
+    value: '{{source_url}}'
+  - name: revision
+    value: '{{revision}}'
+  - name: output-image
+    value: quay.io/redhat-user-workloads/acm-multicluster-glo-tenant/release-globalhub-1-3/postgres-exporter-globalhub-1-3:on-pr-{{revision}}
+  - name: image-expires-after
+    value: 5d
+  - name: dockerfile
+    value: Containerfile.operator
+  - name: path-context
+    value: .
+  pipelineSpec:
+    finally:
+    - name: show-sbom
+      params:
+      - name: IMAGE_URL
+        value: $(tasks.build-container.results.IMAGE_URL)
+      taskRef:
+        params:
+        - name: name
+          value: show-sbom
+        - name: bundle
+          value: quay.io/konflux-ci/tekton-catalog/task-show-sbom:0.1@sha256:bb6de6584cc47524ac69d2fb0bc310e546696b707e4052a465966e2446e33a15
+        - name: kind
+          value: task
+        resolver: bundles
+    - name: show-summary
+      params:
+      - name: pipelinerun-name
+        value: $(context.pipelineRun.name)
+      - name: git-url
+        value: $(tasks.clone-repository.results.url)?rev=$(tasks.clone-repository.results.commit)
+      - name: image-url
+        value: $(params.output-image)
+      - name: build-task-status
+        value: $(tasks.build-container.status)
+      taskRef:
+        params:
+        - name: name
+          value: summary
+        - name: bundle
+          value: quay.io/konflux-ci/tekton-catalog/task-summary:0.2@sha256:fc1b0a4efc83c91cd4a24020daabb874b3f33a87c34cd157cda0b7e6d4b7779a
+        - name: kind
+          value: task
+        resolver: bundles
+      workspaces:
+      - name: workspace
+        workspace: workspace
+    params:
+    - description: Source Repository URL
+      name: git-url
+      type: string
+    - default: ""
+      description: Revision of the Source Repository
+      name: revision
+      type: string
+    - description: Fully Qualified Output Image
+      name: output-image
+      type: string
+    - default: .
+      description: Path to the source code of an application's component from where
+        to build image.
+      name: path-context
+      type: string
+    - default: Dockerfile
+      description: Path to the Dockerfile inside the context specified by parameter
+        path-context
+      name: dockerfile
+      type: string
+    - default: "false"
+      description: Force rebuild image
+      name: rebuild
+      type: string
+    - default: "false"
+      description: Skip checks against built image
+      name: skip-checks
+      type: string
+    - default: "false"
+      description: Execute the build with network isolation
+      name: hermetic
+      type: string
+    - default: ""
+      description: Build dependencies to be prefetched by Cachi2
+      name: prefetch-input
+      type: string
+    - default: "false"
+      description: Java build
+      name: java
+      type: string
+    - default: ""
+      description: Image tag expiration time, time values could be something like
+        1h, 2d, 3w for hours, days, and weeks, respectively.
+      name: image-expires-after
+    - default: "false"
+      description: Build a source image.
+      name: build-source-image
+      type: string
+    - default: []
+      description: Array of --build-arg values ("arg=value" strings) for buildah
+      name: build-args
+      type: array
+    - default: ""
+      description: Path to a file with build arguments for buildah, see https://www.mankier.com/1/buildah-build#--build-arg-file
+      name: build-args-file
+      type: string
+    results:
+    - description: ""
+      name: IMAGE_URL
+      value: $(tasks.build-container.results.IMAGE_URL)
+    - description: ""
+      name: IMAGE_DIGEST
+      value: $(tasks.build-container.results.IMAGE_DIGEST)
+    - description: ""
+      name: CHAINS-GIT_URL
+      value: $(tasks.clone-repository.results.url)
+    - description: ""
+      name: CHAINS-GIT_COMMIT
+      value: $(tasks.clone-repository.results.commit)
+    - description: ""
+      value: $(tasks.build-container.results.JAVA_COMMUNITY_DEPENDENCIES)
+    tasks:
+    - name: init
+      params:
+      - name: image-url
+        value: $(params.output-image)
+      - name: rebuild
+        value: $(params.rebuild)
+      - name: skip-checks
+        value: $(params.skip-checks)
+      taskRef:
+        params:
+        - name: name
+          value: init
+        - name: bundle
+          value: quay.io/konflux-ci/tekton-catalog/task-init:0.2@sha256:83b7df553a736def52dd47bca2a3614c8fa2c88d112d691a4834289cf8c2abf5
+        - name: kind
+          value: task
+        resolver: bundles
+    - name: clone-repository
+      params:
+      - name: url
+        value: $(params.git-url)
+      - name: revision
+        value: $(params.revision)
+      runAfter:
+      - init
+      taskRef:
+        params:
+        - name: name
+          value: git-clone
+        - name: bundle
+          value: quay.io/konflux-ci/tekton-catalog/task-git-clone:0.1@sha256:07b21ee2a46298d28edf561451f8550c3ae8024c546316765988d02c602827a4
+        - name: kind
+          value: task
+        resolver: bundles
+      when:
+      - input: $(tasks.init.results.build)
+        operator: in
+        values:
+        - "true"
+      workspaces:
+      - name: output
+        workspace: workspace
+      - name: basic-auth
+        workspace: git-auth
+    - name: prefetch-dependencies
+      params:
+      - name: input
+        value: $(params.prefetch-input)
+      runAfter:
+      - clone-repository
+      taskRef:
+        params:
+        - name: name
+          value: prefetch-dependencies
+        - name: bundle
+          value: quay.io/konflux-ci/tekton-catalog/task-prefetch-dependencies:0.1@sha256:80e4ec86cda6bbb2b4b6787ca3b306a5a80a51d8fd4a498a8464f0005151d7be
+        - name: kind
+          value: task
+        resolver: bundles
+      when:
+      - input: $(params.prefetch-input)
+        operator: notin
+        values:
+        - ""
+      workspaces:
+      - name: source
+        workspace: workspace
+      - name: git-basic-auth
+        workspace: git-auth
+    - name: build-container
+      params:
+      - name: IMAGE
+        value: $(params.output-image)
+      - name: DOCKERFILE
+        value: $(params.dockerfile)
+      - name: CONTEXT
+        value: $(params.path-context)
+      - name: HERMETIC
+        value: $(params.hermetic)
+      - name: PREFETCH_INPUT
+        value: $(params.prefetch-input)
+      - name: IMAGE_EXPIRES_AFTER
+        value: $(params.image-expires-after)
+      - name: COMMIT_SHA
+        value: $(tasks.clone-repository.results.commit)
+      - name: BUILD_ARGS
+        value:
+        - $(params.build-args[*])
+      - name: BUILD_ARGS_FILE
+        value: $(params.build-args-file)
+      runAfter:
+      - prefetch-dependencies
+      taskRef:
+        params:
+        - name: name
+          value: buildah
+        - name: bundle
+          value: quay.io/konflux-ci/tekton-catalog/task-buildah:0.1@sha256:942c8b62ad30c614035fc3a6321f3389d0ee4075c2db36923e4a7412c482c8fa
+        - name: kind
+          value: task
+        resolver: bundles
+      when:
+      - input: $(tasks.init.results.build)
+        operator: in
+        values:
+        - "true"
+      workspaces:
+      - name: source
+        workspace: workspace
+    - name: build-source-image
+      params:
+      - name: BINARY_IMAGE
+        value: $(params.output-image)
+      - name: BASE_IMAGES
+        value: $(tasks.build-container.results.BASE_IMAGES_DIGESTS)
+      runAfter:
+      - build-container
+      taskRef:
+        params:
+        - name: name
+          value: source-build
+        - name: bundle
+          value: quay.io/konflux-ci/tekton-catalog/task-source-build:0.1@sha256:6e1815b51294e897474c2b09bea84cbb11ddbaf8028d7e10cf95a0181c565cc9
+        - name: kind
+          value: task
+        resolver: bundles
+      when:
+      - input: $(tasks.init.results.build)
+        operator: in
+        values:
+        - "true"
+      - input: $(params.build-source-image)
+        operator: in
+        values:
+        - "true"
+      workspaces:
+      - name: workspace
+        workspace: workspace
+    - name: deprecated-base-image-check
+      params:
+      - name: BASE_IMAGES_DIGESTS
+        value: $(tasks.build-container.results.BASE_IMAGES_DIGESTS)
+      - name: IMAGE_URL
+        value: $(tasks.build-container.results.IMAGE_URL)
+      - name: IMAGE_DIGEST
+        value: $(tasks.build-container.results.IMAGE_DIGEST)
+      runAfter:
+      - build-container
+      taskRef:
+        params:
+        - name: name
+          value: deprecated-image-check
+        - name: bundle
+          value: quay.io/konflux-ci/tekton-catalog/task-deprecated-image-check:0.4@sha256:0d61c9a7d3f7df8ae4989fa09cd387b2e88234876b2eca527a9b5b7e8ce78ad0
+        - name: kind
+          value: task
+        resolver: bundles
+      when:
+      - input: $(params.skip-checks)
+        operator: in
+        values:
+        - "false"
+    - name: clair-scan
+      params:
+      - name: image-digest
+        value: $(tasks.build-container.results.IMAGE_DIGEST)
+      - name: image-url
+        value: $(tasks.build-container.results.IMAGE_URL)
+      runAfter:
+      - build-container
+      taskRef:
+        params:
+        - name: name
+          value: clair-scan
+        - name: bundle
+          value: quay.io/konflux-ci/tekton-catalog/task-clair-scan:0.1@sha256:48a051b5d9cb93f722a9fa2eca0e1d28eb3a28118cfff74a6448b2ee956d95f9
+        - name: kind
+          value: task
+        resolver: bundles
+      when:
+      - input: $(params.skip-checks)
+        operator: in
+        values:
+        - "false"
+    - name: ecosystem-cert-preflight-checks
+      params:
+      - name: image-url
+        value: $(tasks.build-container.results.IMAGE_URL)
+      runAfter:
+      - build-container
+      taskRef:
+        params:
+        - name: name
+          value: ecosystem-cert-preflight-checks
+        - name: bundle
+          value: quay.io/konflux-ci/tekton-catalog/task-ecosystem-cert-preflight-checks:0.1@sha256:8838d3e1628dbe61f4851b3640d2e3a9a3079d3ff3da955f4a3e4c2c95a013df
+        - name: kind
+          value: task
+        resolver: bundles
+      when:
+      - input: $(params.skip-checks)
+        operator: in
+        values:
+        - "false"
+    - name: sast-snyk-check
+      runAfter:
+      - clone-repository
+      taskRef:
+        params:
+        - name: name
+          value: sast-snyk-check
+        - name: bundle
+          value: quay.io/konflux-ci/tekton-catalog/task-sast-snyk-check:0.1@sha256:962fbf053705d38ed5c81ea6379eebee32b22fad4a7971183614610e33e8e0f9
+        - name: kind
+          value: task
+        resolver: bundles
+      when:
+      - input: $(params.skip-checks)
+        operator: in
+        values:
+        - "false"
+      workspaces:
+      - name: workspace
+        workspace: workspace
+    - name: clamav-scan
+      params:
+      - name: image-digest
+        value: $(tasks.build-container.results.IMAGE_DIGEST)
+      - name: image-url
+        value: $(tasks.build-container.results.IMAGE_URL)
+      runAfter:
+      - build-container
+      taskRef:
+        params:
+        - name: name
+          value: clamav-scan
+        - name: bundle
+          value: quay.io/konflux-ci/tekton-catalog/task-clamav-scan:0.1@sha256:b7f9f87a275d47e8076ee759145865575364c2eb44a834cd111cb373a10da0c2
+        - name: kind
+          value: task
+        resolver: bundles
+      when:
+      - input: $(params.skip-checks)
+        operator: in
+        values:
+        - "false"
+    - name: sbom-json-check
+      params:
+      - name: IMAGE_URL
+        value: $(tasks.build-container.results.IMAGE_URL)
+      - name: IMAGE_DIGEST
+        value: $(tasks.build-container.results.IMAGE_DIGEST)
+      runAfter:
+      - build-container
+      taskRef:
+        params:
+        - name: name
+          value: sbom-json-check
+        - name: bundle
+          value: quay.io/konflux-ci/tekton-catalog/task-sbom-json-check:0.1@sha256:acc9cb8a714f33c0e48d6ca219b6bd0191f09cdd767af4ef3a35d0a5cac53b5d
+        - name: kind
+          value: task
+        resolver: bundles
+      when:
+      - input: $(params.skip-checks)
+        operator: in
+        values:
+        - "false"
+    - name: apply-tags
+      params:
+      - name: IMAGE
+        value: $(tasks.build-container.results.IMAGE_URL)
+      runAfter:
+      - build-container
+      taskRef:
+        params:
+        - name: name
+          value: apply-tags
+        - name: bundle
+          value: quay.io/konflux-ci/tekton-catalog/task-apply-tags:0.1@sha256:175162b0a1c55e911d0d25ddef97e90932b5043f0b523cf83ed4824363840d74
+        - name: kind
+          value: task
+        resolver: bundles
+    workspaces:
+    - name: workspace
+    - name: git-auth
+      optional: true
+  taskRunTemplate: {}
+  workspaces:
+  - name: workspace
+    volumeClaimTemplate:
+      metadata:
+        creationTimestamp: null
+      spec:
+        accessModes:
+        - ReadWriteOnce
+        resources:
+          requests:
+            storage: 1Gi
+      status: {}
+  - name: git-auth
+    secret:
+      secretName: '{{ git_auth_secret }}'
+status: {}
diff --git a/.tekton/postgres-exporter-globalhub-1-3-push.yaml b/.tekton/postgres-exporter-globalhub-1-3-push.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..672c8c94a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.tekton/postgres-exporter-globalhub-1-3-push.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1
+kind: PipelineRun
+  annotations:
+    build.appstudio.openshift.io/repo: https://github.com/stolostron/postgres_exporter?rev={{revision}}
+    build.appstudio.redhat.com/commit_sha: '{{revision}}'
+    build.appstudio.redhat.com/target_branch: '{{target_branch}}'
+    pipelinesascode.tekton.dev/max-keep-runs: "3"
+    pipelinesascode.tekton.dev/on-cel-expression: event == "push" && target_branch
+      == "release-2.12"
+  creationTimestamp: null
+  labels:
+    appstudio.openshift.io/application: release-globalhub-1-3
+    appstudio.openshift.io/component: postgres-exporter-globalhub-1-3
+    pipelines.appstudio.openshift.io/type: build
+  name: postgres-exporter-globalhub-1-3-on-push
+  namespace: acm-multicluster-glo-tenant
+  params:
+  - name: git-url
+    value: '{{source_url}}'
+  - name: revision
+    value: '{{revision}}'
+  - name: output-image
+    value: quay.io/redhat-user-workloads/acm-multicluster-glo-tenant/release-globalhub-1-3/postgres-exporter-globalhub-1-3:{{revision}}
+  - name: dockerfile
+    value: Containerfile.operator
+  - name: path-context
+    value: .
+  pipelineSpec:
+    finally:
+    - name: show-sbom
+      params:
+      - name: IMAGE_URL
+        value: $(tasks.build-container.results.IMAGE_URL)
+      taskRef:
+        params:
+        - name: name
+          value: show-sbom
+        - name: bundle
+          value: quay.io/konflux-ci/tekton-catalog/task-show-sbom:0.1@sha256:bb6de6584cc47524ac69d2fb0bc310e546696b707e4052a465966e2446e33a15
+        - name: kind
+          value: task
+        resolver: bundles
+    - name: show-summary
+      params:
+      - name: pipelinerun-name
+        value: $(context.pipelineRun.name)
+      - name: git-url
+        value: $(tasks.clone-repository.results.url)?rev=$(tasks.clone-repository.results.commit)
+      - name: image-url
+        value: $(params.output-image)
+      - name: build-task-status
+        value: $(tasks.build-container.status)
+      taskRef:
+        params:
+        - name: name
+          value: summary
+        - name: bundle
+          value: quay.io/konflux-ci/tekton-catalog/task-summary:0.2@sha256:fc1b0a4efc83c91cd4a24020daabb874b3f33a87c34cd157cda0b7e6d4b7779a
+        - name: kind
+          value: task
+        resolver: bundles
+      workspaces:
+      - name: workspace
+        workspace: workspace
+    params:
+    - description: Source Repository URL
+      name: git-url
+      type: string
+    - default: ""
+      description: Revision of the Source Repository
+      name: revision
+      type: string
+    - description: Fully Qualified Output Image
+      name: output-image
+      type: string
+    - default: .
+      description: Path to the source code of an application's component from where
+        to build image.
+      name: path-context
+      type: string
+    - default: Dockerfile
+      description: Path to the Dockerfile inside the context specified by parameter
+        path-context
+      name: dockerfile
+      type: string
+    - default: "false"
+      description: Force rebuild image
+      name: rebuild
+      type: string
+    - default: "false"
+      description: Skip checks against built image
+      name: skip-checks
+      type: string
+    - default: "false"
+      description: Execute the build with network isolation
+      name: hermetic
+      type: string
+    - default: ""
+      description: Build dependencies to be prefetched by Cachi2
+      name: prefetch-input
+      type: string
+    - default: "false"
+      description: Java build
+      name: java
+      type: string
+    - default: ""
+      description: Image tag expiration time, time values could be something like
+        1h, 2d, 3w for hours, days, and weeks, respectively.
+      name: image-expires-after
+    - default: "false"
+      description: Build a source image.
+      name: build-source-image
+      type: string
+    - default: []
+      description: Array of --build-arg values ("arg=value" strings) for buildah
+      name: build-args
+      type: array
+    - default: ""
+      description: Path to a file with build arguments for buildah, see https://www.mankier.com/1/buildah-build#--build-arg-file
+      name: build-args-file
+      type: string
+    results:
+    - description: ""
+      name: IMAGE_URL
+      value: $(tasks.build-container.results.IMAGE_URL)
+    - description: ""
+      name: IMAGE_DIGEST
+      value: $(tasks.build-container.results.IMAGE_DIGEST)
+    - description: ""
+      name: CHAINS-GIT_URL
+      value: $(tasks.clone-repository.results.url)
+    - description: ""
+      name: CHAINS-GIT_COMMIT
+      value: $(tasks.clone-repository.results.commit)
+    - description: ""
+      value: $(tasks.build-container.results.JAVA_COMMUNITY_DEPENDENCIES)
+    tasks:
+    - name: init
+      params:
+      - name: image-url
+        value: $(params.output-image)
+      - name: rebuild
+        value: $(params.rebuild)
+      - name: skip-checks
+        value: $(params.skip-checks)
+      taskRef:
+        params:
+        - name: name
+          value: init
+        - name: bundle
+          value: quay.io/konflux-ci/tekton-catalog/task-init:0.2@sha256:83b7df553a736def52dd47bca2a3614c8fa2c88d112d691a4834289cf8c2abf5
+        - name: kind
+          value: task
+        resolver: bundles
+    - name: clone-repository
+      params:
+      - name: url
+        value: $(params.git-url)
+      - name: revision
+        value: $(params.revision)
+      runAfter:
+      - init
+      taskRef:
+        params:
+        - name: name
+          value: git-clone
+        - name: bundle
+          value: quay.io/konflux-ci/tekton-catalog/task-git-clone:0.1@sha256:07b21ee2a46298d28edf561451f8550c3ae8024c546316765988d02c602827a4
+        - name: kind
+          value: task
+        resolver: bundles
+      when:
+      - input: $(tasks.init.results.build)
+        operator: in
+        values:
+        - "true"
+      workspaces:
+      - name: output
+        workspace: workspace
+      - name: basic-auth
+        workspace: git-auth
+    - name: prefetch-dependencies
+      params:
+      - name: input
+        value: $(params.prefetch-input)
+      runAfter:
+      - clone-repository
+      taskRef:
+        params:
+        - name: name
+          value: prefetch-dependencies
+        - name: bundle
+          value: quay.io/konflux-ci/tekton-catalog/task-prefetch-dependencies:0.1@sha256:80e4ec86cda6bbb2b4b6787ca3b306a5a80a51d8fd4a498a8464f0005151d7be
+        - name: kind
+          value: task
+        resolver: bundles
+      when:
+      - input: $(params.prefetch-input)
+        operator: notin
+        values:
+        - ""
+      workspaces:
+      - name: source
+        workspace: workspace
+      - name: git-basic-auth
+        workspace: git-auth
+    - name: build-container
+      params:
+      - name: IMAGE
+        value: $(params.output-image)
+      - name: DOCKERFILE
+        value: $(params.dockerfile)
+      - name: CONTEXT
+        value: $(params.path-context)
+      - name: HERMETIC
+        value: $(params.hermetic)
+      - name: PREFETCH_INPUT
+        value: $(params.prefetch-input)
+      - name: IMAGE_EXPIRES_AFTER
+        value: $(params.image-expires-after)
+      - name: COMMIT_SHA
+        value: $(tasks.clone-repository.results.commit)
+      - name: BUILD_ARGS
+        value:
+        - $(params.build-args[*])
+      - name: BUILD_ARGS_FILE
+        value: $(params.build-args-file)
+      runAfter:
+      - prefetch-dependencies
+      taskRef:
+        params:
+        - name: name
+          value: buildah
+        - name: bundle
+          value: quay.io/konflux-ci/tekton-catalog/task-buildah:0.1@sha256:942c8b62ad30c614035fc3a6321f3389d0ee4075c2db36923e4a7412c482c8fa
+        - name: kind
+          value: task
+        resolver: bundles
+      when:
+      - input: $(tasks.init.results.build)
+        operator: in
+        values:
+        - "true"
+      workspaces:
+      - name: source
+        workspace: workspace
+    - name: build-source-image
+      params:
+      - name: BINARY_IMAGE
+        value: $(params.output-image)
+      - name: BASE_IMAGES
+        value: $(tasks.build-container.results.BASE_IMAGES_DIGESTS)
+      runAfter:
+      - build-container
+      taskRef:
+        params:
+        - name: name
+          value: source-build
+        - name: bundle
+          value: quay.io/konflux-ci/tekton-catalog/task-source-build:0.1@sha256:6e1815b51294e897474c2b09bea84cbb11ddbaf8028d7e10cf95a0181c565cc9
+        - name: kind
+          value: task
+        resolver: bundles
+      when:
+      - input: $(tasks.init.results.build)
+        operator: in
+        values:
+        - "true"
+      - input: $(params.build-source-image)
+        operator: in
+        values:
+        - "true"
+      workspaces:
+      - name: workspace
+        workspace: workspace
+    - name: deprecated-base-image-check
+      params:
+      - name: BASE_IMAGES_DIGESTS
+        value: $(tasks.build-container.results.BASE_IMAGES_DIGESTS)
+      - name: IMAGE_URL
+        value: $(tasks.build-container.results.IMAGE_URL)
+      - name: IMAGE_DIGEST
+        value: $(tasks.build-container.results.IMAGE_DIGEST)
+      runAfter:
+      - build-container
+      taskRef:
+        params:
+        - name: name
+          value: deprecated-image-check
+        - name: bundle
+          value: quay.io/konflux-ci/tekton-catalog/task-deprecated-image-check:0.4@sha256:0d61c9a7d3f7df8ae4989fa09cd387b2e88234876b2eca527a9b5b7e8ce78ad0
+        - name: kind
+          value: task
+        resolver: bundles
+      when:
+      - input: $(params.skip-checks)
+        operator: in
+        values:
+        - "false"
+    - name: clair-scan
+      params:
+      - name: image-digest
+        value: $(tasks.build-container.results.IMAGE_DIGEST)
+      - name: image-url
+        value: $(tasks.build-container.results.IMAGE_URL)
+      runAfter:
+      - build-container
+      taskRef:
+        params:
+        - name: name
+          value: clair-scan
+        - name: bundle
+          value: quay.io/konflux-ci/tekton-catalog/task-clair-scan:0.1@sha256:48a051b5d9cb93f722a9fa2eca0e1d28eb3a28118cfff74a6448b2ee956d95f9
+        - name: kind
+          value: task
+        resolver: bundles
+      when:
+      - input: $(params.skip-checks)
+        operator: in
+        values:
+        - "false"
+    - name: ecosystem-cert-preflight-checks
+      params:
+      - name: image-url
+        value: $(tasks.build-container.results.IMAGE_URL)
+      runAfter:
+      - build-container
+      taskRef:
+        params:
+        - name: name
+          value: ecosystem-cert-preflight-checks
+        - name: bundle
+          value: quay.io/konflux-ci/tekton-catalog/task-ecosystem-cert-preflight-checks:0.1@sha256:8838d3e1628dbe61f4851b3640d2e3a9a3079d3ff3da955f4a3e4c2c95a013df
+        - name: kind
+          value: task
+        resolver: bundles
+      when:
+      - input: $(params.skip-checks)
+        operator: in
+        values:
+        - "false"
+    - name: sast-snyk-check
+      runAfter:
+      - clone-repository
+      taskRef:
+        params:
+        - name: name
+          value: sast-snyk-check
+        - name: bundle
+          value: quay.io/konflux-ci/tekton-catalog/task-sast-snyk-check:0.1@sha256:962fbf053705d38ed5c81ea6379eebee32b22fad4a7971183614610e33e8e0f9
+        - name: kind
+          value: task
+        resolver: bundles
+      when:
+      - input: $(params.skip-checks)
+        operator: in
+        values:
+        - "false"
+      workspaces:
+      - name: workspace
+        workspace: workspace
+    - name: clamav-scan
+      params:
+      - name: image-digest
+        value: $(tasks.build-container.results.IMAGE_DIGEST)
+      - name: image-url
+        value: $(tasks.build-container.results.IMAGE_URL)
+      runAfter:
+      - build-container
+      taskRef:
+        params:
+        - name: name
+          value: clamav-scan
+        - name: bundle
+          value: quay.io/konflux-ci/tekton-catalog/task-clamav-scan:0.1@sha256:b7f9f87a275d47e8076ee759145865575364c2eb44a834cd111cb373a10da0c2
+        - name: kind
+          value: task
+        resolver: bundles
+      when:
+      - input: $(params.skip-checks)
+        operator: in
+        values:
+        - "false"
+    - name: sbom-json-check
+      params:
+      - name: IMAGE_URL
+        value: $(tasks.build-container.results.IMAGE_URL)
+      - name: IMAGE_DIGEST
+        value: $(tasks.build-container.results.IMAGE_DIGEST)
+      runAfter:
+      - build-container
+      taskRef:
+        params:
+        - name: name
+          value: sbom-json-check
+        - name: bundle
+          value: quay.io/konflux-ci/tekton-catalog/task-sbom-json-check:0.1@sha256:acc9cb8a714f33c0e48d6ca219b6bd0191f09cdd767af4ef3a35d0a5cac53b5d
+        - name: kind
+          value: task
+        resolver: bundles
+      when:
+      - input: $(params.skip-checks)
+        operator: in
+        values:
+        - "false"
+    - name: apply-tags
+      params:
+      - name: IMAGE
+        value: $(tasks.build-container.results.IMAGE_URL)
+      runAfter:
+      - build-container
+      taskRef:
+        params:
+        - name: name
+          value: apply-tags
+        - name: bundle
+          value: quay.io/konflux-ci/tekton-catalog/task-apply-tags:0.1@sha256:175162b0a1c55e911d0d25ddef97e90932b5043f0b523cf83ed4824363840d74
+        - name: kind
+          value: task
+        resolver: bundles
+    workspaces:
+    - name: workspace
+    - name: git-auth
+      optional: true
+  taskRunTemplate: {}
+  workspaces:
+  - name: workspace
+    volumeClaimTemplate:
+      metadata:
+        creationTimestamp: null
+      spec:
+        accessModes:
+        - ReadWriteOnce
+        resources:
+          requests:
+            storage: 1Gi
+      status: {}
+  - name: git-auth
+    secret:
+      secretName: '{{ git_auth_secret }}'
+status: {}
diff --git a/Containerfile.operator b/Containerfile.operator
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3eb2362ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Containerfile.operator
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+FROM brew.registry.redhat.io/rh-osbs/openshift-golang-builder:rhel_9_1.22 AS builder
+WORKDIR /workspace
+COPY . .
+RUN go build -o /usr/local/bin github.com/prometheus/promu
+RUN promu build --cgo --prefix ./
+# Stage 2: Copy the binaries from the image builder to the base image
+FROM registry.access.redhat.com/ubi9/ubi-minimal:latest
+LABEL org.label-schema.vendor="Red Hat" \
+    org.label-schema.name="$IMAGE_NAME_ARCH" \
+    org.label-schema.description="$IMAGE_DESCRIPTION" \
+    org.label-schema.vcs-ref=$VCS_REF \
+    org.label-schema.vcs-url=$VCS_URL \
+    org.label-schema.license="Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes EULA" \
+    org.label-schema.schema-version="1.0" \
+    name="$IMAGE_NAME" \
+    maintainer="$IMAGE_MAINTAINER" \
+    vendor="$IMAGE_VENDOR" \
+    version="$IMAGE_VERSION" \
+    release="$IMAGE_RELEASE" \
+    description="$IMAGE_DESCRIPTION" \
+    summary="$IMAGE_SUMMARY" \
+    io.k8s.display-name="$IMAGE_DISPLAY_NAME" \
+    io.k8s.description="$IMAGE_DESCRIPTION" \
+    io.openshift.tags="$IMAGE_OPENSHIFT_TAGS"
+COPY --from=builder /workspace/postgres_exporter /bin/postgres_exporter
+EXPOSE     9187
+USER       nobody
+ENTRYPOINT [ "/bin/postgres_exporter" ]
diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod
index 4ddfbfbe5..7e83a9ae1 100644
--- a/go.mod
+++ b/go.mod
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 module github.com/prometheus-community/postgres_exporter
-go 1.19
+go 1.22.4
 require (
 	github.com/DATA-DOG/go-sqlmock v1.5.0
diff --git a/go.sum b/go.sum
index 3a163d16b..a823be326 100644
--- a/go.sum
+++ b/go.sum
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ github.com/coreos/go-systemd/v22 v22.5.0/go.mod h1:Y58oyj3AT4RCenI/lSvhwexgC+NSV
 github.com/creack/pty v1.1.9/go.mod h1:oKZEueFk5CKHvIhNR5MUki03XCEU+Q6VDXinZuGJ33E=
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+github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38=
 github.com/go-kit/log v0.2.1 h1:MRVx0/zhvdseW+Gza6N9rVzU/IVzaeE1SFI4raAhmBU=
 github.com/go-kit/log v0.2.1/go.mod h1:NwTd00d/i8cPZ3xOwwiv2PO5MOcx78fFErGNcVmBjv0=
 github.com/go-logfmt/logfmt v0.5.1 h1:otpy5pqBCBZ1ng9RQ0dPu4PN7ba75Y/aA+UpowDyNVA=
@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ github.com/golang/protobuf v1.5.3 h1:KhyjKVUg7Usr/dYsdSqoFveMYd5ko72D+zANwlG1mmg
 github.com/golang/protobuf v1.5.3/go.mod h1:XVQd3VNwM+JqD3oG2Ue2ip4fOMUkwXdXDdiuN0vRsmY=
 github.com/google/go-cmp v0.5.5/go.mod h1:v8dTdLbMG2kIc/vJvl+f65V22dbkXbowE6jgT/gNBxE=
 github.com/google/go-cmp v0.5.9 h1:O2Tfq5qg4qc4AmwVlvv0oLiVAGB7enBSJ2x2DqQFi38=
+github.com/google/go-cmp v0.5.9/go.mod h1:17dUlkBOakJ0+DkrSSNjCkIjxS6bF9zb3elmeNGIjoY=
 github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs v1.17.2 h1:fQnZVsXk8uxXIStYb0N4bGk7jeyTalG/wsZjQ25dO0g=
 github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs v1.17.2/go.mod h1:pRRIvn/QzFLrKfvEz3qUuEhtE/zLCWfreZ6J5gM2i+k=
 github.com/jpillora/backoff v1.0.0 h1:uvFg412JmmHBHw7iwprIxkPMI+sGQ4kzOWsMeHnm2EA=
@@ -69,6 +71,7 @@ github.com/smartystreets/goconvey v1.8.1/go.mod h1:+/u4qLyY6x1jReYOp7GOM2FSt8aP9
 github.com/stretchr/objx v0.1.0/go.mod h1:HFkY916IF+rwdDfMAkV7OtwuqBVzrE8GR6GFx+wExME=
 github.com/stretchr/testify v1.4.0/go.mod h1:j7eGeouHqKxXV5pUuKE4zz7dFj8WfuZ+81PSLYec5m4=
 github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.2 h1:+h33VjcLVPDHtOdpUCuF+7gSuG3yGIftsP1YvFihtJ8=
+github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.2/go.mod h1:w2LPCIKwWwSfY2zedu0+kehJoqGctiVI29o6fzry7u4=
 github.com/xhit/go-str2duration/v2 v2.1.0 h1:lxklc02Drh6ynqX+DdPyp5pCKLUQpRT8bp8Ydu2Bstc=
 github.com/xhit/go-str2duration/v2 v2.1.0/go.mod h1:ohY8p+0f07DiV6Em5LKB0s2YpLtXVyJfNt1+BlmyAsU=
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