diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
index 0f5a67d5..ed9cd9fb 100644
--- a/Rakefile
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -29,10 +29,19 @@ task :default => :spec
namespace :jasmine do
require "jasmine-core"
- require './spec/jasmine_self_test_config'
task :server do
port = ENV['JASMINE_PORT'] || 8888
- JasmineSelfTestConfig.new.start_server(port)
+ Jasmine.configure do |config|
+ root = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ".."))
+ config.src_dir = File.join(root, 'src')
+ config.spec_dir = Jasmine::Core.path
+ config.spec_files = lambda { (Jasmine::Core.html_spec_files + Jasmine::Core.core_spec_files).map {|f| File.join(config.spec_dir, f) } }
+ end
+ config = Jasmine.config
+ server = Jasmine::Server.new(8888, Jasmine::Application.app(config))
+ server.start
puts "your tests are here:"
puts " http://localhost:#{port}/"
diff --git a/generators/jasmine/templates/spec/javascripts/support/jasmine-rails.yml b/generators/jasmine/templates/spec/javascripts/support/jasmine-rails.yml
index 6c844008..337259a5 100644
--- a/generators/jasmine/templates/spec/javascripts/support/jasmine-rails.yml
+++ b/generators/jasmine/templates/spec/javascripts/support/jasmine-rails.yml
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ stylesheets:
# - helpers/**/*.js
- - helpers/**/*.js
+ - 'helpers/**/*.js'
# spec_files
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ helpers:
# spec_files:
-# - **/*[sS]pec.js
+# - '**/*[sS]pec.js'
- '**/*[sS]pec.js'
diff --git a/generators/jasmine/templates/spec/javascripts/support/jasmine.yml b/generators/jasmine/templates/spec/javascripts/support/jasmine.yml
index 7cce692d..dc3d7e53 100644
--- a/generators/jasmine/templates/spec/javascripts/support/jasmine.yml
+++ b/generators/jasmine/templates/spec/javascripts/support/jasmine.yml
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ stylesheets:
# - helpers/**/*.js
+ - 'helpers/**/*.js'
# spec_files
# Return an array of filepaths relative to spec_dir to include.
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ helpers:
# - **/*[sS]pec.js
+ - '**/*[sS]pec.js'
# src_dir
diff --git a/lib/jasmine.rb b/lib/jasmine.rb
index e69456c4..6e7d3016 100644
--- a/lib/jasmine.rb
+++ b/lib/jasmine.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
jasmine_files = ['base',
- 'runner_config',
+ 'core_configuration',
+ 'configuration',
@@ -8,15 +9,21 @@
+ 'path_mapper',
+ 'path_expander',
+ 'yaml_config_parser',
File.join('runners', 'http')]
jasmine_files.each do |file|
require File.join('jasmine', file)
+# jasmine_rack_files.each do |file|
+ # require File.join('rack', 'jasmine', file)
+# end
require File.join('jasmine', "railtie") if Jasmine::Dependencies.rails3?
diff --git a/lib/jasmine/application.rb b/lib/jasmine/application.rb
index 7295a4c5..bf64cd33 100644
--- a/lib/jasmine/application.rb
+++ b/lib/jasmine/application.rb
@@ -3,46 +3,19 @@
require 'jasmine-core'
require 'rack/jasmine/runner'
require 'rack/jasmine/focused_suite'
-require 'rack/jasmine/redirect'
require 'rack/jasmine/cache_control'
require 'ostruct'
module Jasmine
class Application
- def self.app(config = Jasmine::RunnerConfig.new)
- page = Jasmine::Page.new(config)
- if Jasmine::Dependencies.rails_3_asset_pipeline?
- config.src_mapper = Jasmine::AssetPipelineMapper.new
+ def self.app(config, builder = Rack::Builder.new)
+ config.rack_apps.each do |(app, config_block)|
+ builder.use(app, &config_block)
- Rack::Builder.app do
- use Rack::Head
- use Rack::Jasmine::CacheControl
- if Jasmine::Dependencies.rails_3_asset_pipeline?
- map('/assets') do
- #load the Sprockets asset helpers
- Rails.application.assets.context_class.instance_eval do
- include ::Sprockets::Helpers::IsolatedHelper
- include ::Sprockets::Helpers::RailsHelper
- end
- run Rails.application.assets
- end
- end
- map('/run.html') { run Rack::Jasmine::Redirect.new('/') }
- map('/__suite__') { run Rack::Jasmine::FocusedSuite.new(config) }
- #TODO: These path mappings should come from the config.
- map('/__JASMINE_ROOT__') { run Rack::File.new(Jasmine::Core.path) }
- map(config.spec_path) { run Rack::File.new(config.spec_dir) }
- map(config.root_path) { run Rack::File.new(config.project_root) }
- map('/') do
- run Rack::Cascade.new([
- Rack::URLMap.new('/' => Rack::File.new(config.src_dir)),
- Rack::Jasmine::Runner.new(page)
- ])
- end
+ config.rack_path_map.each do |path, handler|
+ builder.map(path) { run handler.call }
+ builder
diff --git a/lib/jasmine/base.rb b/lib/jasmine/base.rb
index 6818cdfa..a0ce77fe 100644
--- a/lib/jasmine/base.rb
+++ b/lib/jasmine/base.rb
@@ -47,4 +47,8 @@ def self.runner_template
File.read(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "run.html.erb"))
+ def self.root(*paths)
+ File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *paths))
+ end
diff --git a/lib/jasmine/config.rb b/lib/jasmine/config.rb
index 0cf9a3a6..36307f92 100644
--- a/lib/jasmine/config.rb
+++ b/lib/jasmine/config.rb
@@ -1,122 +1,56 @@
module Jasmine
- class Config
- attr_accessor :src_mapper
- require 'yaml'
- require 'erb'
- require 'json'
- def match_files(dir, patterns)
- dir = File.expand_path(dir)
- negative, positive = patterns.partition {|pattern| /^!/ =~ pattern}
- chosen, negated = [positive, negative].collect do |patterns|
- patterns.collect do |pattern|
- matches = Dir.glob(File.join(dir, pattern.gsub(/^!/,'')))
- matches.empty? && !(pattern =~ /\*|^\!/) ? pattern : matches.collect {|f| f.sub("#{dir}/", "")}.sort
- end.flatten.uniq
- end
- chosen - negated
- end
- def simple_config
- config = File.exist?(simple_config_file) ? YAML::load(ERB.new(File.read(simple_config_file)).result(binding)) : false
- config || {}
- end
- def spec_path
- "/__spec__"
- end
- def root_path
- "/__root__"
- end
- def js_files(spec_filter = nil)
- spec_files_to_include = spec_filter.nil? ? spec_files : match_files(spec_dir, [spec_filter])
- src_files.collect {|f| "/" + f } + helpers.collect {|f| File.join(spec_path, f) } + spec_files_to_include.collect {|f| File.join(spec_path, f) }
- end
- def user_stylesheets
- stylesheets.collect {|f| "/" + f }
- end
- def spec_files_full_paths
- spec_files.collect {|spec_file| File.join(spec_dir, spec_file) }
- end
- def project_root
- Dir.pwd
- end
- def simple_config_file
- File.join(project_root, 'spec/javascripts/support/jasmine.yml')
- end
- def src_dir
- if simple_config['src_dir']
- File.join(project_root, simple_config['src_dir'])
- else
- project_root
- end
- end
- def spec_dir
- if simple_config['spec_dir']
- File.join(project_root, simple_config['spec_dir'])
- else
- File.join(project_root, 'spec/javascripts')
- end
- end
- def helpers
- if simple_config['helpers']
- match_files(spec_dir, simple_config['helpers'])
- else
- match_files(spec_dir, ["helpers/**/*.js"])
- end
- end
- def src_files
- return [] unless simple_config['src_files']
+ def self.configure(&block)
+ block.call(self.config)
+ end
- if self.src_mapper
- self.src_mapper.files(simple_config['src_files'])
- else
- match_files(src_dir, simple_config['src_files'])
- end
- end
+ def self.initialize_config
+ return if @config
+ @config = Jasmine::Configuration.new
+ core_config = Jasmine::CoreConfiguration.new
+ @config.add_path_mapper(Jasmine::PathMapper)
+ @config.jasmine_path = jasmine_path = "/__jasmine__"
+ @config.src_path = src_path = "/"
+ @config.spec_path = spec_path = "/__spec__"
+ @config.boot_path = boot_path = "/__boot__"
+ @config.jasmine_dir = core_config.path
+ @config.boot_dir = core_config.boot_path
+ @config.boot_files = lambda { core_config.boot_files }
+ @config.jasmine_files = lambda { core_config.js_files }
+ @config.jasmine_css_files = lambda { core_config.css_files }
+ @config.add_rack_path(jasmine_path, lambda { Rack::File.new(config.jasmine_dir) })
+ @config.add_rack_path(boot_path, lambda { Rack::File.new(config.boot_dir) })
+ @config.add_rack_path(spec_path, lambda { Rack::File.new(config.spec_dir) })
+ @config.add_rack_path(src_path, lambda {
+ Rack::Cascade.new([
+ Rack::URLMap.new('/' => Rack::File.new(config.src_dir)),
+ Rack::Jasmine::Runner.new(Jasmine::Page.new(config))
+ ])
+ })
+ @config.add_rack_app(Rack::Head)
+ @config.add_rack_app(Rack::Jasmine::CacheControl)
+ end
- def spec_files
- if simple_config['spec_files']
- match_files(spec_dir, simple_config['spec_files'])
- else
- match_files(spec_dir, ["**/*[sS]pec.js"])
- end
- end
+ def self.config
+ initialize_config
+ @config
+ end
- def stylesheets
- if simple_config['stylesheets']
- match_files(src_dir, simple_config['stylesheets'])
- else
- []
+ def self.load_configuration_from_yaml(path = nil)
+ path ||= File.join(Dir.pwd, 'spec', 'javascripts', 'support', 'jasmine.yml')
+ if File.exist?(path)
+ yaml_config = Jasmine::YamlConfigParser.new(path, Dir.pwd, Jasmine::PathExpander.method(:expand), YAML.method(:load_file))
+ Jasmine.configure do |config|
+ config.src_files = lambda { yaml_config.src_files }
+ config.spec_files = lambda { yaml_config.helpers + yaml_config.spec_files }
+ config.css_files = lambda { yaml_config.css_files }
+ config.src_dir = yaml_config.src_dir
+ config.spec_dir = yaml_config.spec_dir
- def jasmine_host
- ENV["JASMINE_HOST"] || 'http://localhost'
- end
- def port
- @port ||= ENV["JASMINE_PORT"] || Jasmine.find_unused_port
- end
- def jasmine_stylesheets
- ::Jasmine::Core.css_files.map {|f| "/__JASMINE_ROOT__/#{f}"}
- end
- def jasmine_javascripts
- ::Jasmine::Core.js_files.map {|f| "/__JASMINE_ROOT__/#{f}" }
- end
diff --git a/lib/jasmine/configuration.rb b/lib/jasmine/configuration.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5014be87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/jasmine/configuration.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+module Jasmine
+ class Configuration
+ attr_writer :jasmine_css_files, :css_files
+ attr_writer :jasmine_files, :boot_files, :src_files, :spec_files
+ attr_accessor :jasmine_path, :spec_path, :boot_path, :src_path
+ attr_accessor :jasmine_dir, :spec_dir, :boot_dir, :src_dir
+ #TODO: these are largely client concerns, move them.
+ attr_accessor :port, :browser, :host, :result_batch_size
+ def initialize()
+ @rack_paths = {}
+ @apps = []
+ @path_mappers = []
+ @jasmine_css_files = lambda { [] }
+ @css_files = lambda { [] }
+ @jasmine_files = lambda { [] }
+ @boot_files = lambda { [] }
+ @src_files = lambda { [] }
+ @spec_files = lambda { [] }
+ end
+ def css_files
+ map(@jasmine_css_files, :jasmine) +
+ map(@css_files, :src)
+ end
+ def js_files
+ map(@jasmine_files, :jasmine) +
+ map(@src_files, :src) +
+ map(@spec_files, :spec) +
+ map(@boot_files, :boot)
+ end
+ def rack_path_map
+ {}.merge(@rack_paths)
+ end
+ def add_rack_path(path, rack_app_lambda)
+ @rack_paths[path] = rack_app_lambda
+ end
+ def rack_apps
+ [] + @apps
+ end
+ def add_rack_app(app, &block)
+ @apps << [app, block]
+ end
+ def add_path_mapper(mapper)
+ @path_mappers << mapper.new(self)
+ end
+ def port
+ @port ||= Jasmine.find_unused_port
+ end
+ def browser
+ @browser || 'firefox'
+ end
+ def host
+ @host || 'http://localhost'
+ end
+ def result_batch_size
+ @result_batch_size || 50
+ end
+ private
+ def map(paths, type)
+ @path_mappers.inject(paths.call) do |paths, mapper|
+ if mapper.respond_to?("map_#{type}_paths")
+ mapper.send("map_#{type}_paths", paths)
+ else
+ paths
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/jasmine/core_configuration.rb b/lib/jasmine/core_configuration.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..28519c7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/jasmine/core_configuration.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+module Jasmine
+ class CoreConfiguration
+ def initialize(core = Jasmine::Core)
+ @core = core
+ end
+ def path
+ @core.path
+ end
+ #TODO: maybe this doesn't belong in CoreConfig
+ def boot_path
+ Jasmine.root('javascripts')
+ end
+ def boot_files
+ Dir.glob(File.join(boot_path, "**"))
+ end
+ def js_files
+ @core.js_files
+ end
+ def css_files
+ @core.css_files
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/jasmine/javascripts/boot.js b/lib/jasmine/javascripts/boot.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a0a2d325
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/jasmine/javascripts/boot.js
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+var jsApiReporter;
+(function() {
+ var jasmineEnv = jasmine.getEnv();
+ jsApiReporter = new jasmine.JsApiReporter();
+ var htmlReporter = new jasmine.HtmlReporter();
+ jasmineEnv.addReporter(jsApiReporter);
+ jasmineEnv.addReporter(htmlReporter);
+ jasmineEnv.specFilter = function(spec) {
+ return htmlReporter.specFilter(spec);
+ };
+ var currentWindowOnload = window.onload;
+ window.onload = function() {
+ if (currentWindowOnload) {
+ currentWindowOnload();
+ }
+ execJasmine();
+ };
+ function execJasmine() {
+ jasmineEnv.execute();
+ }
diff --git a/lib/jasmine/path_expander.rb b/lib/jasmine/path_expander.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..64f2e85d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/jasmine/path_expander.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+module Jasmine
+ class PathExpander
+ def self.expand(base_directory, patterns, globber = Dir.method(:glob))
+ negative, positive = patterns.partition {|pattern| /^!/ =~ pattern}
+ chosen, negated = [positive, negative].collect do |patterns|
+ patterns.map do |path|
+ files = globber.call(File.join(base_directory, path.gsub(/^!/, '')))
+ if files.empty? && !(path =~ /\*|^\!/)
+ files = [File.join(base_directory, path)]
+ end
+ files
+ end.flatten.uniq
+ end
+ chosen - negated
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/jasmine/path_mapper.rb b/lib/jasmine/path_mapper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ed641334
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/jasmine/path_mapper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+module Jasmine
+ class PathMapper
+ def initialize(config)
+ @config = config
+ end
+ def map_src_paths(paths)
+ map(paths, @config.src_dir, @config.src_path)
+ end
+ def map_spec_paths(paths)
+ map(paths, @config.spec_dir, @config.spec_path)
+ end
+ def map_boot_paths(paths)
+ map(paths, @config.boot_dir, @config.boot_path)
+ end
+ def map_jasmine_paths(paths)
+ map(paths, @config.jasmine_dir, @config.jasmine_path)
+ end
+ private
+ def map(paths, remove_path, add_path)
+ paths.map { |path| File.join(add_path, (path.gsub(remove_path, ''))) }
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/jasmine/results_processor.rb b/lib/jasmine/results_processor.rb
index df16e204..0725eaf6 100644
--- a/lib/jasmine/results_processor.rb
+++ b/lib/jasmine/results_processor.rb
@@ -10,27 +10,28 @@ def process(results_hash, suites_hash)
def example_locations
- example_locations = {}
- example_name_parts = []
- previous_indent_level = 0
- @config.spec_files_full_paths.each do |filename|
- line_number = 1
- File.open(filename, "r") do |file|
- file.readlines.each do |line|
- match = /^(\s*)(describe|it)\s*\(\s*["'](.*)["']\s*,\s*function/.match(line)
- if (match)
- indent_level = match[1].length / 2
- example_name = match[3]
- example_name_parts[indent_level] = example_name
+ # example_locations = {}
+ # example_name_parts = []
+ # previous_indent_level = 0
+ # @config.spec_files_full_paths.each do |filename|
+ # line_number = 1
+ # File.open(filename, "r") do |file|
+ # file.readlines.each do |line|
+ # match = /^(\s*)(describe|it)\s*\(\s*["'](.*)["']\s*,\s*function/.match(line)
+ # if (match)
+ # indent_level = match[1].length / 2
+ # example_name = match[3]
+ # example_name_parts[indent_level] = example_name
- full_example_name = example_name_parts.slice(0, indent_level + 1).join(" ")
- example_locations[full_example_name] = "#{filename}:#{line_number}: in `it'"
- end
- line_number += 1
- end
- end
- end
- example_locations
+ # full_example_name = example_name_parts.slice(0, indent_level + 1).join(" ")
+ # example_locations[full_example_name] = "#{filename}:#{line_number}: in `it'"
+ # end
+ # line_number += 1
+ # end
+ # end
+ # end
+ # example_locations
+ {}
diff --git a/lib/jasmine/run.html.erb b/lib/jasmine/run.html.erb
index 030d1872..9c9124e0 100644
--- a/lib/jasmine/run.html.erb
+++ b/lib/jasmine/run.html.erb
@@ -7,43 +7,6 @@
<% css_files.each do |css_file| %>
<% end %>
- <% jasmine_files.each do |jasmine_file| %>
- <% end %>
<% js_files.each do |js_file| %>
<% end %>
diff --git a/lib/jasmine/run_specs.rb b/lib/jasmine/run_specs.rb
index 33f34269..5df89f95 100644
--- a/lib/jasmine/run_specs.rb
+++ b/lib/jasmine/run_specs.rb
@@ -2,18 +2,22 @@
require 'rubygems'
require 'jasmine'
-jasmine_config_overrides = File.expand_path(File.join(Dir.pwd, 'spec', 'javascripts', 'support', 'jasmine_config.rb'))
-require jasmine_config_overrides if File.exist?(jasmine_config_overrides)
if Jasmine::Dependencies.rspec2?
require 'rspec'
require 'spec'
-jasmine_runner_config = Jasmine::RunnerConfig.new
-server = Jasmine::Server.new(jasmine_runner_config.port, Jasmine::Application.app(jasmine_runner_config))
-client = Jasmine::SeleniumDriver.new(jasmine_runner_config.browser, jasmine_runner_config.jasmine_server_url)
+jasmine_yml = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'spec', 'javascripts', 'support', 'jasmine.yml')
+if File.exist?(jasmine_yml)
+config = Jasmine.config
+server = Jasmine::Server.new(config.port, Jasmine::Application.app(config))
+driver = Jasmine::SeleniumDriver.new(config.browser, "#{config.host}:#{config.port}/")
t = Thread.new do
@@ -22,11 +26,11 @@
# # ignore bad exits
t.abort_on_exception = true
-Jasmine::wait_for_listener(jasmine_runner_config.port, "jasmine server")
+Jasmine::wait_for_listener(config.port, "jasmine server")
puts "jasmine server started."
-results_processor = Jasmine::ResultsProcessor.new(jasmine_runner_config)
-results = Jasmine::Runners::HTTP.new(client, results_processor, jasmine_runner_config.result_batch_size).run
+results_processor = Jasmine::ResultsProcessor.new(config)
+results = Jasmine::Runners::HTTP.new(driver, results_processor, config.result_batch_size).run
formatter = Jasmine::RspecFormatter.new
diff --git a/lib/jasmine/runner_config.rb b/lib/jasmine/runner_config.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8293cfac..00000000
--- a/lib/jasmine/runner_config.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-module Jasmine
- class RunnerConfig
- def initialize(config = Jasmine::Config.new)
- @config = config
- end
- def css_files
- @config.jasmine_stylesheets + @config.user_stylesheets
- end
- def jasmine_files
- @config.jasmine_javascripts
- end
- def js_files
- @config.js_files
- end
- def spec_files
- @config.spec_files
- end
- def spec_files_full_paths
- @config.spec_files_full_paths
- end
- def spec_path
- @config.spec_path
- end
- def spec_dir
- @config.spec_dir
- end
- def src_dir
- @config.src_dir
- end
- def project_root
- @config.project_root
- end
- def root_path
- @config.root_path
- end
- def browser
- ENV["JASMINE_BROWSER"] || 'firefox'
- end
- def port
- @config.port
- end
- def jasmine_server_url
- "#{@config.jasmine_host}:#{@config.port}/"
- end
- def src_mapper=(context)
- @config.src_mapper = context
- end
- def src_mapper
- @config.src_mapper
- end
- def result_batch_size
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/jasmine/server.rb b/lib/jasmine/server.rb
index ce6f0010..ac12bb42 100644
--- a/lib/jasmine/server.rb
+++ b/lib/jasmine/server.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Jasmine
class Server
- def initialize(port = 8888, application = Jasmine::Application.app)
+ def initialize(port = 8888, application = nil)
@port = port
@application = application
diff --git a/lib/jasmine/tasks/jasmine.rake b/lib/jasmine/tasks/jasmine.rake
index 6219ad60..76a121fc 100644
--- a/lib/jasmine/tasks/jasmine.rake
+++ b/lib/jasmine/tasks/jasmine.rake
@@ -42,13 +42,12 @@ namespace :jasmine do
task :server => "jasmine:require" do
- jasmine_config_overrides = File.join(Jasmine::Config.new.project_root, 'spec', 'javascripts' ,'support' ,'jasmine_config.rb')
- require jasmine_config_overrides if File.exist?(jasmine_config_overrides)
port = ENV['JASMINE_PORT'] || 8888
puts "your tests are here:"
puts " http://localhost:#{port}/"
- Jasmine::Server.new(port).start
+ Jasmine.load_configuration_from_yaml
+ app = Jasmine::Application.app(Jasmine.config)
+ Jasmine::Server.new(port, app).start
diff --git a/lib/jasmine/yaml_config_parser.rb b/lib/jasmine/yaml_config_parser.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..017b2faf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/jasmine/yaml_config_parser.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+module Jasmine
+ class YamlConfigParser
+ def initialize(path, pwd, path_expander = lambda {}, yaml_loader = lambda {})
+ @path = path
+ @path_expander = path_expander
+ @pwd = pwd
+ @yaml_loader = yaml_loader
+ end
+ def src_dir
+ return @pwd unless loaded_yaml['src_dir']
+ File.join(@pwd, loaded_yaml['src_dir'])
+ end
+ def spec_dir
+ return File.join(@pwd, 'spec', 'javascripts') unless loaded_yaml['spec_dir']
+ File.join(@pwd, loaded_yaml['spec_dir'])
+ end
+ def src_files
+ @path_expander.call(src_dir, loaded_yaml['src_files'] || [])
+ end
+ def spec_files
+ @path_expander.call(spec_dir, loaded_yaml['spec_files'] || [])
+ end
+ def helpers
+ @path_expander.call(spec_dir, loaded_yaml['helpers'] || [])
+ end
+ def css_files
+ @path_expander.call(src_dir, loaded_yaml['stylesheets'] || [])
+ end
+ private
+ def loaded_yaml
+ @yaml_loader.call(@path)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/rack/jasmine/redirect.rb b/lib/rack/jasmine/redirect.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a3103c89..00000000
--- a/lib/rack/jasmine/redirect.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-module Rack
- module Jasmine
- class Redirect
- def initialize(url)
- @url = url
- end
- def call(env)
- [
- 302,
- { 'Location' => @url },
- []
- ]
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/application_integration_spec.rb b/spec/application_integration_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62067ad2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/application_integration_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe "Jasmine::Application" do
+ it "includes no-cache headers for specs" do
+ pending
+ get "/__spec__/example_spec.js"
+ last_response.headers.should have_key("Cache-Control")
+ last_response.headers["Cache-Control"].should == "max-age=0, private, must-revalidate"
+ last_response.headers['Pragma'].each do |key|
+ last_response.headers[key].should == 'no-cache'
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/application_spec.rb b/spec/application_spec.rb
index ead0da10..434fbd9c 100644
--- a/spec/application_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/application_spec.rb
@@ -1,99 +1,44 @@
require 'spec_helper'
-require 'rack/test'
-describe "Jasmine::Application" do
- include Rack::Test::Methods
- def app
- @root = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__))
- runner_config = double("config",
- :project_root => @root,
- :spec_dir => File.join(@root, "fixture", "spec"),
- :spec_path => "/__spec__",
- :root_path => "/__root__",
- :css_files => [],
- :jasmine_files => [],
- :js_files => ["path/file1.js", "path/file2.js"],
- :src_dir => File.join(@root, "fixture", "src"),
- :src_files => ["file1.js"],
- :spec_files => ["example_spec.js"])
- Jasmine::Application.app(runner_config)
- end
- it "includes no-cache headers for specs" do
- get "/__spec__/example_spec.js"
- last_response.headers.should have_key("Cache-Control")
- last_response.headers["Cache-Control"].should == "max-age=0, private, must-revalidate"
- end
- it "should serve static files from spec dir under __spec__" do
- get "/__spec__/example_spec.js"
- last_response.status.should == 200
- last_response.content_type.should == "application/javascript"
- last_response.body.should == File.read(File.join(@root, "fixture/spec/example_spec.js"))
- end
- it "should serve static files from root dir under __root__" do
- get "/__root__/fixture/src/example.js"
- last_response.status.should == 200
- last_response.content_type.should == "application/javascript"
- last_response.body.should == File.read(File.join(@root, "fixture/src/example.js"))
- end
- it "should serve static files from src dir under /" do
- get "/example.js"
- last_response.status.should == 200
- last_response.content_type.should == "application/javascript"
- last_response.body.should == File.read(File.join(@root, "fixture/src/example.js"))
- end
- it "should serve Jasmine static files under /__JASMINE_ROOT__/" do
- get "/__JASMINE_ROOT__/jasmine.css"
- last_response.status.should == 200
- last_response.content_type.should == "text/css"
- last_response.body.should == File.read(File.join(Jasmine::Core.path, "jasmine.css"))
- end
- it "should serve focused suites when prefixing spec files with /__suite__/" do
- pending "Temporarily removing this feature (maybe permanent)"
- Dir.stub!(:glob).and_return { |glob_string| [glob_string] }
- get "/__suite__/file2.js"
- last_response.status.should == 200
- last_response.content_type.should == "text/html"
- last_response.body.should include("\"/__spec__/file2.js")
- end
- it "should redirect /run.html to /" do
- get "/run.html"
- last_response.status.should == 302
- last_response.location.should == "/"
- end
- it "should 404 non-existent files" do
- get "/some-non-existent-file"
- last_response.should be_not_found
- end
- describe "/ page" do
- it "should load each js file in order" do
- get "/"
- last_response.status.should == 200
- last_response.body.should include("path/file1.js")
- last_response.body.should include("path/file2.js")
- end
+#Rspec 1 doesn't correctly pass blocks to stubs, so skip (covered by integration tests)
+if Jasmine::Dependencies.rspec2?
+ describe "Jasmine::Application" do
+ it "should map paths provided by the config" do
+ handler1 = double(:handler1)
+ handler2 = double(:handler2)
+ app1 = double(:app1)
+ app2 = double(:app2)
+ rack_path_map = {"/foo" => lambda { handler1 }, "/bar" => lambda { handler2 }}
+ config = double(:config, :rack_path_map => rack_path_map, :rack_apps => [])
+ builder = double("Rack::Builder.new")
+ #Rack::Builder instance evals, so builder.run is invalid syntax,
+ #this is the only way to stub out the 'run' dsl it gives to the block.
+ Jasmine::Application.stub(:run).with(handler1).and_return(app1)
+ Jasmine::Application.stub(:run).with(handler2).and_return(app2)
+ builder.should_receive(:map).twice do |path, &app|
+ if path == '/foo'
+ app.call.should == app1
+ elsif path == '/bar'
+ app.call.should == app2
+ else
+ raise "Unexpected path passed"
+ end
+ end
- it "should return an empty 200 for HEAD requests to /" do
- head "/"
- last_response.status.should == 200
- last_response.headers['Content-Type'].should == 'text/html'
- last_response.body.should == ''
+ Jasmine::Application.app(config, builder).should == builder
- it "should tell the browser not to cache any assets" do
- head "/"
- ['Pragma'].each do |key|
- last_response.headers[key].should == 'no-cache'
- end
+ it "should run rack apps provided by the config" do
+ app1 = double(:app1)
+ app2 = double(:app2)
+ block = lambda { "foo" }
+ config = double(:config, :rack_path_map => [], :rack_apps => [[app1, nil], [app2, block]])
+ builder = double("Rack::Builder.new")
+ builder.should_receive(:use).with(app1)
+ builder.should_receive(:use).with(app2, &block)
+ Jasmine::Application.app(config, builder).should == builder
diff --git a/spec/base_spec.rb b/spec/base_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab4afe98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/base_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Jasmine do
+ it "should provide the root path" do
+ File.stub(:dirname).and_return('lib/jasmine')
+ File.should_receive(:expand_path) { |path| path }
+ Jasmine.root.should == 'lib/jasmine'
+ end
+ it "should append passed file paths" do
+ File.stub(:dirname).and_return('lib/jasmine')
+ File.should_receive(:expand_path) { |path| path }
+ Jasmine.root('subdir1', 'subdir2').should == File.join('lib/jasmine', 'subdir1', 'subdir2')
+ end
diff --git a/spec/config_spec.rb b/spec/config_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 323dc2dd..00000000
--- a/spec/config_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-require 'selenium-webdriver'
-describe Jasmine::Config do
- describe "configuration" do
- before :each do
- Jasmine::Dependencies.stub(:rails_3_asset_pipeline?) { false }
- temp_dir_before
- Dir::chdir @tmp
- dir_name = "test_js_project"
- `mkdir -p #{dir_name}`
- Dir::chdir dir_name
- `#{@root}/bin/jasmine init .`
- @project_dir = Dir.pwd
- @template_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(@root, "generators/jasmine/templates"))
- @config = Jasmine::Config.new
- end
- after(:each) do
- temp_dir_after
- end
- describe "defaults" do
- it "src_dir uses root when src dir is blank" do
- @config.stub!(:project_root).and_return('some_project_root')
- @config.stub!(:simple_config_file).and_return(File.join(@template_dir, 'spec/javascripts/support/jasmine.yml'))
- YAML.stub!(:load).and_return({'src_dir' => nil})
- @config.src_dir.should == 'some_project_root'
- end
- it "should use correct default yaml config" do
- @config.stub!(:project_root).and_return('some_project_root')
- @config.simple_config_file.should == (File.join('some_project_root', 'spec/javascripts/support/jasmine.yml'))
- end
- end
- describe "simple_config" do
- before(:each) do
- @config.stub!(:src_dir).and_return(File.join(@project_dir, "."))
- @config.stub!(:spec_dir).and_return(File.join(@project_dir, "spec/javascripts"))
- end
- describe "using default jasmine.yml" do
- before(:each) do
- @config.stub!(:simple_config_file).and_return(File.join(@template_dir, 'spec/javascripts/support/jasmine.yml'))
- end
- it "should find the source files" do
- @config.src_files.should =~ ['public/javascripts/Player.js', 'public/javascripts/Song.js']
- end
- it "should find the stylesheet files" do
- @config.stylesheets.should == []
- end
- it "should find the spec files" do
- @config.spec_files.should == ['PlayerSpec.js']
- end
- it "should find any helpers" do
- @config.helpers.should == ['helpers/SpecHelper.js']
- end
- it "should build an array of all the JavaScript files to include, source files then spec files" do
- @config.js_files.should == [
- '/public/javascripts/Player.js',
- '/public/javascripts/Song.js',
- '/__spec__/helpers/SpecHelper.js',
- '/__spec__/PlayerSpec.js'
- ]
- end
- it "should allow the js_files to be filtered" do
- @config.js_files("PlayerSpec.js").should == [
- '/public/javascripts/Player.js',
- '/public/javascripts/Song.js',
- '/__spec__/helpers/SpecHelper.js',
- '/__spec__/PlayerSpec.js'
- ]
- end
- it "should report the full paths of the spec files" do
- @config.spec_files_full_paths.should == [File.join(@project_dir, 'spec/javascripts/PlayerSpec.js')]
- end
- end
- it "should parse ERB" do
- @config.stub!(:simple_config_file).and_return(File.expand_path(File.join(@root, 'spec', 'fixture','jasmine.erb.yml')))
- Dir.stub!(:glob).and_return { |glob_string| [glob_string] }
- @config.src_files.should == ['file0.js', 'file1.js', 'file2.js',]
- end
- describe "if jasmine.yml not found" do
- before(:each) do
- File.stub!(:exist?).and_return(false)
- end
- it "should default to loading no source files" do
- @config.src_files.should be_empty
- end
- it "should default to loading no stylesheet files" do
- @config.stylesheets.should be_empty
- end
- end
- describe "if jasmine.yml is empty" do
- before(:each) do
- @config.stub!(:simple_config_file).and_return(File.join(@template_dir, 'spec/javascripts/support/jasmine.yml'))
- YAML.stub!(:load).and_return(false)
- end
- it "should default to loading no source files" do
- @config.src_files.should be_empty
- end
- it "should default to loading no stylesheet files" do
- @config.stylesheets.should be_empty
- end
- end
- describe "should use the first appearance of duplicate filenames" do
- before(:each) do
- Dir.stub!(:glob).and_return { |glob_string| [glob_string] }
- fake_config = Hash.new.stub!(:[]).and_return { |x| ["file1.ext", "file2.ext", "file1.ext"] }
- @config.stub!(:simple_config).and_return(fake_config)
- end
- it "src_files" do
- @config.src_files.should == ['file1.ext', 'file2.ext']
- end
- it "stylesheets" do
- @config.stylesheets.should == ['file1.ext', 'file2.ext']
- end
- it "spec_files" do
- @config.spec_files.should == ['file1.ext', 'file2.ext']
- end
- it "helpers" do
- @config.spec_files.should == ['file1.ext', 'file2.ext']
- end
- it "js_files" do
- @config.js_files.should == ["/file1.ext",
- "/file2.ext",
- "/__spec__/file1.ext",
- "/__spec__/file2.ext",
- "/__spec__/file1.ext",
- "/__spec__/file2.ext"]
- end
- it "spec_files_full_paths" do
- @config.spec_files_full_paths.should == [
- File.expand_path("spec/javascripts/file1.ext", @project_dir),
- File.expand_path("spec/javascripts/file2.ext", @project_dir)
- ]
- end
- end
- describe "should permit explicity-declared filenames to pass through regardless of their existence" do
- before(:each) do
- Dir.stub!(:glob).and_return { |glob_string| [] }
- fake_config = Hash.new.stub!(:[]).and_return { |x| ["file1.ext", "!file2.ext", "**/*file3.ext"] }
- @config.stub!(:simple_config).and_return(fake_config)
- end
- it "should contain explicitly files" do
- @config.src_files.should == ["file1.ext"]
- end
- end
- describe "should allow .gitignore style negation (!pattern)" do
- before(:each) do
- Dir.stub!(:glob).and_return { |glob_string| [glob_string] }
- fake_config = Hash.new.stub!(:[]).and_return { |x| ["file1.ext", "!file1.ext", "file2.ext"] }
- @config.stub!(:simple_config).and_return(fake_config)
- end
- it "should not contain negated files" do
- @config.src_files.should == ["file2.ext"]
- end
- end
- it "simple_config stylesheets" do
- @config.stub!(:simple_config_file).and_return(File.join(@template_dir, 'spec/javascripts/support/jasmine.yml'))
- YAML.stub!(:load).and_return({'stylesheets' => ['foo.css', 'bar.css']})
- Dir.stub!(:glob).and_return { |glob_string| [glob_string] }
- @config.stylesheets.should == ['foo.css', 'bar.css']
- end
- it "using rails jasmine.yml" do
- ['public/javascripts/prototype.js',
- 'public/javascripts/effects.js',
- 'public/javascripts/controls.js',
- 'public/javascripts/dragdrop.js',
- 'public/javascripts/application.js'].each { |f| `touch #{f}` }
- @config.stub!(:simple_config_file).and_return(File.join(@template_dir, 'spec/javascripts/support/jasmine-rails.yml'))
- @config.spec_files.should == ['PlayerSpec.js']
- @config.helpers.should == ['helpers/SpecHelper.js']
- @config.src_files.should == ['public/javascripts/prototype.js',
- 'public/javascripts/effects.js',
- 'public/javascripts/controls.js',
- 'public/javascripts/dragdrop.js',
- 'public/javascripts/application.js',
- 'public/javascripts/Player.js',
- 'public/javascripts/Song.js']
- @config.js_files.should == [
- '/public/javascripts/prototype.js',
- '/public/javascripts/effects.js',
- '/public/javascripts/controls.js',
- '/public/javascripts/dragdrop.js',
- '/public/javascripts/application.js',
- '/public/javascripts/Player.js',
- '/public/javascripts/Song.js',
- '/__spec__/helpers/SpecHelper.js',
- '/__spec__/PlayerSpec.js',
- ]
- @config.js_files("PlayerSpec.js").should == [
- '/public/javascripts/prototype.js',
- '/public/javascripts/effects.js',
- '/public/javascripts/controls.js',
- '/public/javascripts/dragdrop.js',
- '/public/javascripts/application.js',
- '/public/javascripts/Player.js',
- '/public/javascripts/Song.js',
- '/__spec__/helpers/SpecHelper.js',
- '/__spec__/PlayerSpec.js'
- ]
- end
- end
- end
- describe "jasmine_stylesheets" do
- it "should return the relative web server path to the core Jasmine css stylesheets" do
- #TODO: wrap Jasmine::Core with a class that knows about the core path and the relative mapping.
- Jasmine::Core.stub(:css_files).and_return(["my_css_file1.css", "my_css_file2.css"])
- Jasmine::Config.new.jasmine_stylesheets.should == ["/__JASMINE_ROOT__/my_css_file1.css", "/__JASMINE_ROOT__/my_css_file2.css"]
- end
- end
- describe "jasmine_javascripts" do
- it "should return the relative web server path to the core Jasmine css javascripts" do
- Jasmine::Core.stub(:js_files).and_return(["my_js_file1.js", "my_js_file2.js"])
- Jasmine::Config.new.jasmine_javascripts.should == ["/__JASMINE_ROOT__/my_js_file1.js", "/__JASMINE_ROOT__/my_js_file2.js"]
- end
- end
- describe "when the asset pipeline (or any other sprockets environment) is active" do
- let(:src_files) { ["assets/some.js", "assets/files.js"] }
- let(:mapped_files) { ["some.js", "files.js"] }
- let(:mapper) { double("mapper") }
- let(:config) do
- Jasmine::Config.new.tap do |config|
- #TODO: simple_config should be a passed in hash
- config.stub(:simple_config) { { 'src_files' => src_files} }
- config.src_mapper = mapper
- end
- end
- it "should use the mapper to return src_files" do
- mapper.should_receive(:files).with(src_files).and_return(mapped_files)
- config.src_files.should == mapped_files
- end
- end
- describe "jasmine_host" do
- it "should default to localhost" do
- Jasmine::Config.new.jasmine_host.should == 'http://localhost'
- end
- it "should use ENV['JASMINE_HOST'] if it exists" do
- ENV.stub(:[], "JASMINE_HOST").and_return("foo")
- Jasmine::Config.new.jasmine_host.should == 'foo'
- end
- end
- describe "port" do
- it "should find an unused port" do
- Jasmine.should_receive(:find_unused_port).and_return('1234')
- Jasmine::Config.new.port.should == '1234'
- end
- it "should use ENV['JASMINE_PORT'] if it exists" do
- ENV.stub(:[], "JASMINE_PORT").and_return("foo")
- Jasmine::Config.new.port.should == 'foo'
- end
- it "should cache port" do
- config = Jasmine::Config.new
- Jasmine.stub(:find_unused_port).and_return('1234')
- config.port.should == '1234'
- Jasmine.stub(:find_unused_port).and_return('4321')
- config.port.should == '1234'
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/configuration_spec.rb b/spec/configuration_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3380130b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/configuration_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Jasmine::Configuration do
+ let(:test_mapper1) do
+ Class.new do
+ def initialize(config)
+ @config = config
+ end
+ def map_src_paths(paths)
+ paths.map { |f| "mapped_src/#{f}" }
+ end
+ def map_jasmine_paths(paths)
+ paths.map { |f| "mapped_jasmine/#{f}" }
+ end
+ def map_spec_paths(paths)
+ paths.map { |f| "mapped_spec/#{f}" }
+ end
+ def map_boot_paths(paths)
+ paths.map { |f| "mapped_boot/#{f}" }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ let(:test_mapper2) do
+ Class.new do
+ def initialize(config)
+ @config = config
+ end
+ def map_src_paths(paths)
+ paths.map { |f| "#{f}/src" }
+ end
+ def map_jasmine_paths(paths)
+ paths.map { |f| "#{f}/jasmine" }
+ end
+ def map_spec_paths(paths)
+ paths.map { |f| "#{f}/spec" }
+ end
+ def map_boot_paths(paths)
+ paths.map { |f| "#{f}/boot" }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ let(:test_mapper3) do
+ Class.new do
+ def initialize(config)
+ @config = config
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "returning css files" do
+ it "returns mapped jasmine_css_files + css_files" do
+ config = Jasmine::Configuration.new()
+ config.add_path_mapper(test_mapper1)
+ config.add_path_mapper(test_mapper2)
+ config.add_path_mapper(test_mapper3)
+ config.css_files.should == []
+ config.jasmine_css_files = lambda { ["jasmine_css"] }
+ config.css_files = lambda { ["css"] }
+ config.css_files.should == ['mapped_jasmine/jasmine_css/jasmine', 'mapped_src/css/src']
+ end
+ end
+ describe "returning javascript files" do
+ it "returns the jasmine core files, then srcs, then specs, then boot" do
+ config = Jasmine::Configuration.new()
+ config.add_path_mapper(test_mapper1)
+ config.add_path_mapper(test_mapper2)
+ config.add_path_mapper(test_mapper3)
+ config.js_files.should == []
+ config.jasmine_files = lambda { ['jasmine'] }
+ config.src_files = lambda { ['src'] }
+ config.boot_files = lambda { ['boot'] }
+ config.spec_files = lambda { ['spec'] }
+ config.js_files.should == [
+ 'mapped_jasmine/jasmine/jasmine',
+ 'mapped_src/src/src',
+ 'mapped_spec/spec/spec',
+ 'mapped_boot/boot/boot',
+ ]
+ end
+ end
+ describe "returning rack map" do
+ it "permits arbitrary rack app path mapping" do
+ config = Jasmine::Configuration.new()
+ result = double
+ config.add_rack_path('some/path', lambda { result })
+ map = config.rack_path_map
+ map['some/path'].should be
+ map['some/path'].call.should == result
+ end
+ end
+ describe "rack apps" do
+ it "permits the addition of arbitary rack apps" do
+ config = Jasmine::Configuration.new()
+ app = double
+ config.add_rack_app(app)
+ config.rack_apps.should == [[app, nil]]
+ end
+ it "permits the addition of arbitary rack apps with arbitrary config" do
+ config = Jasmine::Configuration.new()
+ app = double
+ block = lambda { "foo" }
+ config.add_rack_app(app, &block)
+ config.rack_apps.should == [[app, block]]
+ end
+ end
+ describe "port" do
+ it "returns new port and caches return value" do
+ config = Jasmine::Configuration.new()
+ Jasmine.stub(:find_unused_port).and_return('1234')
+ config.port.should == '1234'
+ Jasmine.stub(:find_unused_port).and_return('4321')
+ config.port.should == '1234'
+ end
+ it "returns port if configured" do
+ config = Jasmine::Configuration.new()
+ config.port = '5678'
+ Jasmine.stub(:find_unused_port).and_return('1234')
+ config.port.should == '5678'
+ end
+ end
+ describe "browser" do
+ it "should default to firefox" do
+ Jasmine::Configuration.new().browser.should == 'firefox'
+ end
+ it "returns browser if set" do
+ config = Jasmine::Configuration.new()
+ config.browser = 'foo'
+ config.browser.should == 'foo'
+ end
+ end
+ describe "result_batch_size" do
+ it "should default to 50" do
+ Jasmine::Configuration.new().result_batch_size.should == 50
+ end
+ it "returns result_batch_size if set" do
+ config = Jasmine::Configuration.new()
+ config.result_batch_size = 25
+ config.result_batch_size.should == 25
+ end
+ end
+ describe "host" do
+ it "should default to localhost" do
+ Jasmine::Configuration.new().host.should == 'http://localhost'
+ end
+ it "returns host if set" do
+ config = Jasmine::Configuration.new()
+ config.host = 'foo'
+ config.host.should == 'foo'
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/fixture/jasmine.erb.yml b/spec/fixture/jasmine.erb.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c6b0574..00000000
--- a/spec/fixture/jasmine.erb.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-<% 3.times do |i| %>
- - <%= "file#{i}.js" %>
-<% end %>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/spec/fixture/spec/example_spec.js b/spec/fixture/spec/example_spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7403e49b..00000000
--- a/spec/fixture/spec/example_spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-describe("example_spec", function() {
- it("should be here for path loading tests", function() {
- expect(true).toBe(true);
- }
diff --git a/spec/fixture/src/example.js b/spec/fixture/src/example.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 83c71184..00000000
--- a/spec/fixture/src/example.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-function Example() {
- this.is_here = "for path loading tests";
diff --git a/spec/jasmine_self_test_config.rb b/spec/jasmine_self_test_config.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 16a6b334..00000000
--- a/spec/jasmine_self_test_config.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-require 'jasmine'
-class JasmineSelfTestConfig < Jasmine::Config
- def project_root
- File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ".."))
- end
- def src_dir
- File.join(project_root, 'src')
- end
- def spec_dir
- Jasmine::Core.path
- end
- def spec_files
- Jasmine::Core.html_spec_files + Jasmine::Core.core_spec_files
- end
diff --git a/spec/jasmine_self_test_spec.rb b/spec/jasmine_self_test_spec.rb
index b9527a15..a8d5a5dc 100644
--- a/spec/jasmine_self_test_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/jasmine_self_test_spec.rb
@@ -1,9 +1,16 @@
require 'spec_helper'
-require 'jasmine_self_test_config'
-jasmine_runner_config = Jasmine::RunnerConfig.new(JasmineSelfTestConfig.new)
-server = Jasmine::Server.new(jasmine_runner_config.port, Jasmine::Application.app(jasmine_runner_config))
-client = Jasmine::SeleniumDriver.new(jasmine_runner_config.browser, jasmine_runner_config.jasmine_server_url)
+Jasmine.configure do |config|
+ root = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ".."))
+ config.src_dir = File.join(root, 'src')
+ config.spec_dir = Jasmine::Core.path
+ config.spec_files = lambda { (Jasmine::Core.html_spec_files + Jasmine::Core.core_spec_files).map {|f| File.join(config.spec_dir, f) } }
+config = Jasmine.config
+server = Jasmine::Server.new(config.port, Jasmine::Application.app(config))
+driver = Jasmine::SeleniumDriver.new(config.browser, "#{config.host}:#{config.port}/")
t = Thread.new do
@@ -13,10 +20,10 @@
# # ignore bad exits
t.abort_on_exception = true
-Jasmine::wait_for_listener(jasmine_runner_config.port, "jasmine server")
+Jasmine::wait_for_listener(config.port, "jasmine server")
puts "jasmine server started."
-results_processor = Jasmine::ResultsProcessor.new(jasmine_runner_config)
-results = Jasmine::Runners::HTTP.new(client, results_processor, jasmine_runner_config.result_batch_size).run
+results_processor = Jasmine::ResultsProcessor.new(config)
+results = Jasmine::Runners::HTTP.new(driver, results_processor, config.result_batch_size).run
formatter = Jasmine::RspecFormatter.new
diff --git a/spec/page_spec.rb b/spec/page_spec.rb
index b2db7df2..448a8703 100644
--- a/spec/page_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/page_spec.rb
@@ -6,15 +6,13 @@
describe "#render" do
subject { Nokogiri::HTML(page.render) }
let(:fake_config) do
- OpenStruct.new(:js_files => ["file1.js", "file2.js"],
- :css_files => ["file1.css", "file2.css"],
- :jasmine_files => ["jasmine_file1.js", "jasmine_file2.js"])
+ OpenStruct.new(:js_files => ["file1.js", "file2.js"], :css_files => ["file1.css", "file2.css"])
let(:context) { fake_config }
let(:page) { Jasmine::Page.new(context) }
it "should render javascript files in the correct order" do
js_files = subject.css("script")
- js_files.map { |file| file["src"] }.compact.should == ["jasmine_file1.js", "jasmine_file2.js", "file1.js", "file2.js"]
+ js_files.map { |file| file["src"] }.compact.should == ["file1.js", "file2.js"]
it "should render css files in the correct order" do
diff --git a/spec/path_expander_spec.rb b/spec/path_expander_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1eea3b3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/path_expander_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Jasmine::PathExpander do
+ it "returns absolute paths" do
+ dir_glob = lambda do |pattern|
+ case pattern
+ when 'some_base/src1*'
+ ['some_base/src1.js', 'some_base/src15.js']
+ when 'some_base/src2*'
+ ['some_base/src2.js']
+ else
+ raise "Unexpected pattern received: #{pattern}"
+ end
+ end
+ expanded_files = Jasmine::PathExpander.expand(
+ 'some_base',
+ ['src1*', 'src2*'],
+ dir_glob
+ )
+ expanded_files.should == [
+ File.join('some_base', 'src1.js'),
+ File.join('some_base', 'src15.js'),
+ File.join('some_base', 'src2.js')
+ ]
+ end
+ it "uniqs files" do
+ dir_glob = lambda do |pattern|
+ case pattern
+ when 'some_base/src1*'
+ ['some_base/src1.js', 'some_base/src15.js', 'some_base/src1.js']
+ when 'some_base/src2*'
+ ['some_base/src2.js']
+ else
+ raise "Unexpected pattern received: #{pattern}"
+ end
+ end
+ expanded_files = Jasmine::PathExpander.expand(
+ 'some_base',
+ ['src1*', 'src2*'],
+ dir_glob
+ )
+ expanded_files.should == [
+ File.join('some_base', 'src1.js'),
+ File.join('some_base', 'src15.js'),
+ File.join('some_base', 'src2.js')
+ ]
+ end
+ it "supports negation of passed patterns" do
+ dir_glob = lambda do |pattern|
+ case pattern
+ when 'some_base/src1*'
+ ['some_base/src1.js', 'some_base/src15.js']
+ when 'some_base/src1.js'
+ ['some_base/src1.js']
+ when 'some_base/src2*'
+ ['some_base/src2.js']
+ else
+ raise "Unexpected pattern received: #{pattern}"
+ end
+ end
+ expanded_files = Jasmine::PathExpander.expand(
+ 'some_base',
+ ['src1*', '!src1.js', 'src2*'],
+ dir_glob
+ )
+ expanded_files.should == [
+ File.join('some_base', 'src15.js'),
+ File.join('some_base', 'src2.js')
+ ]
+ end
+ it "passes through files that are not found by the globber and are not negations and not globs" do
+ #this is designed to support asset pipeline files that aren't found.
+ dir_glob = lambda do |pattern|
+ []
+ end
+ expanded_files = Jasmine::PathExpander.expand(
+ 'some_base',
+ ['src1*', '!src1.js', 'src2.js'],
+ dir_glob
+ )
+ expanded_files.should == [
+ File.join('some_base', 'src2.js')
+ ]
+ end
diff --git a/spec/path_mapper_spec.rb b/spec/path_mapper_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..55f7d55e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/path_mapper_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Jasmine::PathMapper do
+ it "correctly remaps src files" do
+ config = double(:config, :src_dir => '/src_dir', :src_path => '/__src__')
+ mapper = Jasmine::PathMapper.new(config)
+ mapper.map_src_paths(['/src_dir/foo']).should == ['/__src__/foo']
+ mapper.map_src_paths(['foo/bar']).should == ['/__src__/foo/bar']
+ end
+ it "correctly remaps spec files" do
+ config = double(:config, :spec_dir => '/spec_dir', :spec_path => '/__spec__')
+ mapper = Jasmine::PathMapper.new(config)
+ mapper.map_spec_paths(['/spec_dir/foo']).should == ['/__spec__/foo']
+ mapper.map_spec_paths(['foo/bar']).should == ['/__spec__/foo/bar']
+ end
+ it "correctly remaps jasmine files" do
+ config = double(:config, :jasmine_dir => '/jasmine_dir', :jasmine_path => '/__jasmine__')
+ mapper = Jasmine::PathMapper.new(config)
+ mapper.map_jasmine_paths(['/jasmine_dir/foo']).should == ['/__jasmine__/foo']
+ mapper.map_jasmine_paths(['foo/bar']).should == ['/__jasmine__/foo/bar']
+ end
+ it "correctly remaps boot files" do
+ config = double(:config, :boot_dir => '/boot_dir', :boot_path => '/__boot__')
+ mapper = Jasmine::PathMapper.new(config)
+ mapper.map_boot_paths(['/boot_dir/foo']).should == ['/__boot__/foo']
+ mapper.map_boot_paths(['foo/bar']).should == ['/__boot__/foo/bar']
+ end
+ it "handles edge case where dir == path" do
+ config = double(:config, :src_dir => '/src_dir', :src_path => '/src_dir')
+ mapper = Jasmine::PathMapper.new(config)
+ mapper.map_src_paths(['/src_dir/foo']).should == ['/src_dir/foo']
+ end
diff --git a/spec/runner_config_spec.rb b/spec/runner_config_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c5d1d757..00000000
--- a/spec/runner_config_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-require 'selenium-webdriver'
-describe Jasmine::RunnerConfig do
- describe "css_files" do
- it "should return the jasmine stylesheets and any user defined stylesheets" do
- jasmine_stylesheets = ['some/css/file']
- user_stylesheets = ['some/user/file']
- user_config = double("config", :jasmine_stylesheets => jasmine_stylesheets, :user_stylesheets => user_stylesheets)
- Jasmine::RunnerConfig.new(user_config).css_files.should == jasmine_stylesheets + user_stylesheets
- end
- end
- describe "jasmine_files" do
- it "should return the jasmine files from the config" do
- jasmine_files = ['some/file']
- user_config = double('config', :jasmine_javascripts => jasmine_files)
- Jasmine::RunnerConfig.new(user_config).jasmine_files.should == jasmine_files
- end
- end
- describe "js_files" do
- it "should return the user js files from the config" do
- js_files = ['some/file']
- user_config = double('config', :js_files => js_files)
- Jasmine::RunnerConfig.new(user_config).js_files.should == js_files
- end
- end
- describe "spec_files" do
- it "should return the user spec_files from the config" do
- spec_files = ['some/file']
- user_config = double('config', :spec_files => spec_files)
- Jasmine::RunnerConfig.new(user_config).spec_files.should == spec_files
- end
- end
- describe "spec_files_full_paths" do
- it "should return the user spec_files_full_paths from the config" do
- spec_files_full_paths = ['some/file_path']
- user_config = double('config', :spec_files_full_paths => spec_files_full_paths)
- Jasmine::RunnerConfig.new(user_config).spec_files_full_paths.should == spec_files_full_paths
- end
- end
- describe "spec_path" do
- it "should return the user spec_path from the config" do
- spec_path = ['some/path']
- user_config = double('config', :spec_path => spec_path)
- Jasmine::RunnerConfig.new(user_config).spec_path.should == spec_path
- end
- end
- describe "spec_dir" do
- it "should return the user spec_dir from the config" do
- spec_dir = ['some/dir']
- user_config = double('config', :spec_dir => spec_dir)
- Jasmine::RunnerConfig.new(user_config).spec_dir.should == spec_dir
- end
- end
- describe "src_dir" do
- it "should return the user src_dir from the config" do
- src_dir = ['some/dir']
- user_config = double('config', :src_dir => src_dir)
- Jasmine::RunnerConfig.new(user_config).src_dir.should == src_dir
- end
- end
- describe "project_root" do
- it "should return the user project_root from the config" do
- project_root = ['some/dir']
- user_config = double('config', :project_root => project_root)
- Jasmine::RunnerConfig.new(user_config).project_root.should == project_root
- end
- end
- describe "root_path" do
- it "should return the user root_path from the config" do
- root_path = ['some/path']
- user_config = double('config', :root_path => root_path)
- Jasmine::RunnerConfig.new(user_config).root_path.should == root_path
- end
- end
- describe "browser" do
- it "should default to firefox" do
- Jasmine::RunnerConfig.new.browser.should == 'firefox'
- end
- it "should use ENV['JASMINE_BROWSER'] if it exists" do
- ENV.stub(:[], "JASMINE_BROWSER").and_return("foo")
- Jasmine::RunnerConfig.new.browser.should == 'foo'
- end
- end
- describe "src_mapper" do
- it "should update the src_mapper in the user_config" do
- config = Jasmine::RunnerConfig.new(user_config = Jasmine::Config.new)
- mapper = double("mapper")
- config.src_mapper = mapper
- config.src_mapper.should == mapper
- user_config.src_mapper.should == mapper
- end
- end
- describe "jasmine_server_url" do
- it "should return the correct server url" do
- host = "the host"
- port = "484"
- user_config = double('config', :jasmine_host => host, :port => port)
- Jasmine::RunnerConfig.new(user_config).jasmine_server_url.should == "#{host}:#{port}/"
- end
- end
- describe "port" do
- it "should return the port from the config" do
- user_config = double('config', :port => 80)
- Jasmine::RunnerConfig.new(user_config).port.should == 80
- end
- end
- describe "result batch size" do
- subject { Jasmine::RunnerConfig.new.result_batch_size }
- context "when not specified" do
- it("should use default") { should == 50 }
- end
- context "when overridden" do
- before { ENV.stub(:[], "JASMINE_RESULT_BATCH_SIZE").and_return("500") }
- it { should be(500) }
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/server_spec.rb b/spec/server_spec.rb
index 4275b4f7..f2333b71 100644
--- a/spec/server_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/server_spec.rb
@@ -27,14 +27,14 @@
it "should create a Rack::Server with the correct port when passed" do
port = 1234
Rack::Server.should_receive(:new).with(hash_including(:Port => port)).and_return(double(:server).as_null_object)
- Jasmine::Server.new(port).start
+ Jasmine::Server.new(port, double(:app)).start
it "should start the server" do
server = double(:server)
Rack::Server.should_receive(:new) { server.as_null_object }
- Jasmine::Server.new.start
+ Jasmine::Server.new('8888', double(:app)).start
it "should set the app as the instance variable on the rack server" do
diff --git a/spec/yaml_config_parser_spec.rb b/spec/yaml_config_parser_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..67c0da99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/yaml_config_parser_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Jasmine::YamlConfigParser do
+ # before :each do
+ # Jasmine::Dependencies.stub(:rails_3_asset_pipeline?) { false }
+ # temp_dir_before
+ # Dir::chdir @tmp
+ # dir_name = "test_js_project"
+ # `mkdir -p #{dir_name}`
+ # Dir::chdir dir_name
+ # `#{@root}/bin/jasmine init .`
+ # @project_dir = Dir.pwd
+ # @template_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(@root, "generators/jasmine/templates"))
+ # @config = Jasmine::Config.new
+ # end
+ # after(:each) do
+ # temp_dir_after
+ # end
+ it "src_dir uses current working directory when src dir is blank" do
+ yaml_loader = lambda do |path|
+ if path == "some_path"
+ {"src_dir" => nil}
+ end
+ end
+ parser = Jasmine::YamlConfigParser.new('some_path', 'some_project_root', nil, yaml_loader)
+ parser.src_dir.should == 'some_project_root'
+ end
+ it "src_dir returns src_dir if set" do
+ yaml_loader = lambda do |path|
+ if path == "some_path"
+ {"src_dir" => 'some_src_dir'}
+ end
+ end
+ parser = Jasmine::YamlConfigParser.new('some_path', 'some_project_root', nil, yaml_loader)
+ parser.src_dir.should == File.join('some_project_root', 'some_src_dir')
+ end
+ it "spec_dir uses default path when spec dir is blank" do
+ yaml_loader = lambda do |path|
+ if path == "some_path"
+ {"spec_dir" => nil}
+ end
+ end
+ parser = Jasmine::YamlConfigParser.new('some_path', 'some_project_root', nil, yaml_loader)
+ parser.spec_dir.should == File.join('some_project_root', 'spec', 'javascripts')
+ end
+ it "spec_dir returns spec_dir if set" do
+ yaml_loader = lambda do |path|
+ if path == "some_path"
+ {"spec_dir" => "some_spec_dir"}
+ end
+ end
+ parser = Jasmine::YamlConfigParser.new('some_path', 'some_project_root', nil, yaml_loader)
+ parser.spec_dir.should == File.join('some_project_root', 'some_spec_dir')
+ end
+ it "expands src_file paths" do
+ expander = lambda do |dir, patterns|
+ if (dir == File.join('some_project_root', 'some_src') && patterns == ['some_patterns'])
+ ['expected_results']
+ end
+ end
+ yaml_loader = lambda do |path|
+ if path == "some_path"
+ { 'src_dir' => 'some_src', 'src_files' => ['some_patterns'] }
+ end
+ end
+ parser = Jasmine::YamlConfigParser.new('some_path', 'some_project_root', expander, yaml_loader)
+ parser.src_files.should == ['expected_results']
+ end
+ it "expands stylesheets paths" do
+ expander = lambda do |dir, patterns|
+ if (dir == File.join('some_project_root', 'some_src') && patterns == ['some_patterns'])
+ ['expected_results']
+ end
+ end
+ yaml_loader = lambda do |path|
+ if path == "some_path"
+ { 'src_dir' => 'some_src', 'stylesheets' => ['some_patterns'] }
+ end
+ end
+ parser = Jasmine::YamlConfigParser.new('some_path', 'some_project_root', expander, yaml_loader)
+ parser.css_files.should == ['expected_results']
+ end
+ it "expands spec_file paths" do
+ expander = lambda do |dir, patterns|
+ if (dir == File.join('some_project_root', 'some_spec') && patterns == ['some_patterns'])
+ ['expected_results']
+ end
+ end
+ yaml_loader = lambda do |path|
+ if path == "some_path"
+ { 'spec_dir' => 'some_spec', 'spec_files' => ['some_patterns'] }
+ end
+ end
+ parser = Jasmine::YamlConfigParser.new('some_path', 'some_project_root', expander, yaml_loader)
+ parser.spec_files.should == ['expected_results']
+ end
+ it "expands helper paths" do
+ expander = lambda do |dir, patterns|
+ if (dir == File.join('some_project_root', 'some_spec') && patterns == ['some_patterns'])
+ ['expected_results']
+ end
+ end
+ yaml_loader = lambda do |path|
+ if path == "some_path"
+ { 'spec_dir' => 'some_spec', 'helpers' => ['some_patterns'] }
+ end
+ end
+ parser = Jasmine::YamlConfigParser.new('some_path', 'some_project_root', expander, yaml_loader)
+ parser.helpers.should == ['expected_results']
+ end
+ it "doesn't blow up when blank values are passed" do
+ expander = lambda do |dir, patterns|
+ raise 'bad arguments' unless patterns.is_a?(Array)
+ []
+ end
+ yaml_loader = lambda do |path|
+ {}
+ end
+ parser = Jasmine::YamlConfigParser.new({}, 'some_project_root', expander, yaml_loader)
+ parser.src_files.should == []
+ parser.spec_files.should == []
+ parser.css_files.should == []
+ parser.helpers.should == []
+ end
+ # it "should parse ERB" do
+ # @config.stub!(:simple_config_file).and_return(File.expand_path(File.join(@root, 'spec', 'fixture','jasmine.erb.yml')))
+ # Dir.stub!(:glob).and_return { |glob_string| [glob_string] }
+ # @config.src_files.should == ['file0.js', 'file1.js', 'file2.js',]
+ # end