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Quick Start Guide

Table of Contents


Follow these instructions to get started with the Stellar Disbursement Platform (SDP).

Quick Setup and Deployment


  • Docker: Make sure you have Docker installed on your system. If not, you can download it from here.
  • Git: You will need Git to clone the repository. You can download it from here.
  • Go: If you want to use the script to create Stellar accounts and a .env file, you will need to have Go installed on your system. You can download it from here.
  • jq: If you want to use the script to bring up the local environment, you will need to have jq installed. You can install it using Homebrew:
brew install jq

Clone the repository:

git clone

Update local DNS

This update is needed to simulate the multi-tenant capabilities of the SDP. The SDP uses the subdomain of the request URL to resolve the tenant. Be sure that the added tenant hosts are included in the host configuration file. To check it, you can run the command cat /etc/hosts. To include them, you can run command sudo nano /etc/hosts and insert the lines below:       bluecorp.stellar.local       redcorp.stellar.local       pinkcorp.stellar.local

Automated Stellar Account Creation and .env Configuration

To automatically create Stellar accounts for SEP10 authentication and a distribution wallet, and to set up the necessary configuration values in a .env file, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the dev directory:
cd dev
  1. Run the script:

The script will generate new keypairs with a USDC funded distribution account and create the .env file with the following configuration values. Example:

# Generate a new keypair for SEP-10 signing

# Generate a new keypair for the distribution account


# Distribution signer

Install Multi-tenant SDP Locally

To spin up all necessary Docker containers and provision sample tenants.

cd dev

Login to the SDP and send a Disbursement


In the following section, we will assume you're using the bluecorp tenant that was provisioned when you ran

The setup script will print Login information for each tenant.

Login URLs for each tenant:
πŸ”—Tenant `redcorp`: [http://redcorp.stellar.local:3000](http://redcorp.stellar.local:3000)
  username: `[email protected]`
  password: `Password123!`
πŸ”—Tenant `bluecorp`: [http://bluecorp.stellar.local:3000](http://bluecorp.stellar.local:3000)
  username: `[email protected]`
  password: `Password123!`
πŸ”—Tenant `pinkcorp`: [http://pinkcorp.stellar.local:3000](http://pinkcorp.stellar.local:3000)
  username: `[email protected]`
  password: `Password123!`
  1. Navigate to the SDP frontend service by opening a browser and going to http://bluecorp.stellar.local:3000.

    SDP Login
  2. Create First Disbursement

    • Click New Disbursement+ on the Dashboard screen. You should see a funded distribution account ready for your disbursement.
    • Use Demo Wallet as your wallet and choose a verification method.
    • Select United States as the Country.
    • Select Date of Birth as the verification method.
  3. Create and Upload a Disbursement File

    • A sample file template is available sample-disbursement.csv.
    • Make sure to update the invalid phone numbers before using it.
    • Here is an example of a disbursement file with a single payment:
    • In this example, when registering, the payment receiver will be asked to verify their phone number and date of birth which will need to match the payment file instructions.

    • Upload the CSV and then click the Review button. When you are ready to start the disbursement, click the Confirm disbursement button.

    alt text
  4. View the Disbursement Details Dashboard

    Navigate to Disbursement Details and see the payment in the disbursement is currently in a Ready state. This means the receiver has yet to accept the invitation and deposit the funds.

    Disbursement Details

Receive Payment to Digital Wallet (Deposit Flow)

Now deposit the disbursement payment into the digital wallet using the SEP-24 deposit flow from the Wallet Client Wallet to SDP.

  1. Access locally installed demo-wallet in your browser.

  2. Click on Generate Keypair for new account to generate a new keypair. Make sure to save your public key & secret if you want to use this account later.

  3. Click Create account (in front of public key) to actually create the account on the Stellar testnet.

  4. Your newly created account will have 10,000 XLM.

    Demo Wallet
  5. Add USDC by clicking Add from preset assets link, selecting the USDC Checkbox and clicking Override Home Domain to edit the home domain. Enter http://bluecorp.stellar.local:8000 and click the Confirm button.

    Demo Wallet
  6. Click the Add trustline link next to the Select Action dropdown.

    Add Trustline
  7. In the USDC Select action dropdown, select SEP-24 Deposit and then click the Start button.

    SEP-24 Deposit
  8. In the new window, enter the phone number +13163955627 from the disbursement CSV payment.

    Enter Phone Number
  9. To verify the payment, enter the passcode and date of birth. You can use 000000 passcode or find the actual passcode in the sdp-api container logs.

    Verify Payment
  10. The SEP-24 interactive pop-up will confirm the registration was successful. At this point, the SDP can associate the wallet address with the receiver phone number. It should then start processing the transaction to send the payment. If you check the dashboard, the payment should be in a PENDING state.

    Pending Payment
  11. Once complete, the payment status will be Success and your wallet will have the USDC.

    Successful Payment

Additional Development Environment Details

Stellar Accounts and .env File

You need to create and configure two Stellar accounts to use the SDP. You can either create the accounts manually use the provided script to automate the process.

Option 1: Manually Create and Configure Accounts

  1. Create and fund a Distribution account that will be used for sending funds to receivers. Follow the instructions here.
  2. Create a SEP-10 account for authentication. It can be created the same way as the distribution account but it doesn't need to be funded.
  3. Create a .env file in the dev directory by copying the env.example file:
    cp .env.example .env
  4. Update the .env file with the public and private keys of the two accounts created in the previous steps.

Option 2: Use script to create accounts and .env file

You can use the script to automatically create a stellar accounts for SEP-10 authentication and a funded (XLM and USDC) Stellar distribution account. To run the script:

  1. Use script to create stellar accounts and .env file automatically:
    1. Navigate to the dev directory from the terminal:
    cd dev
    1. Run the in the scripts folder.
    You should see output as follows:
    ❯ scripts/
    ====> πŸ‘€ Checking if .env environment file exists in <REPO_ROOT>/stellar-disbursement-platform-backend/dev
    .env file does not exist. Creating
    Generating SEP-10 signing keys...
    Generating distribution keys with funding...
    .env file created successfully 
    ====> βœ… Finished .env setup

Building the SDP Docker Containers

A wrapper script has been included to help you bring up a local environment. The script stops and removes existing Docker containers, optionally deletes persistent volumes, and then uses Docker Compose to bring up new containers for the Stellar Disbursement Platform (SDP). This includes the SDP, Anchor Platform (for user registration), PostgreSQL database, Kafka for event handling, and a local demo wallet instance. It then initializes tenants if they don't exist and adds test users, setting up the local environment for the SEP-24 deposit flow.

  1. Execute the following command to create all the necessary Docker containers needed to run SDP as well as provision sample tenants:

This will spin up the following services:

  • sdp_v2_database: The main SDP and TSS database.
  • anchor-platform-postgres-db: Database used by the anchor platform.
  • anchor-platform: A local instance of the anchor platform.
  • sdp-api: SDP service running on port 8000.
  • sdp-tss: Transaction Submission service.
  • sdp-frontend: SDP frontend service running on port 3000.
  • demo-wallet: The demo wallet client that will be used as a receiver wallet, running on port 4000.

Using Kafka for Event Handling

Using Kafka for event handling is optional. If you want to use Kafka, you can start the Kafka service by running the following command from the dev directory:

docker compose -p sdp-multi-tenant -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-kafka.yml up -d

This will start the following containers on top of the ones listed above:

  • kafka: Kafka service running on ports 9092, 9094(external).
  • kafka-init: Initial workflow to exec into the Kafka container and create topics.

Remote Debugging

To help collaborators debug remotely against the Docker containers, the environment started with also launches a development version of the Dockerfile (Dockerfile-development). This builds and runs a debug Docker container for the SDP. A sample launch.json is provided.

Follow these steps to debug remotely using VS Code or IntelliJ GoLang:

Ensure Docker Containers are Running:

Make sure the Docker containers are up and running by executing the script:


Using VS Code:

  1. Open the Project in VS Code:
  2. Place the launch.json file in the .vscode directory within your project. A sample launch.json is available here.
  3. Open the Debug panel by clicking on the Debug icon in the Activity Bar on the side of VS Code.
  4. Select the DEBUG SDP-API configuration (as configured in the sample launch.json) from the dropdown.
  5. Click the green play button or press F5 to start debugging.

Using IntelliJ GoLang:

  1. Open the Project in IntelliJ: Open your project in IntelliJ.

  2. Configure Remote Debugging:

    • Go to Run > Edit Configurations.
    • Click on the + icon and select Go Remote.
    • Fill in the configuration details:
      • Name: DEBUG SDP-API
      • Host:
      • Port: 2345
      • Package path: (your project path)
      • Mode: remote
      • Remote Path: /app/
      • Local Path: /${workspaceFolder}/stellar-disbursement-platform-backend

The debugger should now attach to the running Docker container, and you should be able to hit breakpoints and debug your code.

Monitoring the SDP

The SDP supports monitoring via Prometheus and Grafana.

Start Prometheus and Grafana containers

The containers can be started by running the following command from the dev directory:

docker compose -p sdp-multi-tenant -f docker-compose-monitoring.yml up -d

This will start the following services:

  • prometheus: Prometheus service running on port 9090.
  • grafana: Grafana service running on port 3002.

Load the SDP Grafana Dashboard

  1. Access the Grafana dashboard by opening a browser and going to http://localhost:3002.
  2. Log in with the default credentials:
    • Username: admin
    • Password: admin
  3. Click on the + icon on the left sidebar and select Import Dashboard.
  4. Copy the contents of the dashboard.json file and paste it into the Import via dashboard JSON model text box.


Sample Tenant Management Postman collection

A sample Postman collection is available in the sample directory. It contains endpoints for managing tenants, authentication, and other operations. You can import SDP.postman_collection.json into Postman to easily interact with the API.

Distribution account out of funds

Making payments requires transaction fees that are paid in XLM from the distribution account. Payments will start failing if the distribution account does not have enough XLM to pay for these fees. To check this:

  • Find the distribution account public key in dev/docker-compose.yml under the variable DISTRIBUTION_PUBLIC_KEY
  • Access in your browser and check the balance.
  • You could also check the balance using demo wallet
  • If the balance is indeed low, here are some of the options to add additional XLM to the distribution account:

-- from the dev directory run the create_and_fund.go script and specify an existing account using the --secret option to specify the account secret key and the --fundxlm` option to add additional xlm via friendbot. Note: you will need to install golang. example:

./go run scripts/create_and_fund.go --secret SECRET_KEY --fundxlm

-- Create a new funded account via Demo Wallet website and send funds to the Distribution account.

  • Access in your browser.
  • Click on Generate Keypair for new account to create a new testnet account. Your account comes with 10,000 XLM.
  • Click on Send and enter the distribution account public key and the amount you want to send.
  • Using Freighter or Stellar Laboratory, swap the XLM for USDC if you wish to test with USDC.
  • Just use the newly created account (with 10,000 XLM) as the distribution account by updating the DISTRIBUTION_PUBLIC_KEY variable in dev/docker-compose.yml and restarting the sdp-api container.