0.13.1 (2025-01-16)
- button: set fixed height to the ghost variant so it doesn't change when adding an icon (c2d94cb)
- chip: prevent cut of the descender of the lables of small sized chips (#259) (08f5365)
- dropdown,icon,popup: don't create a inline or a block box (c2d94cb)
- export LeuElement (68603d4)
- select: add missing background color (c4d5117)
0.13.0 (2025-01-08)
0.12.2 (2024-12-05)
- input: define an explicit height for small sized input (b25bedb)
0.12.1 (2024-12-04)
- input: define explicit height of native input field to ensure consistent height of the element (63527d8)
0.12.0 (2024-12-02)
0.11.1 (2024-11-25)
- 🐛 implemented font-feature-settings for all components (#243) (4ce502f)
- fixed transition animation in accordion to match zhweb (#245) (11950f1)
0.11.0 (2024-10-07)
- range: implement range element (2a87ed0)
0.10.0 (2024-09-12)
- add dialog component (805be86)
- layout: add reusable grid definitions as custom properties (#233) (4e7367c)
- theme: add font feature settings as a custom property (#237) (0fc5c5f)
- typography: add regular curves and use 'official' curve names (#231) (0f29fb6)
0.9.0 (2024-07-24)
- menu-item: add multipleSelection property to display a check icon (#227) (02358cc)
- spinner: implement spinner animation element (ba6257e)
- theme: add :host pseudo class so that the theme can be used in a shadow root (#221) (66e4676)
- use new zh web typeface inter (#224) (820deca)
- button: remove border to match sizes of the design system (#223) (9fa2cbb)
- checkbox: avoid 'undefined' values and fallback to an empty string (2f9f95f)
- dropdown: properly handle the document click events when the element is used in a shadow dom (0c6c5a9)
- radio: avoid 'undefined' values and fallback to an empty string (2f9f95f)
- select: properly handle the document click events when the element is used in a shadow dom (0c6c5a9)
0.8.0 (2024-07-16)
- chip: add getValue method that returns either the value or the text content of the chip (78eb332)
- checkbox-group: use lowercase values for orientation attribute (da68c5e)
- don't define dependencies in the constructor. add version variable for better comparison (14eda96)
- menu-item: apply correct active colors to match style guide and to be wcag compliant (#211) (1f8e957)
- menu-item: use textContent instead of innerText to avoid triggering a reflow (78eb332)
- radio-group: use lowercase values for orientation attribute (da68c5e)
0.7.0 (2024-07-08)
- chip-group: implement value setter (dd1557a)
- input: add inputAsNumber getter that matches the native inputs method with the same name (552f1ff)
- chip-group: handle the chip children during the event capture phase (552f1ff)
- radio-group: handle the radio children during the event capture phase (552f1ff)
0.6.0 (2024-07-01)
- icon: create an icon element (0a8351c)
- icon: render a placeholder if the name of the icon is unknown or not set (a7dae7c)
- menu-item: implement getValue method (9846e87)
- menu-item: use hover and highlighted styling for focus too (78c3e68)
- menu: avoid captured key events from navigating the whole page (#191) (c40fc4e)
- menu: implement roving tab index (78c3e68)
- menu: move all focus handling to the menu component (9846e87)
- register dependency elements not before the dependent element (4dfddcd)
- select: always close the popup when focus leaves the element (9846e87)
- select: set max height of the menu (9846e87)
- select: use arrow buttons to navigate to listbox from the text input field (9846e87)
- buttons should inherit font-family (9846e87)
- button: set aria-expanded on the actual interactive element (78c3e68)
- dropdown: replace hardcoded icon with a slot (#189) (8954616)
- icon: mark icon as presentational so it won't be announced by screen readers (#186) (5d3d427)
- icon: remove faulty paths (0a8351c)
- input: avoid overlap by hiding the label (#182) (d4edc51)
- menu-item: allow disabled menu items to still be focusable (78c3e68)
- menu-item: apply tab-index to the actual interactive element (9846e87)
- menu-item: only add aria attribute to the button element (78c3e68)
- menu-item: remove deprecated properties before and after (78c3e68)
- menu-item: use colors that are WCAG AA compliant (5c59899)
- menu: only add role when no role was defined before (78c3e68)
- popup: define a z-index value for the popup content (#184) (72ec681)
- popup: reflect properties to attributes (#200) (44aec79)
- radio: remove label property as it is not used anymore (e105a6e)
- select: add background to apply button (9846e87)
- select: move leu-menu element into the shadow dom so the role is fully controlled (9846e87)
- select: only call focus if the element is available (5c59899)
- select: set correct aria attributes (9846e87)
0.5.1 (2024-05-23)
- button: truncate the label instead of wrapping it (4118c0b)
- dropdown: limit button width to allow the label to be truncated (4118c0b)
0.5.0 (2024-05-02)
- button: reflect aria-checked, aria-selected and role (8e11d3e)
- chip-group: add optional label to the chip group (03cc159)
- dropdown: close dropdown with a click outside the element or with pressing escape (#146) (8b07146)
- export type declaration files and add type checking (#155) (781ff9a)
- input: add step attribute that will be reflected to the native input element (59aa303)
- scroll-top: implement scroll-top component (07c670c)
- theme: define custom properties for all font styles and curves (#142) (fadafde)
- visually-hidden: implement a utility component to visually hide content (98143c6)
- chip: prefix custom event according to the event naming guidelines (4d3709c)
- chip: truncate text instead of wrapping inside the chip (03cc159)
- chip: use correct aria attribute to represent the state of the chip (4d3709c)
- input: avoid empty strings to be converted to the value zero (59aa303)
- pagination: add a visually hidden label for the page input field (98143c6)
- pagination: define visually hidden labels for the buttons (201464b)
0.4.0 (2024-02-21)
- breadcrumbs: implement breadcrumb component (#71) (9e0583a)
- breadcrumbs: use popup component to display menu (85f9f88)
- checkbox: use property instead of slot to set legend and label (d571d66)
- dropdown: close dropdown when a menu-item child was clicked (1c1cee9)
- dropdown: use popup component to display menu (85f9f88)
- menu-item: add href property to use menu-item as a link (6c203e8)
- popup: implement a helper component to build floating ui components (85f9f88)
- select: use popup component to display item list (85f9f88)
- generator-script: replace hardcoded value with a placeholder (#77) (ff0a152)
- input: avoid undefined string as value of the input element (#114) (e33865a)
- input: dispatch an input event when the inner input fires an input event (#94) (ea0969a)
- input: fix the postion of the label when the input is invalid (425639f)
- menu-item: specify a disabled style for menu items (1c1cee9)
- pagination: delegate focus to the input element (#126) (6288318)
- pagination: only dispatch change event when the actual value has changed (490df0c)
- pagination: remove most keydown handling to avoid interference with keyboard shortcuts (490df0c)
- pagination: set all default values to 1 to prevent invalid states (#129) (9330ef7)
- select: adjust to the new leu-input api (d571d66)
- select: adjust to the new menu-item api (#128) (5acdab8)
- table: use a page state that can be passed to the pagination for a two way binding (490df0c)
0.3.0 (2023-11-30)
- checkbox: remove tabIndex allocation because the property is not used by the component anymore (4999754)
- radio: remove tabIndex allocation because the property is not used by the component anymore (abc9c85)
0.2.0 (2023-11-28)
- accordion: implement accordion component (b962d2c)
- input: move focus into the input field after clearing the value (#55) (ec92026)
- select: add a more specific label if no options are available (#57) (9ed62bf)
- select: close the select element if a click happens outside of the element (#58) (b2df185)
- input: delegate focus to the actual input field (ee9b21d)
- menu: enforce styles of the hr element with important as they are part of the light dom (d6d7a3f)
- select: actually set the filter input ref and use the correct attribute (ee9b21d)
- theme: fix a typo inside the hex notation (82a6961)
0.1.0 (2023-11-15)
- use the transform class property babel plugin for the build (e582230)
- build all the available components (f7c27c5)
0.0.2 (2023-11-15)
- release 0.0.2 (4371479)
- select: change optionFilter (rename) from a reactive property to internal state
- select: The value property is not a string anymore but an array.
- button: change negative to inverted to get a consistent API between components
- add button-group (#37) (fd5d170)
- add HasSlotController which helps to identify if a slot has content (bc7581e)
- add select component (58409af)
- add size,comments and update twitter (2e1ae9b)
- add table (624016a)
- button: add fluid option to take up full width of the parent container (3e066b2)
- button: add ghost variant (f397503)
- button: Implement LeuButton component (aa26a1a)
- chip: Implement chip components (971cb4b)
- define global box-shadow styles (24753ba)
- define viewports as a preperation for postcss (#17) (e11a819)
- dropdown: add basic dropdown component (6896b46)
- input: add error attribute to display server side errors (#40) (1ba3a6f)
- input: implement text input component (5815327)
- menu-item: add an EMPTY icon option to align the label with other items that have an icon (d7c3fa1)
- menu-item: add disabled attribute/property (f150a17)
- menu-item: add highlighted property/attribute as a way to set a style similiar to hover (f150a17)
- menu: create menu component abstraction (6896b46)
- pagination: implement pagination component (0b3c11f)
- select: reimplement and simplify the select element with a dialog element (f150a17)
- button: use same border-radius value as other input elements do (d88ca25)
- correct filename for button export (16b04d0)
- Pagination: remove comment of page property (21c73e6)
- select: remove unnecessary function call (4f9c6e5)
- select: use fluid option to use the available space (a0e2eb4)
- select: use the correct name of the close method (a24fd0b)
- theme: reference the font styles on our server (611afd0)
- release 0.0.1 (198ce36)