- Less than 30cm away from where I was a nanosecond ago.
- https://github.com/ckuethe
Orbit Stuff
Purely Python based Satellite Tracking Tool
Open-source satellite tracker and pass predictor for Android, inspired by Gpredict
Open Auto Tracking System for satellite tracking or target tracking.
🌎📡 TypeScript Astrodynamics Software for Non-Engineers. 3D Visualization of satellite data and the sensors that track them.
Javascript 3D satellite tracker library with up-to-date data from CELESTRAK. Uses Three.js, React and satellite.js for orbit prediction.
RocketTraker is designed for tracking rocket launches using off-the-shelf telescope hardware with trajectory predictions from flightclub.io. See Astronomy Live for a video tutorial.
C++ Orbit Determination code originally by Scott Campbell
Python version of the SGP4 satellite position library
TLE Tailor is a set of pure-python tools to generate Two Line Element Sets (TLEs) for Earth-orbiting satellites.
EXPERIMENTAL! USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Automatic tracking of satellites with video guidance
Real-time satellite tracker and orbit propagator
Python utilities for processing satellite position observations and managing TLEs
python wrapper for orbit-fitting code of Bernstein and Khushalani
implements emcee to fit Keplerian orbits to mock direct imaging data
Precise Fortran code to compute sats orbital elements from 3 observed positions