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--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-## [Traffic Engineering Applying Value at Risk](https://teavar.csail.mit.edu)
+## [Traffic Engineering Applying Value at Risk](http://teavar.csail.mit.edu)
TEAVAR is a traffic engineering scheme that balances utilization and availability to provide bandwidth guarantees at a desired SLA. This codebase also includes a simulation framework that was used to test TEAVAR, as well as implementations of other traffice engineering algorithms in Julia.
## Getting started
@@ -13,7 +14,11 @@ TEAVAR is a traffic engineering scheme that balances utilization and availabilit
-3. Switch to JuMP version ------:
+3. Install [JuMP](https://github.com/JuliaOpt/JuMP.jl) version v0.18.5 using the Julia REPL:
+ ```
+ julia> ]
+ (v1.0) pkg>add JuMP@0.18.5
+ ```
4. Include certain files using:
@@ -22,9 +27,30 @@ TEAVAR is a traffic engineering scheme that balances utilization and availabilit
Note: Most TE algorithms in this codebase are implemented as Linear Programs and require the [Gurobi](http://www.gurobi.com/) solver.
-### Outline
+**Using Pre-built binaries:**
+Instead of installing Julia and using the Julia REPL to run different files, we have compiled the codebase into binaries available on [Mac](http://teavar.csail.mit.edu/builds/mac) and [Linux](http://teavar.csail.mit.edu/builds/mac). To install these go to our homepage or follow the links above.
+1. Install the binary for your operating system
+2. Unzip the file
+tar -xvf linuxbuild.tar.gz
+unzip maxbuild.zip
+3. Run the file teavar. Add -help or -h for more information on accepted parameters
+./teavar -help
+## Outline:
All data used for TEAVAR evaluations is in the data folder. Each folder contains a topology. A topology must include 3 files.
1. nodes.txt
@@ -34,17 +60,17 @@ All data used for TEAVAR evaluations is in the data folder. Each folder contains
3. demand.txt
A set of demands in matrix form or list form. (See data/Custom/demand.txt for list form)
Results from experiments are saved in data/raw. Each experiment has its own folder in data/raw that contains a counter and saves each experiment run results in a folder with the counter number. Results used in the paper have been moved from data/raw to gnuplot/data.
Data for plots used in TEAVAR can be found in the gnuplot/data folder. All plotting code is also in gnuplot folder (gnuplot/*.gp) and each plotting file outputs plots to gnuplot/plots.
Gnuplot can be installed on OSX using homebrew (```brew install gnuplot```) or linux using apt (```apt get gnuplot```). More information on gnuplot can be [found on the gnuplot website](http://www.gnuplot.info/).
-**TE Schemes**
+**TE Schemes:**
All TE schemes (mostly case as linear programs) can be found by name in the Algorithms folder.
## Credits
-See the [list contributors](https://teavar.csail.mit.edu).
+See the [list contributors](http://teavar.csail.mit.edu).
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