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FNGgames edited this page Jun 22, 2017 · 26 revisions

Unity Tutorials

This tutorial will teach how to create a simple "Hello World!" program in the Unity game engine with Entitas. The aim is to familiarize you with the different pieces that make up the Entitas framework, how they interact with each other, and how to structure your code inside an Entitas project. Best place to start if you're an experienced Unity developer that's new to Entitas.

As part of this tutorial you will see how to represent game state in Entitas (as components) and how to render that game state using Unity functionality (via systems). You'll also see how to pass Unity user-input into components that other systems can react to and carry out related game logic. Finally you'll implement a very simple AI system that allows entities to carry out movement commands issued by mouse clicks.

This simple tutorial shows you how to create a simple component, entity, system and game controller using the Entitas code generator in Unity.

A simple tutorial to show you how to create MultiReactiveSystems - systems that operate over multiple contexts. These are extremely useful for boiler-plate systems that will be required throughout your game, and help eliminate the need for many separate systems that are identical but for the context-specific types declared in the code.

An in depth example of how to create entities in one context that can then trigger behaviours in other contexts. Useful for input systems and networking where inputs are propagated across different players.

Other Tutorials

This tutorial provides a brief introduction to using Entitas-lang with Entitas. In it you will learn how to install Entatas-lang and all required dependencies, then create a simple combat system with Entitas-lang where a player can attack enemies in the game by pressing the space bar.


In this Unite Europe 2015 talk Maxim Zaks & Simon Schmid from Wooga introduce data driven entity-component-system architecture in the Unity game engine using the Entitas framework.

In this Unite Europe 2016 talk Simon Schmid and Maxim Zaks from Wooga explain how to make Entitas work nicely with existing Unity systems such as user input, physics, UI and more.

At the Chicago Game Developer Meetup (2016) James McMahon from Lucid Dream Party gives an introduction to Entity Component System architecture in Unity using the Entitas framework.

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