From 945dde0077f96153ab87e1d5692a9db2fa4fe2e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Steve Kennedy <>
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2021 10:16:19 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] GoDaddy Updates

- Support for domains longer than 3 segments (ex.
- No need for GODADDY_BASE.  Domain will be automatically determined from full RR name.
- Update to delete challenge records.
 dns_scripts/00GoDaddy-README.txt |  63 -------
 dns_scripts/GoDaddy-README.txt   |   2 +
 dns_scripts/dns_add_godaddy      |   2 +-
 dns_scripts/dns_del_godaddy      |   2 +-
 dns_scripts/dns_godaddy          | 312 ++++++++++++-------------------
 5 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 262 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 dns_scripts/00GoDaddy-README.txt

diff --git a/dns_scripts/00GoDaddy-README.txt b/dns_scripts/00GoDaddy-README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9973556e..00000000
--- a/dns_scripts/00GoDaddy-README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-Using GoDaddy DNS for LetsEncrypt domain validation.
-Quick guide to setting up getssl for domain validation of
-GoDaddy DNS domains.
-There are two prerequisites to using getssl with GoDaddy DNS:
-1) Obtain an API access key from
-   At first sign-up, you will be required to take a "test" key.
-   This is NOT what you need.  Accept it, then get a "Production"
-   key.  At this writing, there is no charge - but you must have
-   a GoDaddy customer account.
-   You must get the API key for the account which owns the domain
-   that you want to get certificates for.  If the domains that you
-   manage are owned by more than one account, get a key for each.
-   The access key consists of a "Key" and a "Secret".  You need
-   both.
-2) Obtain -
-With those in hand, the installation procedure is:
-1) Put in the getssl DNS scripts directory 
-   Default: /usr/share/getssl/dns_scripts
-2) Open your config file (the global file in ~/.getssl/getssl.cfg
-   or the per-account file in ~/.getssl/
-3) Set the following options:
-   DNS_ADD_COMMAND="/usr/share/getssl/dns_scripts/dns_add_godaddy"
-   DNS_DEL_COMMAND="/usr/share/getssl/dns_scripts/dns_del_godaddy"
-   # The API key for your account/this domain
-   export GODADDY_KEY="..." GODADDY_SECRET="..."
-   # The base domain name(s) in which the challege records are stored
-   # E.g. if is in the zone:
-   export GODADDY_BASE=""
- 4) Set any other options that you wish (per the standard
-   directions.)  Use the test CA to make sure that
-   everything is setup correctly.
-That's it.  getssl will now validate with DNS.
-To trace record additions and removals, run getssl as
-There are additional options, which are documented in the
-*godaddy" files and dns_godaddy -h.
-Copyright (C) 2017, 2018 Timothe Litt  litt at acm _dot org
-This sofware may be freely used providing this notice is included with
-all copies.  The name of the author may not be used to endorse
-any other product or derivative work.  No warranty is provided
-and the user assumes all responsibility for use of this software.
-Report any issues to
diff --git a/dns_scripts/GoDaddy-README.txt b/dns_scripts/GoDaddy-README.txt
index d58ba737..54db3b8e 100644
--- a/dns_scripts/GoDaddy-README.txt
+++ b/dns_scripts/GoDaddy-README.txt
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ With those in hand, the installation procedure is:
    # The API key for your account/this domain
    export GODADDY_KEY="..." GODADDY_SECRET="..."
+   # If you have been using GODADDY_BASE previously, then it is no
+   longer necessary.  The base domain will automatically be determined.
  4) Set any other options that you wish (per the standard
    directions.)  Use the test CA to make sure that
diff --git a/dns_scripts/dns_add_godaddy b/dns_scripts/dns_add_godaddy
index f9be7453..0baf3126 100755
--- a/dns_scripts/dns_add_godaddy
+++ b/dns_scripts/dns_add_godaddy
@@ -38,4 +38,4 @@ export GODADDY_KEY
-$GODADDY_SCRIPT -q add "${fulldomain}" "_acme-challenge.${fulldomain}." "${token}"
+$GODADDY_SCRIPT -q add "_acme-challenge.${fulldomain}." "${token}"
diff --git a/dns_scripts/dns_del_godaddy b/dns_scripts/dns_del_godaddy
index 4a3228f7..692dff89 100755
--- a/dns_scripts/dns_del_godaddy
+++ b/dns_scripts/dns_del_godaddy
@@ -36,4 +36,4 @@ export GODADDY_KEY
-$GODADDY_SCRIPT -q del "${fulldomain}" "_acme-challenge.${fulldomain}." "${token}"
+$GODADDY_SCRIPT -q del "_acme-challenge.${fulldomain}." "${token}"
diff --git a/dns_scripts/dns_godaddy b/dns_scripts/dns_godaddy
index 0d41e6a1..cdcfed31 100755
--- a/dns_scripts/dns_godaddy
+++ b/dns_scripts/dns_godaddy
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2017,2018 Timothe Litt  litt at acm _dot org
 PROG="`basename $0`"
 # This script is used to update TXT records in GoDaddy DNS server
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ while getopts 'dhj:k:s:t:qv' opt; do
             cat <<EOF
-    $PROG [-dt -h -j JSON -k:KEY -s:SECRET -q] add domain name data [ttl]
-    $PROG [-dt -h -j JSON -k:KEY -s:SECRET -q] del domain name data
+    $PROG [-dt -h -j JSON -k:KEY -s:SECRET -q] add name data [ttl]
+    $PROG [-dt -h -j JSON -k:KEY -s:SECRET -q] del name data
 Add or delete TXT records from GoDaddy DNS
@@ -59,8 +59,6 @@ Arguments:
     del - remove the specified record from the domain
-    domain is the domain name, e.g.
     name is the DNS record name to add, e.g.
          Note that trailing '.' is significant in DNS.
@@ -73,9 +71,6 @@ Arguments:
     For minimal trace output (to override -q), define GODADDY_TRACE="y".
-    -b    Domain name(s) in which challenge records are stored
-          E.g. often, is stored in
-          Default from GODADDY_BASE
     -d    Provide debugging output - all requests and responses
     -h    This help.
     -j:   Location of Default `dirname $0`/, or
@@ -88,7 +83,6 @@ Options
     All output, except for this help text, is to stderr.
 Environment variables
-    GODADDY_BASE    Domain name(s) in which challenge records are stored
     GODADDY_JSON    location of the script
     GODADDY_KEY     default API key
     GODADDY_SCRIPT  location of this script, default location of
@@ -149,19 +143,13 @@ if ! [[ "$op" =~ ^(add|del)$ ]]; then
     echo "Operation must be \"add\" or \"del\"" >&2
     exit 3
-if [ -z "$domain" ]; then
-    echo "'domain' parameter is required, see -h" >&2
-    exit 3
 if [ -z "$name" ]; then
     echo "'name' parameter is required, see -h" >&2
     exit 3
 ! [[ "$name" =~ [.]$ ]] && name="${name}.${domain}."
 if [ -z "$data" ]; then
     echo "'data' parameter is required, see -h" >&2
     exit 3
@@ -207,28 +195,92 @@ fi
 [ -n "$DEBUG" ] &&  echo "$authhdr" >&2
-if [ "$op" = "add" ]; then
-    # May need to retry due to zone cuts
-    while [[ "$domain" =~ [^.]+\.[^.]+ ]]; do
-        reqname="$name"
-        # The API doesn't trim the base domain from the name (it used to)
-        # If specified, remove any listed base.
-        if [ -n "$GODADDY_BASE" ]; then
-            for GDB in $GODADDY_BASE; do
-                gdb="`echo "$GDB" | sed -e's/\\.$//;s/\\./\\\\./g;'`"
-                gdb="^(.+)\\.$gdb\\.?$"
-                if [[ "$name" =~ $gdb ]]; then
-                    reqname="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
-                    break;
-                fi
-            done
-        else
-            eval 'reqname="$''{name%'"'.$domain.'}"'"'
+#strip off the last period
+if [[ "$name" =~ ^.+\. ]]; then
+        name=${name%?}
+# GoDaddy REST API URL is in the format /v1/domains/{domain}/records/{type}/{name}
+# for adding/updating (PUT) or deleting (DELETE) a record. The API will support up 
+# to three segments in domain names (ex. and
+# in order to determine which domain the API call will affect (both and 
+# will result in the modification of the domain.  Any 
+# more than three segments (ex. will result in 
+# the API throwing a MISMATCH_FORMAT error.
+# Examples
+# 1. If was provided to this script as the domain parameter, and 
+# was provided as the name, then the URL 
+#    /v1/domains/ will be used which
+# 2. If was provided to this script as the domain parameter, 
+#    and was provided as the name, then the 
+#    URL /v1/domains/ will be used.
+# Determine the domain and the name to use for the API the URL
+# The name parameter given to us is in the format challenge.domain.
+# (ex - note the trailing period).  We will just
+# use the name given us to determine the domain
+while [[ "$name" =~ ^([^.]+)\.([^.]+.*) ]]; do
+        if [ -n "${reqname}" ]; then reqname="${reqname}."; fi
+        reqname="${reqname}${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
+        testdomain="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"
+        name=$testdomain
+        if [[ ! "$name" =~ [^.]+\.[^.]+ ]]; then
+                exit 1
+        fi
+        url="$API/$testdomain"
+        [ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo "Looking for domain ${testdomain}"
+        response="$(curl -i -s -X GET --config - "${url}" <<EOF
+                header = "Content-Type: application/json"
+                header = "$authhdr"
+        sts=$?
+        [ -n "$DEBUG" ] && cat >&2 <<EOF
+curl status = $sts
+        if [ $sts -ne 0 ]; then
+            echo "curl error $sts querying domain" >&2
+            exit $sts
-        url="$API/$domain/records/TXT/$reqname"
+        if echo "$response" | grep -q '^HTTP/.* 200 '; then
+            [ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo "Found domain ${testdomain}"
+            reqdomain=${testdomain}
+            break
+        fi
+        code="`echo "$response" | grep '"code":' | sed -e's/^.*"code":"//; s/\".*$//'`"
+        if [ "$code" = 'NOT_FOUND' ]; then
+                continue
+        fi
+if [ -z "$reqdomain" ] || [ -z "$reqname" ]; then
+    echo "Unable to determine domain or RR name" >&2
+    exit 3
+if [ "$op" = "add" ]; then
+        url="$API/$reqdomain/records/TXT/$reqname"
         [ -n "$DEBUG" ] && cat >&2 <<EOF
@@ -252,54 +304,38 @@ curl status = $sts
-        if [ $sts -ne 0 ]; then
-            echo "curl error $sts adding record" >&2
-            exit $sts
-        fi
-        if ! echo "$result" | grep -q '^HTTP/.* 200 '; then
-            code="`echo "$result" | grep '"code":' | sed -e's/^.*"code":"//; s/\".*$//'`"
-            msg="`echo "$result" | grep '"message":' | sed -e's/^.*"message":"//; s/\".*$//'`"
-            if [ "$code" = "DUPLICATE_RECORD" ]; then
-                if [ -n "$VERB" ]; then
-                    echo "$msg in $domain" >&2
-                fi
-                exit 0 # Duplicate record is still success
-            fi
-            if [ "$code" = 'UNKNOWN_DOMAIN' ]; then
-                if [[ "$domain" =~ ^([^.]+)\.([^.]+\.[^.]+.*) ]]; then
-                    [ -n "$DEBUG" ] && \
-                        echo "$domain unknown, trying ${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" >&2
-                    domain="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"
-                    continue;
-                fi
+    if [ $sts -ne 0 ]; then
+        echo "curl error $sts adding record" >&2
+        exit $sts
+    fi
+    if ! echo "$result" | grep -q '^HTTP/.* 200 '; then
+        code="`echo "$result" | grep '"code":' | sed -e's/^.*"code":"//; s/\".*$//'`"
+        msg="`echo "$result" | grep '"message":' | sed -e's/^.*"message":"//; s/\".*$//'`"
+        if [ "$code" = "DUPLICATE_RECORD" ]; then
+            if [ -n "$VERB" ]; then
+                echo "$msg in $domain" >&2
-            echo "Request failed $msg" >&2
-            exit 1
+            exit 0 # Duplicate record is still success
-        [ -n "$VERB" ] && echo "$domain: added $name $ttl TXT \"$data\"" >&2
-        exit 0
-    done
+        echo "Request failed $msg" >&2
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    [ -n "$VERB" ] && echo "$reqdomain: added $reqname $ttl TXT \"$data\"" >&2
+    exit 0
-# ----- Delete
-# There is no delete API
-# But, it is possible to replace all TXT records.
-# So, first query for all TXT records
-# May need to retry due to zone cuts
-while [[ "$domain" =~ [^.]+\.[^.]+ ]]; do
-    url="$API/$domain/records/TXT"
-    [ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo "Query for TXT records to: $url" >&2
+if [ "$op" = "del" ]; then
+    url="$API/$reqdomain/records/TXT/$reqname"
+    [ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo "Deleting challenge TXT records at: $url" >&2    
-    current="$(curl -i -s -X GET --config - "$url" <<EOF
-                        header = "$authhdr" 
+    current="$(curl -i -s -X DELETE --config - "$url" <<EOF
+                    header = "$authhdr" 
     if [ $sts -ne 0 ]; then
         echo "curl error $sts for query" >&2
@@ -312,132 +348,14 @@ Response
     if ! echo "$current" | grep -q '^HTTP/.* 200 '; then
         code="`echo "$current" | grep '"code":' | sed -e's/^.*"code":"//; s/\".*$//'`"
         msg="`echo "$current" | grep '"message":' | sed -e's/^.*"message":"//; s/\".*$//'`"
-        if [ "$code" = "UNKNOWN_DOMAIN" ]; then
-            if [[ "$domain" =~ ^([^.]+)\.([^.]+\.[^.]+.*) ]]; then
-                [ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo \
-                     "$domain unknown, trying ${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" >&2
-                domain="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"
-                continue;
-            fi
-        fi
         echo "Request failed $msg" >&2
         exit 1
-    # Remove headers
-    current="$(echo "$current" | sed -e'0,/^\r*$/d')"
-    break
-    # The zone cut is known, so the replace can't fail due to UNKNOWN domain
-if [ "$current" = '[]' ]; then # No TXT records in zone
-    [ -n "$VERB" ] && echo "$domain: $name TXT \"$data\" does not exist" >&2
-    [ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo "No TXT records in $domain" >&2
-    exit 1  # Intent was to change, so error status
-[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo "Response is valid"
-# Prepare request to replace TXT RRSET
-# Parse JSON and select only the record structures, which are [index] { ...}
-current="$(echo "$current" | $JSON | sed -n -e'/^\[[0-9][0-9]*\]/{ s/^\[[0-9][0-9]*\]//; p}')"
-[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && cat >&2 <<EOF
-# Remove the desired record.  The name must be relative. Order varies.
-eval 'name="$''{name%'"'.$domain.'}"'"'
-match="$(printf '"name":"%s","data":"%s","ttl":' "$name" "$data")"
-cmd="$(printf 'echo %s%s%s | grep -v %s%s%s' "'" "$current" "'" "'" "$match" "'")"
-eval 'new="$('"$cmd"')"'
-match="$(printf '"data":"%s","name":"%s","ttl":' "$data" "$name")"
-cmd="$(printf 'echo %s%s%s | grep -v %s%s%s' "'" "$current" "'" "'" "$match" "'")"
-eval 'new="$('"$cmd"')"'
-if [ "$new" = "$base" ]; then
-    [ -n "$VERB" ] && echo "$domain: $name TXT \"$data\" does not exist" >&2
-    exit 1 # Intent was to change DNS, so this is an error
-# Remove whitespace and insert needed commmas
-new=$(echo "$new" | sed -e"s/}/},/g; \$s/},/}/;" | tr -d '\t\n')
-if [ -z "$new" ]; then
-    [ -n "$VERB" ] && echo "Replacing last TXT record with a dummy (see -h)" >&2
-    new='{"type":"TXT","name":"_dummy.record_","data":"_This record is not used_","ttl":601}'
-    dummy="t"
-    TAB=$'\t'
-    fmtnew="${TAB}$new"
-    if [ "$fmtnew" = "$base" ]; then
-        [ -n "$VERB" ] && echo "This tool can't delete a placeholder when it is the only TXT record" >&2
-        exit 0 # Not really success, but retrying won't help.
-    fi
+    [ -n "$VERB" ] && echo "$reqdomain: deleted $reqname TXT \"$data\"" >&2
+    exit 0
-[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && cat >&2 <<EOF
-New TXT RRSET will be
-[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && cat >&2 <<EOF
-Replace (delete) request to: $url
-result="$(curl -i -s -X PUT -d  "$request" --config - "$url" <<EOF
-               header = "Content-Type: application/json"
-               header = "$authhdr"
-[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && cat >&2 <<EOF
-curl status = $sts
-if [ $sts -ne 0 ]; then
-    echo "curl error $sts deleting record" >&2
-    exit $sts
-if ! echo "$result" | grep -q '^HTTP/.* 200 '; then
-    result="$(echo "$result" | sed -e'0,/^\r*$/d')"
-    code="`echo "$result" | grep '"code":' | sed -e's/^.*"code":"//; s/\".*$//'`"
-    msg="`echo "$result" | grep '"message":' | sed -e's/^.*"message":"//; s/\".*$//'`"
-    echo "Request failed $msg" >&2
-    exit 1
-if [ -n "$VERB" ]; then
-    if [ -n "$dummy" ]; then
-        echo "$domain: replaced $name TXT \"$data\" with a placeholder" >&2
-    else
-        echo "$domain: deleted $name TXT \"$data\"" >&2
-    fi
-exit 0

From cc6a3d054cc87046a02ac08036b33038166ba7f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Steve Kennedy <>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 00:46:11 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Add BASH implementation of Route 53 scripts

 dns_scripts/ |  37 +++++++
 dns_scripts/dns_add_route53   |  18 +++
 dns_scripts/dns_del_route53   |  18 +++
 dns_scripts/dns_route53       | 199 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 272 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 dns_scripts/
 create mode 100755 dns_scripts/dns_add_route53
 create mode 100755 dns_scripts/dns_del_route53
 create mode 100644 dns_scripts/dns_route53

diff --git a/dns_scripts/ b/dns_scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b078a782
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dns_scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Using Route53 BASH scripts for LetsEncrypt domain validation.
+## Quick guide to setting up getssl for domain validation of Route53 DNS domains.
+There a few prerequisites to using getssl with Route53 DNS:
+1. You will need to set up an IAM user with the necessary permissions to modify resource records in the hosted zone.
+   - route53:ListHostedZones
+   - route53:ChangeResourceRecordSets
+1. You will need the AWS CLI Client installed on your machine.
+1. You will need to configure the client for the IAM user that has permission to modify the resource records.
+With those in hand, the installation procedure is:
+1. Open your config file (the global file in ~/.getssl/getssl.cfg
+   or the per-account file in ~/.getssl/
+1. Set the following options:
+   - VALIDATE_VIA_DNS="true"
+   - DNS_ADD_COMMAND="/usr/share/getssl/dns_scripts/dns_add_route53"
+   - DNS_DEL_COMMAND="/usr/share/getssl/dns_scripts/dns_del_route53"
+   The AWS CLI profile to use (will use _default_ if not specified)
+   - export AWS*CLI_PROFILE="\_profile name*"
+1. Set any other options that you wish (per the standard
+   directions.) Use the test CA to make sure that
+   everything is setup correctly.
+That's it. getssl will now validate with DNS.
+There are additional options, which are documented in `dns_route53 -h`
diff --git a/dns_scripts/dns_add_route53 b/dns_scripts/dns_add_route53
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..88e3f0b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dns_scripts/dns_add_route53
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Add token to Route53 dns using dns_route53 bash version
+[ -z "$ROUTE53_SCRIPT" ] && ROUTE53_SCRIPT="/usr/share/getssl/dns_scripts/dns_route53"
+[[ "$ROUTE53_SCRIPT" =~ ^~ ]] && \
+    eval 'ROUTE53_SCRIPT=`readlink -nf ' $ROUTE53_SCRIPT '`'
+if [ ! -x "$ROUTE53_SCRIPT" ]; then
+    echo "$ROUTE53_SCRIPT: not found.  Please install, softlink or set ROUTE53_SCRIPT to its full path"
+    echo "See ROUTE53-README.txt for complete instructions."
+    exit 3
+$ROUTE53_SCRIPT -q add "${fulldomain}." "${token}"
diff --git a/dns_scripts/dns_del_route53 b/dns_scripts/dns_del_route53
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..79a05700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dns_scripts/dns_del_route53
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Delete token from Route53 dns using dns_route53 bash version
+[ -z "$ROUTE53_SCRIPT" ] && ROUTE53_SCRIPT="/usr/share/getssl/dns_scripts/dns_route53"
+[[ "$ROUTE53_SCRIPT" =~ ^~ ]] && \
+    eval 'ROUTE53_SCRIPT=`readlink -nf ' $ROUTE53_SCRIPT '`'
+if [ ! -x "$ROUTE53_SCRIPT" ]; then
+    echo "$ROUTE53_SCRIPT: not found.  Please install, softlink or set ROUTE53_SCRIPT to its full path"
+    echo "See ROUTE53-README.txt for complete instructions."
+    exit 3
+$ROUTE53_SCRIPT -q del "${fulldomain}." "${token}"
diff --git a/dns_scripts/dns_route53 b/dns_scripts/dns_route53
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f1aaab7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dns_scripts/dns_route53
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+PROG="$(basename "$0")"
+while getopts 'dhp:t:z:i:qv' opt; do
+    case $opt in
+        d) DEBUG="Y"                                   ;;
+        p) AWS_CLI_PROFILE="$OPTARG"                   ;;
+        q) QUIET=                                      ;;
+        v) echo "dns_route53 version $VERSION"; exit 0 ;;
+        z) ROUTE53_HOSTED_ZONE_NAME="$OPTARG"          ;;
+        i) ROUTE53_HOSTED_ZONE_ID="$OPTARG"            ;;
+        *)
+            cat <<EOF
+    $PROG [-dt -q] add name data [ttl]
+    $PROG [-dt -h -p "aws-profile-name" -q] del name data
+Add or delete TXT records from Route53 Hosted Zone
+You must have the AWS CLI installed and a profile configured for this script to work.
+	The IAM user that the profile uses requires the following action permissions in AWS:
+	- route53:ListHostedZones - Not necessary if zone ID is available to this script
+	- route53:ChangeResourceRecordSets
+With getssl, this script is called from the dns_add_route53 and
+dns_del_route53 wrapper scripts.
+    add - add the specified record to the domain
+    del - remove the specified record from the domain
+    name is the fully qualified record name to create the challenge for e.g. Note that trailing '.' is necessary.  Also note that _acme-challenge. will automatically be prepended by this script
+    data is the record data, e.g. "myverificationtoken"
+    ttl is optional and will default to 120 if not specified
+    If it is necessary to turn on debugging externally, define
+    ROUTE53_DEBUG="y" (any non-null string will do).
+    For minimal trace output (to override -q), define ROUTE53_TRACE="y".
+    -d    Provide debugging output - all requests and responses
+    -h    This help.
+    -i:   The hosted zone ID
+    -p:   The AWS CLI profile to use.  Will use default if not specified
+    -q:   Quiet - omit normal success messages
+    -z:   The hosted zone name. Will be used to determine the zone ID if ID was not provided
+    All output, except for this help text, is to stderr.
+Environment variables
+    ROUTE53_SCRIPT   location of this script
+    ROUTE53_HOSTED_ZONE_NAME The name of the hosted zone name.  If not specified, then the name will be determined from the record name provided to this script
+    ROUTE53_HOSTED_ZONE_ID The id of the hosted zone to be used instead of trying to automatically determine the ID
+    AWS_CLI_PROFILE  the aws cli profile to use if not using default
+    Report any issues to
+            exit 0
+            ;;
+    esac
+shift $((OPTIND-1))
+if [ -z "$AWS_CLI_PROFILE" ]; then
+    echo "AWS_CLI_PROFILE not defined.  Using default" >&2
+    AWS_CLI_PROFILE=default
+if ! [[ "$op" =~ ^(add|del)$ ]]; then
+    echo "Operation must be \"add\" or \"del\"" >&2
+    exit 3
+if [ -z "$name" ]; then
+    echo "'name' parameter is required, see -h" >&2
+    exit 3
+if [ -z "$data" ]; then
+    echo "'data' parameter is required, see -h" >&2
+    exit 3
+if [ "$op" = 'del' ]; then
+    ttl=120
+elif [ -z "$5" ]; then
+    ttl="120"
+elif ! [[ "$5" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
+    echo "TTL $5 is not numeric" >&2
+    exit 3
+elif [ "$5" -lt 120 ]; then
+    [ -n "$VERB" ] && \
+        echo "$5 is too small.  Using TTL of 120 instead" >&2
+    ttl="120"
+    ttl="$5"
+# end processing parameters
+[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && \
+    echo "$PROG: $op $name \"$data\" $ttl" >&2
+# Determine what actual hosted zone to use.
+# Function to parse through the segments in the supplied name
+# to determine the zone and its id
+function determine_hosted_zone_name_and_id() {
+    TMP_NAME=$name
+	while [[ "$TMP_NAME" =~ ^([^.]+)\.([^.]+.*) ]]; do
+		if [ -n "${TMP_RR_NAME}" ]; then 
+		fi
+		testdomain="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"
+		[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo "Testing hosted zone ${testdomain}"
+		TMP_NAME=$testdomain
+		if [[ ! "$TMP_NAME" =~ [^.]+\.[^.]+ ]]; then
+			[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo "No segments left"
+				exit 1
+		fi
+		TMP_ZONE_ID=$(aws --profile=${AWS_CLI_PROFILE} route53 list-hosted-zones --query "HostedZones[?Name=='${testdomain}'].Id | [0]" | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//')
+		if [ "${TMP_ZONE_ID}" != "null" ]; then
+			[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo "Found hosted zone ${testdomain}"
+			HOSTED_ZONE_NAME=${testdomain}
+			break
+		fi
+	done
+# If zone ID is specified, then use it to determine the hosted zone name
+if [ -n "${HOSTED_ZONE_ID}" ]; then
+	HOSTED_ZONE_NAME=$(aws --profile=${AWS_CLI_PROFILE} route53 list-hosted-zones --query "HostedZones[?Id=='${ZONE_ID}'].Name | [0]" | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//')
+# If zone name is specified, then use it to get the zone id
+elif [ -n "${HOSTED_ZONE_NAME}" ]; then
+	HOSTED_ZONE_ID=$(aws --profile=${AWS_CLI_PROFILE} route53 list-hosted-zones --query "HostedZones[?Name=='${HOSTED_ZONE_NAME}'].Id | [0]" | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//')
+	determine_hosted_zone_name_and_id
+	if [ -z "${HOSTED_ZONE_ID}" ]; then
+	echo "Hosted zone id not specified or determined" >&2
+    exit 3
+if [ "$op" = "add" ]; then
+elif [ "$op" = "del" ]; then
+	echo "Unsupported Operation: $op" >&2
+    "Comment": "GetSSL LetsEncrypt DNS Challenge",
+    "Changes": [{
+      "Action"             : "'"$ACTION"'",
+      "ResourceRecordSet"  : {
+        "Name"             : "'"$RR_NAME"'",
+        "Type"             : "TXT",
+        "TTL"              : '${ttl}',
+        "ResourceRecords"  : [{
+            "Value"         : "\"'$RR_VALUE'\""
+        }]
+      }
+    }]
+  }
+[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && echo "${CHANGE_BATCH}" >&2
+aws \
+	--profile=${AWS_CLI_PROFILE} \
+	route53 \
+	change-resource-record-sets \
+	--hosted-zone-id=${HOSTED_ZONE_ID} \
+	--change-batch "${CHANGE_BATCH}"
+exit $?
\ No newline at end of file