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Releases: spotbugs/spotbugs-maven-plugin


20 May 03:11
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  • Support spotbugs 4.7.0
  • Fix #68, note still requires use of a separate plugin, see [here}(
  • Fix #114 by introducing verify mojo to allow split of analysis and verification into lifecycle phases of one's choosing. One use case for that is running multiple code analyzers at once and only failing the build at a later stage, so that all of them have a chance to run. Verify then in this case just uses an existing file.
  • Updated readme with various information about groovy, security manager, and m2e specific to this application considerations that are often asked about.


24 Mar 19:47
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  • Spotbugs 4.6.0 support
  • Groovy 4.0.1 based

note on groovy: If using groovy with same group id (already existing condition), an error may occur if not on same version. To alleviate that, make sure groovy artifacts are defined in dependency management in order to force the loaded version correctly on your usage.

note on no change, not released. Issue with site distribution via maven release plugin only that is being tested, use only.


05 Jan 17:07
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  • Support spotbugs maven plugin
  • Make maven scoped dependencies provided scope


21 Dec 23:37
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  • Support spotbugs 4.5.2
  • Fix deprecations from spotbugs 4.5.0


18 Nov 22:24
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support for spotbugs 4.5.0


21 Oct 12:04
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  • Use new base-parent pom with removal of undocumented maven url attributes that cause issues for users of older jfrog artifactory installations.

Spotbugs-maven-plugin Release

17 Oct 04:20
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  • Reworked version string to account for any patches we need to make to plugin that would otherwise case a diverge from spotbugs or require us to wait. This is similar to how other plugins approach this such as lombok. The first 3 positions are reserved for the alignment with spotbugs. The last position is for our patch revision level. Normally this would be '0' but given we released 4.4.2 already, it made sense to denote '1' so that it was clear there was a difference.
  • This patch release addresses issues with resolution of the maven dependencies that resulted in a few regression libraries that had vulnerabilities.
  • This patch further changed lowest maven from 3.2.5 to 3.3.9 but reality is that even 3.3.9 likely doesn't work. Since all maven before 3.8.1 are vulnerable, most should be there. If not, let us know. Future releases will raise that revision number up.

Spotbugs-maven-plugin 4.4.2 Release

14 Oct 00:23
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Added support for spotbugs 4.4.2
Now running github actions on jdk 17 and 18-ea to show this works there
Now running against maven 3.8.3
Updated a number of plugins and dependencies

Spotbugs-maven-plugin 4.4.1 Release

22 Sep 02:15
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  • Add support for Sarif
  • Support spotbugs 4.4.1
  • Library Updates

Spotbugs-maven-plugin 4.3.0

02 Apr 20:12
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  • Support of spotbugs 4.3.0
  • Add support for systemPropertyVariables
  • Support jdk 17