+Class MbsSdkConfig
- Namespace
- Sportradar.Mbs.Sdk
- Assembly
- Sportradar.Mbs.Sdk.dll
+ Represents the configuration for the MbsSdk
public class MbsSdkConfig
+ - Inheritance
+ -
+ - Inherited Members
+ -
+ Constructors
+ MbsSdkConfig(Uri, Uri, string, string, string, long)
public MbsSdkConfig(Uri wsServer, Uri authServer, string authClientId, string authClientSecret, string authAudience, long operatorId)
+ Parameters
+ wsServer
+ WebSocket server URI
+ authServer
+ Auth server URI
+ authClientId
+ Auth client id
+ authClientSecret
+ Auth client secret
+ authAudience
+ Auth audience
+ operatorId
+ Operator id
+ Properties
+ AuthAudience
+ Gets or sets the Auth audience
public string AuthAudience { get; set; }
+ Property Value
+ - string
+ AuthClientId
+ Gets or sets the Auth client id
public string AuthClientId { get; set; }
+ Property Value
+ - string
+ AuthClientSecret
+ Gets or sets the Auth client secret
public string AuthClientSecret { get; set; }
+ Property Value
+ - string
+ AuthRequestTimeout
+ Gets or sets the Auth request timeout
public TimeSpan? AuthRequestTimeout { get; set; }
+ Property Value
+ - TimeSpan?
+ AuthRetryDelay
+ Gets or sets the Auth retry delay
public TimeSpan? AuthRetryDelay { get; set; }
+ Property Value
+ - TimeSpan?
+ AuthServer
+ Gets or sets the Auth server URI
public Uri AuthServer { get; set; }
+ Property Value
+ - Uri
+ OperatorId
+ Gets or sets the Operator id
public long OperatorId { get; set; }
+ Property Value
+ - long
+ ProtocolConnectTimeout
+ Gets or sets the Protocol connect timeout
public TimeSpan? ProtocolConnectTimeout { get; set; }
+ Property Value
+ - TimeSpan?
+ ProtocolDequeueTimeout
+ Gets or sets the Protocol dequeue timeout
public TimeSpan? ProtocolDequeueTimeout { get; set; }
+ Property Value
+ - TimeSpan?
+ ProtocolEnqueueTimeout
+ Gets or sets the Protocol enqueue timeout
public TimeSpan? ProtocolEnqueueTimeout { get; set; }
+ Property Value
+ - TimeSpan?
+ ProtocolMaxSendBufferSize
+ Gets or sets the Protocol max send buffer size
public int? ProtocolMaxSendBufferSize { get; set; }
+ Property Value
+ - int?
+ ProtocolNumberOfDispatchers
+ Gets or sets the number of Protocol dispatchers
public int? ProtocolNumberOfDispatchers { get; set; }
+ Property Value
+ - int?
+ ProtocolReceiveResponseTimeout
+ Gets or sets the Protocol receive response timeout
public TimeSpan? ProtocolReceiveResponseTimeout { get; set; }
+ Property Value
+ - TimeSpan?
+ ProtocolRetryCount
+ Gets or sets the Protocol retry count
public int? ProtocolRetryCount { get; set; }
+ Property Value
+ - int?
+ UnhandledExceptionHandler
+ Gets or sets the unhandled exception handler
public Action<MbsSdk, Exception>? UnhandledExceptionHandler { get; set; }
+ Property Value
+ - Action<MbsSdk, Exception>
+ WsConsumerGraceTimeout
+ Gets or sets the WebSocket consumer grace timeout
public TimeSpan? WsConsumerGraceTimeout { get; set; }
+ Property Value
+ - TimeSpan?
+ WsFetchMessageTimeout
+ Gets or sets the WebSocket fetch message timeout
public TimeSpan? WsFetchMessageTimeout { get; set; }
+ Property Value
+ - TimeSpan?
+ WsNumberOfConnections
+ Gets or sets the number of WebSocket connections
public int? WsNumberOfConnections { get; set; }
+ Property Value
+ - int?
+ WsReceiveMessageTimeout
+ Gets or sets the WebSocket receive message timeout
public TimeSpan? WsReceiveMessageTimeout { get; set; }
+ Property Value
+ - TimeSpan?
+ WsReconnectTimeout
+ Gets or sets the WebSocket reconnect timeout
public TimeSpan? WsReconnectTimeout { get; set; }
+ Property Value
+ - TimeSpan?
+ WsRefreshConnectionTimeout
+ Gets or sets the WebSocket refresh connection timeout
public TimeSpan? WsRefreshConnectionTimeout { get; set; }
+ Property Value
+ - TimeSpan?
+ WsSendMessageTimeout
+ Gets or sets the WebSocket send message timeout
public TimeSpan? WsSendMessageTimeout { get; set; }
+ Property Value
+ - TimeSpan?
+ WsServer
+ Gets or sets the WebSocket server URI
public Uri WsServer { get; set; }
+ Property Value
+ - Uri