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jamestomasino edited this page Nov 2, 2012
10 revisions
Explanation of curl
, bootstrap
, and spf13-vim-windows-install.cmd
Overview of .vimrc
sections. Links to specific breakdown pages.
- Modeline and Notes
- Environment
- Bundles
- General
- Vim UI
- Formatting
- Key (re)Mappings
- Plugins
- GUI Settings
- Functions
- Use fork vimrc if available
- Use local vimrc if available
- Use local gvimrc if available and gui is running
Explanation of vundles, how they are installed and how the .vimrc.bundles
and .vimrc.bundles.local
files work.
- AutoClose
- Better-CSS-Syntax-for-Vim
- bufexplorer
- csapprox
- ctrlp.vim
- gist-vim
- gundo.vim
- HTML-AutoCloseTag
- matchit.zip
- neocomplcache
- neocomplcache-snippets-complete
- nerdcommenter
- nerdtree
- Puppet-Syntax-Highlighting
- python_match.vim
- python-mode
- python.vim
- pythoncomplete
- sessionman.vim
- snipmate-snippets
- syntastic
- tabular
- tagbar
- tlib_vim
- undotree
- vim-addon-mw-utils
- vim-colors
- vim-colors-solarized
- vim-colorschemes
- vim-cucumber
- vim-easymotion
- vim-fugitive
- vim-indent-guides
- vim-javascript
- vim-json
- vim-jst
- vim-less
- vim-markdown
- vim-nerdtree-tabs
- vim-powerline
- vim-preview
- vim-rails
- vim-sbt
- vim-scala
- vim-surround
- vundle
- webapi-vim