Adamic/Adar measures is defined as inverted sum of degrees of common neighbours for given two vertices.
A(x,y)=\sum_{u \in N(x) \cap N(y)}\frac{1}{log(|N(u)|)}
Where N(x) is set of neighbours of vertex x
For further informations please refer to [Adamic].
import ml.sparkling.graph.operators.OperatorsDSL._
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.graphx.Graph
implicit ctx:SparkContext=???
// initialize your SparkContext as implicit value
val graph =???
// load your graph (for example using Graph loading API)
val adamicAdarGraph: Graph[_, Double] = graph.adamicAdar(VertexMeasureConfiguration((g:Graph[_,_])=>10l))
// Graph where each edge is associated with its Adamic/Adar measure
You can also compute closeness centrality for graph treated as undirected one:
import ml.sparkling.graph.operators.OperatorsDSL._
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.graphx.Graph
implicit ctx:SparkContext=???
// initialize your SparkContext as implicit value
val graph =???
// load your graph (for example using Graph loading API)
val adamicAdarGraph: Graph[_, Double] = graph.adamicAdar(treatAsUndirected=true)
// Graph where each edge is associated with its Adamic/Adar measure where edges are treated as undirected
[Adamic] | Adamic, L. A. and Adar, E. (2003). Predicting missing links via local information.SocialNetworks, 25(3):211–230 Springer |