This script allows us to generate entries with random data.
Do not forget to follow the steps on Pre Execution before running the script and Post Execution after running it.
In the config file we can set the number of daily entries per user to generate, the number of days before today to set the records date, the name of the stream to push the entries to, the number of users with an administrator role, and the number of regular users assigned to each administrator we should generate.
"dailyRecordsPerUser": 2,
"daysToGenerate": 21,
"sentimentResultStreamName": "-SentimentResults",
"totalAdmins": 1,
"usersPerAdmin": 10
Disable the KDA application currently named -notification-system
to avoid extra charges and the generation of unneeded notifications.
Considering you are in the project's root folder, navigate to the script's directory.
cd medium-article/part-2/code/data-generator
Using your favourite CLI in the script's root folder execute the following:
npm install
Using your favourite CLI in the script's root folder execute the following:
node .
Re-enable the KDA application currently named -notification-system
to restore the negative streaks notifications.