Terrain data in tile map format: oasis (all types), earth, earth and stones, sand?
value | type |
0x00 | earth |
0x01 | scrub |
0x02 | earth & stones |
0x04 | earth or sand? (changes to earth on update) |
0x08 | earth or sand? (changes to earth on update) |
0x10 | oasis grass |
0x20 | beach |
0x40 | driven sand |
0x80 | thick scrub |
It is a bit flag, because:
value | type |
0x03 | earth & stones |
0x04 | earth or sand? (changes to earth on update) |
0x08 | earth or sand? (changes to earth on update) |
0x30 | oasis grass |
0x50 | oasis grass |
0x60 | driven sand |
0x70 | oasis grass |
When wiped, grass is gone and farms cannot be placed anymore. Everything is one texture.