SXLNvim, a neovim configuration tailored for Chinese OIers.
Many thanks to the plug-in providers. 😊
$\color{green}{\textsf{DONE}}$ xeluxee/competitest.nvim -
$\color{red}{\textsf{KILL}}$ Naive GDB DAP (No cpptools) -
$\color{orange}{\textsf{TODO}}$ Neo-Tree Auto Close
- blink.cmp
- diffview.nvim
- edgy.nvim
- friendly-snippets
- grug-far.nvim
- heirline.nvim
- lazy.nvim
- marklive.nvim
- mini.nvim
- mini.icons
- mini.move
- mini.pairs
- mini.surround
- neo-tree.nvim
- neogit
- noice.nvim
- nui.nvim
- nvim-dap
- nvim-dap-ui
- nvim-dap-virtual-text
- nvim-lspconfig
- vim-navic
- nvim-nio
- nvim-treesitter
- nvim-treesitter-textobjects
- nvim-treesitter-context
- nvim-window
- overseer.nvim
- plenary.nvim
- rainbow-delimiters
- snacks.nvim
- dashboard
- picker
- indent
- input
- notifier
- quickfile
- scroll
- statuscolumn
- words
- bufdelete
- toggleterm.nvim
- tokyonight.nvim
- trouble.nvim
- vim-suda
- which-key.nvim
- yazi.nvim
MIT License