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A to do list using the MVVM design pattern, a Room database and a recycler view.


  • setting up the app with the Model-View-ViewModel architecture pattern.
  • creating a database class.
  • defining data classes for the table.
  • using an interface for data access.
  • inserting task records.
  • displaying a list of task records with
  • creating a recycler view.
  • updating the recycler view to display a grid of cards.
  • making the recycler view use DiffUtil to compares items in the list.
  • implementing data binding in the recycler view's layout.
  • making items in the recycler view responding to clicks.
  • navigating to task details.
  • updating or deleting the task.

Based on Head First Android Development: A Brain-Friendly Guide by David Griffiths and Dawn Griffiths (2021).