The Kube Test Network includes support for the k8s builder by setting the TEST_NETWORK_CHAINCODE_BUILDER="k8s"
environment variable.
In the fabric-samples/test-network-k8s
export PATH=$PWD:$PWD/bin:$PATH
export TEST_NETWORK_K8S_CHAINCODE_BUILDER_VERSION="v0.6.0" # (optional - defaults to v0.4.0)
network kind
network cluster init
network up
network channel create
(Check / follow the detailed log file for errors and progress at network-debug.log
. E.g. in a separate shell:)
tail -f network-debug.log
Make sure the build
directory exists -- this will be created by network channel create
Set the peer
command environment, e.g. for org1, peer1:
export FABRIC_CFG_PATH=${PWD}/config/org1
export CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=org1-peer1.${}:443
export CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=${PWD}/build/enrollments/org1/users/org1admin/msp
export CORE_PEER_TLS_ROOTCERT_FILE=${PWD}/build/channel-msp/peerOrganizations/org1/msp/tlscacerts/tlsca-signcert.pem
The sample contracts for Go, Java, and Node.js publish a Docker image which the k8s builder can use and a chaincode package file which can be used with the peer lifecycle chaincode install
Use of a pre-generated chaincode package .tgz greatly simplifies the deployment, aligning with standard industry practices for CI/CD and git-ops workflows.
Download a sample chaincode package, e.g. for the Go contract:
curl -fsSL \ \
-o go-contract-v0.7.2.tgz
Deploy the chaincode package as usual, starting by installing the k8s chaincode package.
peer lifecycle chaincode install go-contract-v0.7.2.tgz
environment variable for use in the following commands.
export PACKAGE_ID=$(peer lifecycle chaincode calculatepackageid go-contract-v0.7.2.tgz) && echo $PACKAGE_ID
Note: the PACKAGE_ID
must match the chaincode code package identifier shown by the peer lifecycle chaincode install
Approve the chaincode:
peer lifecycle \
chaincode approveformyorg \
--channelID mychannel \
--name sample-contract \
--version 1 \
--package-id ${PACKAGE_ID} \
--sequence 1 \
--orderer org0-orderer1.${}:443 \
--tls --cafile ${PWD}/build/channel-msp/ordererOrganizations/org0/orderers/org0-orderer1/tls/signcerts/tls-cert.pem
Commit the chaincode.
peer lifecycle \
chaincode commit \
--channelID mychannel \
--name sample-contract \
--version 1 \
--sequence 1 \
--orderer org0-orderer1.${}:443 \
--tls --cafile ${PWD}/build/channel-msp/ordererOrganizations/org0/orderers/org0-orderer1/tls/signcerts/tls-cert.pem
Inspect chaincode pods.
kubectl -n test-network describe pods -l
Query the chaincode metadata!
network chaincode query sample-contract '{"Args":["org.hyperledger.fabric:GetMetadata"]}'
Invariably, something in the recipe above will go awry. Look for additional diagnostics in network-debug.log
Reset the stage with:
network down && network up && network channel create