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GitHub Crawler and Scanner


  1. Define environment variables:
    • TARGET_ORG: the name of the GitHUb organisation to crawl, example snyk
    • GH_TOKEN: a GitHub token with read permissions on all the repositories
    • DH_USERNAME: (Optional) Docker hub username to access base image history from Dockerhub
    • DH_PASSWORD_OR_PAT: (Optional) Docker hub passwor to access base image history from Dockerhub
    • GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON: (Optional) Google Cloud SA key for accessing the container registry

Running from Code

  1. Build the static-detector and copy it in the src folder
  2. Run ./ in the context of the crawler folder
  3. Alternatively, run the 2 components independently:
    1. ./
    2. ./

Running as a container

  1. Build the container image: docker build . -f gh_crawler/docker/Dockerfile -t static-scanner:latest
  2. Run the container image: docker run -e TARGET_ORG -e GH_TOKEN -e DH_USERNAME -e DH_PASSWORD_OR_PAT -e GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON static-scanner:latest

CircleCI Example

The attached circleci.yaml shows how to use the static detector to crawl & scan all Dockerfiles in a given org.