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File metadata and controls

280 lines (151 loc) · 6.89 KB


Copyright 2013, Markus Hedlund [email protected], Snowfire AB, Licensed under the MIT License. Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.

Creating a model

Database naming convention

Example table structure:

order: id, person_id*, message
order_products: order_id*, product_id*
products: id, name
people: id, first_name, last_name

Foreign keys use the foreign singular, and appends _id. Everything is lowercase and underscore.


None of the following options are required.

protected static $_table = 'addresses';
protected static $_singular = 'address';
protected static $_plural = 'addresses';
protected static $_special_fields = array('create_date' => 'created_on', 'datetime' => array('updated_on'));
protected static $_active_condition = array('state' => 'ACTIVE');
protected static $_many_default_parameters = array('columns' => 'id, property_id, name', 'order_by' => 'order');
protected static $_foreign = array(
	array('name' => 'categories', 'type' => 'many_to_many'),
	array('name' => 'areas', 'type' => 'many_to_many'),
	array('name' => 'addresses', 'type' => 'one_to_one'),
	array('name' => 'addresses', 'type' => 'one_to_one', 'singular' => 'billing_address'),
	array('name' => 'images', 'type' => 'one_to_one', 'singular' => 'logo_image'),
	array('name' => 'images', 'type' => 'one_to_one', 'singular' => 'person_image')


Defaults to the class name of the model.


Needs to be set to use foreign keys.


Defaults to the table name.


An array with keys:

  • create_date. The column name that contains the created date. Will set this column.
  • datetime. Columns that should be converted to MySQL datetime. Converts from unix timestamp on inserts, and to unix timestamps on retrieval.


Can be used to make Model::one() and Model::many() only find active records, for example. The variable $_active_condition will be sent to Database_Query::where().


The defaults parameters for Model::many(). Since Model::one() uses Model::many(), these will also affect that method.


An array defining the foreign keys. Every array item is an array of the following keys:

  • name. Foreign resources name / table name.
  • type. many_to_many / one_to_many / one_to_one.
  • singular (optional). Will be used for the column name.

Many to many

Example table structure:

order: id, person_id*
order_products: order_id*, product_id*
products: id, name

One to many

Example table structure:

user: id, username
user_notes: id, user_id*, note

One to one

Please note that the foreign object will also be deleted, if a one to one relationship is defined.

Example table structure:

order: id, person_id*
people: id, first_name, last_name


These will be triggered before (_pre) or after (_post) a CRUD method has executed. Useful to manipulate the in-data or to do some post processing.

protected function _create_pre(array &$fields, &$foreign_models = array()) {}
protected function _delete_pre(&$rows, &$conditions, &$foreign_models = array()) {}
protected function _delete_post($rows, $conditions, $foreign_models = array()) {}
protected function _edit_pre(&$conditions, array &$fields) {}

Raw queries

Use these methods when you need to write raw queries.

Model::_query_select([optional select parameters])

Model::_query_select() return a Database_Query with "select" and "from" set. Model::_query_update() return a Database_Query with "update" set. Model::_query_insert() return a Database_Query with "insert" set. Model::_query_delete() return a Database_Query with "delete" set.


Use Model::_transaction_begin() and Model::_transaction_end() for transactions. See Database.



A model needs to instantiated.

$orders_model = new Orders();

The model provides CRUD functionality:

public function create(array $fields, $foreign_models = array());
public function edit($conditions, array $fields);
public function delete($conditions, $foreign_models = array());

Reading from the DB consists of two methods, Model::one() and Model::many(). Model::one() fetches the first row, Model::many() fetches all rows from the result set.

public function one($p = array());
public function many($p = array());

There is also a method to check existence.

public function exists($conditions = array());

Parameter $conditions is passed to Model::one() as option conditions.


If a model have foreigns defined, you must provide instances of these models as well, when using the CRUD methods.


	'message' => 'Some message'

Will create an order and set the message column.

	'message' => 'Some message',
	'person' => array('first_name' => 'Will', 'last_name' = > 'Smith')
), array('people' => new People());

Will create an order, and also a person using the People model. This works for one to one relationships.

For many to many relationships, use:

	'message' => 'Some message',
	'product_ids' => array(4, 9)
), array('products' => new Products());


Edit doesn't affect foreigns.


For one to one relationships, this will delete the foreign object.

For many to many, this will delete the relation.


Model::one() uses Model::many().


  • columns. Passed to Database_Query::select().
  • conditions. Passed to Database_Query::where().
  • limit. Passed to Database_Query::limit(). Limit=1 will return only the first row.
  • order_by. Passed to Database_Query::order_by().
  • id_indexed. Sets the array index of every row to the value of the "id" column.
  • value_column. Replaces the row with just one column value.
  • ignore_active_condition. Ignores any $_active_condition.
  • single_column. See Database::one() / Database::many() options.
  • foreign_models. Foreign model instances.


If foreign_models are provided, and foreigns are setup, the resultset will be populated with foreigns.

Exemple database structure:

order: id, person_id*, message
order_notes: id, order_id*, message
order_products: order_id*, product_id*
products: id, name
people: id, first_name, last_name

One to one

Fetching using the Order model, would return something like:

{ id: 1, person: { first_name: 'A', last_name: 'B' } }

One to many

Fetching using the Order model, would return something like:

{ id: 1, notes: [{ id: '14', message: 'A' }, { id: '25', name: 'B' }] }

Many to many

Fetching using the Order model, would return something like:

{ id: 1, products: [{ id: '44', name: 'A' }, { id: '45', name: 'B' }] }