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243 lines (168 loc) · 9.35 KB

File metadata and controls

243 lines (168 loc) · 9.35 KB


spec version 122

Subnet 2 Changes

  • Fixed subnet 2 curator applications
  • Deregistered extra modules on subnet 2

Settings Changes

  • Removed Python-related things from flake

spec version 121

Fixing InsufficientStake bug in proposal voting

spec version 120


  • MinValidatorStake storage map introduced: This is a subnet parameter that sets the minimum stake an individual needs to be considered a potential validator on that subnet.
  • MaxAllowedValidators storage map introduced: This is a subnet parameter that allows subnet owners to control the maximum number of validators on their subnet.
  • MinImmunityStake storage removed: Replaced by the new logic with MinValidatorStake.
  • SubnetMetadata storage map introduced: Maps subnet id to metadata (u16 to BoundedVec<u8, ConstU32<59>>).
  • BurnConfig storage value removed: Replaced by subnet-specific burn configurations.
  • ModuleBurnConfig storage map introduced: Maps u16 to GeneralBurnConfiguration for module-specific burn parameters.
  • TargetRegistrationsInterval storage map removed: Integrated into ModuleBurnConfig.
  • TargetRegistrationsPerInterval storage map removed: Integrated into ModuleBurnConfig.
  • AdjustmentAlpha storage map removed: Integrated into ModuleBurnConfig.
  • MaxRegistrationsPerInterval storage map removed: Integrated into ModuleBurnConfig.
  • DelegationFee storage map is now bounded to a key and is global (does not take the netuid parameter)


  • register now does not take network_name
  • register_subnet extrinsic now registers a subnet and takes
    origin: OriginFor<T>,
    name: Vec<u8>,
    metadata: Option<Vec<u8>>,
  • add_global_params_proposal no longer takes min_burn and max_burn
  • update_subnet now takes min_burn and max_burn

spec_version 118-119

This branch starts off of the commit hash 95e5d26b550839c24fd367090e02abaa37df3d32. diff here

  • Error type NotRegistered was renamed to ModuleDoesNotExist.

  • Error InvalidSubnetStakeThreshold removed.

  • Storage value changes:

    • MaximumSetWeightCallsPerEpoch lost its ValueQuery behavior and returns an Option<u16> now instead of 0 if missing.
    • SubnetEmission, PendingEmission and UnitEmission were moved to the new subnet_emission pallet.
    • StakeFrom and StakeTo lost their subnet id key. Because of this the value type changed from BTreeMap<T::AcountId,u64> to just u64. Their new type is StorageDoubleMap<T::AccountId, T::AcountId, u64> (other generics ommited for clarity).
    • TotalStake lost its subnet id key and turned into a simple StorageValue<u64> (other generics ommited for clarity).
    • Stake storage value was removed.
    • MinStake storage map / subnet parameter was removed
    • SubnetImmunityPeriodstorage value / global parameter was introduced
    • SubnetRegistrationBlock storage map was introduced
    • TotalSubnets storage value was removed
    • RootnetControlDelegation: MAP (netuid, module_key) -> control_delegation, storage map was introduced, which stores information from delegate_rootnet_control extrinsic.
    • MinimumAllowedStake was introduced. Users cannot stake or unstake a value smaller than this minimum.
    • MinImmunityStake was introduced. This value is a subnet parameter that can be changed by the subnet owner. A validator (key) with delegated stake higher than or equal to this value is immune to deregistrations. This aims to reduce sudden validator deregistrations, with adaptability to subnet owner's consensus.
  • Extrinsics changes:

    • add_stake, remove_stake, add_stake_multiple, remove_stake_multiple and transfer_stake lost their subnet id parameter.
    • register no longer takes the stake parameter
    • New extrinsic delegate_rootnet_control: target: T::AccountId,: Rootnet validators are capable of calling this extrinsic. The weight setting of the calling validator is delegated to the specified target (another validator making rootnet decisions on behalf).

Version 1.7.8

spec_version: 117

This version delivers on the GovernanceProposal.

Introducing the new GovernanceModule pallet

This pallet now holds ALL governance-related storages and extrinsics.

Treasury address

DaoTreasury is now DaoTreasuryAddress.

This means that the DAO treasury is now a regular wallet address. You can query its balance or send funds to it.


  • The following proposal names have been changed:

The proposals struct keys are now

['id', 'proposer', 'expiration_block', 'data', 'status', 'metadata', 'proposal_cost', 'creation_block']
  • Parameter proposals now require at least 40% of the network's or subnet's stake to execute.
  • Custom proposals remain at 50%.
  • Proposals are resolved at the time of their expiration, not after reaching enough participation.
    • Previously, only a maximum of 50% of the network's stake could participate in a proposal. Now, this can be up to 100%.
    • The relevant factor is whether the proposal reached the execution threshold at the time of its expiration.

Proposal Rewards

Governance participants are now motivated to participate in governance actions by being allocated rewards, which are funded from the DAO Treasury Address.

The maximum reward allocation per proposal is 10,000 $COMAI (split across the users), with a dynamic decay based on the number of proposals that occurred within the proposal_reward_interval. After this interval is finished, the allocation decay is restarted.

Delegation of Voting Power

By default, all users delegate their voting power to the validator they stake to (this is not the case for the validators themselves, who manage this voting power). If you are not comfortable with a validator managing your voting power, you can always toggle this off and on by calling one of the two extrinsics:

  • To disable the delegation:
#[pallet::weight((Weight::zero(), DispatchClass::Normal, Pays::No))]
pub fn disable_vote_power_delegation(origin: OriginFor<T>) -> DispatchResult {
    let key = ensure_signed(origin)?;
    Self::update_delegating_voting_power(&key, false)
  • To enable the delegation:
#[pallet::weight((Weight::zero(), DispatchClass::Normal, Pays::No))]
pub fn enable_vote_power_delegation(origin: OriginFor<T>) -> DispatchResult {
    let key = ensure_signed(origin)?;
    Self::update_delegating_voting_power(&key, true)

Note that if you delegate voting power to a validator, the validator will be the one receiving the voting rewards, not you as a delegator.

Chain Safety

All of the core functions in the on-initialize hook should now be written in much robust way, to avoid possible panics.

Subnet & Global Params

  • Adjustement alpha is moving from global parameteres to subnet parameters.
  • Moving the MinBurn and MaxBurn storage values to a single storage value, that can be queried at BurnConfig.
  • Moving VoteModeSubne mode to a GovernanceModule and StorageMap SubnetGovernanceConfig.

Migrating Subnet Owner Fee

The subnet owner fee floor is now 16%, with subnet 0 taking 20% (of the subnet emission allocated to the treasury) to motivate subnet staking. Old values Floor 8%, SN0 12%.

Version 1.7.6

  • Bumps all substrate versions and node to new versions
  • Removed the ethereum and EVM pallets
  • Fixed max allowed modules
  • Fixed panic on YUMA

Version 1.7.5

Fixing migration

Spec version: 114

  • Moving Dao Treasury to a normal chain account
    • The GlobalDaoTreasury will get deleted in the next release, currently used only for migration.
  • Deleted, or moved useless code and values of:
    • Burn rate (global parameter)
    • Min Stake (global parameter)
  • The following storage values were deleted and are now accessible through BurnConfig:
    • MinBurn
    • MaxBurn
  • The storage value RemovedSubnets is now called SubnetGaps
  • Moved Adjustment Alpha parameter under the SubnetParams so that subnet owners, can adjust this value at runtime.

Version 1.7.5

Fixing migration

Version 1.7.4

Spec version 114

  • Moved global parameters, of:
    • target_registration_interval
    • target_registration_per_interval To subnet owner control
  • Decreased MaxRegistrationPerBlock from 5-> 3
  • Introduced a new SubnetParam MaxRegistrationsPerInterval, which defines how many registraions per target_registration_interval can happen, above are rate limited.

Version 1.7.4

Spec version 114

  • Moved global parameters, of:
    • target_registration_interval
    • target_registration_per_interval To subnet owner control
  • Decreased MaxRegistrationPerBlock from 5-> 3
  • Introduced a new SubnetParam MaxRegistrationsPerInterval, which defines how many registraions per target_registration_interval can happen, above are rate limited.

Version 1.7.3

Spec version: 113

  • Fix s0 whitelist application cost

Version 1.7.2

Spec version: 112

  • Fix total active subnet stake calculation.

Version 1.7.1

Spec version: 111

  • Adding log messages.

Version 1.7.0

Spec version: 110

  • Introducing minimum founder share.
  • DAO treasury.