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Testing wrf_hydro_nwm_public & wrf_hydro_nwm


For the community 5.0 release: testing is in something of a crude state, but it is funcitonal. Improvements are on their way.


  • Protect production code
  • Distribute responsibility
  • Reproducibility and communication: log files
  • Support your development: boost confidence, find bugs faster

The mantra is: Test with every compile on small domains.


Conceptually a candidate takes a test. The names of the take\ and and scripts emphasize that there are two parts: the taker and the test. The candidate which takes the test is the state of this (or potentially some other) repository. The tests are encoded in the tests/ directory. The tests referr to another repository state called the "reference", this is a blessed state of the repository for the candidate's results.

By default:

  • Candidate is the current (potentially uncommitted) state of the repo from which take_test is invoked.
  • Reference is upstream/master (either NCAR/wrf_hydro_nwm_public or NCAR/wrf_hydro_nwm).
  • The tests are defined by the tests/test_* files.


Currently there are 2 ways to invoke the testing. The fundamental way: python <options>. This works fine on linux. But if you want to test on a non-linux machine using docker, the following script is meant to be a machine independent interface: <options>. This later script is still under development.

Both of the "take_test" scripts may be preceeded with a path or invoked in the tests/ directory, as shown.

The options are described below.

Currently supported machines: cheyenne and docker. There are sections below about both of these. More machines can be added.

Options (all optional) are described by: python --help and ./ --help:

Retrieving the help from

usage: [-h] [--domain /path/to/domain/directory]
                    [--candidate_spec_file path/to/candidate_spec_file]
                    [--config [key [key ...]]] [--test_spec [key [key ...]]]

A WRF-Hydro candidate takes a test.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --domain /path/to/domain/directory
                        Path to the domain directory.
  --candidate_spec_file path/to/candidate_spec_file
                        The YAML candidate specification file.
  --config [key [key ...]]
                        Zero or more keys separated by whitespace for model
                        configuration selection (no keys runs all
  --test_spec [key [key ...]]
                        Zero or more keys separated by whitespace for
                        specifying the desired tests. These keys are grepped
                        against the test_*py files in the tests/ directory. notes: 
  When using docker, the domain argument becomes the key which is the basename of the path.

Configuration files

User spec file

The user specification file is set by the following environment variable, for example in bash:

export WRF_HYDRO_TESTS_USER_SPEC=~/wrf_hydro_tests_user_spec.yaml

The wrf_hydro_nwm_public/tests/tests/template_user_spec.yaml should be copied a new location and edited to meet your needs (do not put your edits under version control).

Candidate spec file

The wrf_hydro_nwm_public/tests/template_candidate_spec.yaml should be copied and modified for specific tests (do not put your edits under version control). This file allows for the maximum testing flexibility.

Machine spec file

This file is to be updated for new machines (your cluster or your desktop) to run the tests. These changes should come back via version control so that each machine only needs specified just once.


python3.6.4 with wrfhydropy installed. Generally, the latest which installs from pip should work.

Requirements are documented in this docker file wrfhydro/dev:conda

CI Domain

The testing is mean to work with arbitrary domains as long as they adopt the correct conventions. The Croton, NY, domain is used for testing: wrfhydro/domains:croton_NY. We will shortly provide a better way to pull this domain and other domains outside the docker context.

Cheyenne Setup

  1. Setup the python 3.6.4 virutal env per cisl instructions. Python 3.6.4+ is required. Both sections
    including "Creating your own clone of the NCAR package library".

  2. Install the wrfhydropy prequisites.
    These are currently summarized here:
    Currently (may be out of date) this is, for example:
    pip install jupyter cartopy rasterio netcdf4 dask f90nml deepdiff xarray plotnine boltons pytest pytest-datadir-ng wrfhydropy If a development version of wrfhydropy is needed, you'll need to clone that repository to cheyenne, then do the following:
    cd /path/to/wrf_hydro_py/; pip uninstall -y wrfhydropy; python install

Docker Example

The docker setup is given in Comments are provided for the docker commands.