- Use npm (instead of zip archive) to get shower scripts & templates - why? why not?
- plus - easier to update and manage (??)
Thanks to Adolfo Villafiorita for all the work on packaging shower (w/ s9). Keep it up. See https://github.com/avillafiorita/slideshow-shower
Get zip archive from github/shower/shower
- look for archive link e.g. shwr.me/shower.zip (note: do NOT use the github zip archive); the archive is hosted "externally"
Prepare new simpler file structure
move shower/themes/* to just themes/*
move themes/material/index.html => slides.material.html -- and change links in source e.g.
in head:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/material/styles/screen-16x10.css">
in body:
<script src="shower.min.js"></script>
move themes/material/pictures/* => pictures/*
note: pictures are user-content "images" (in contrast to "system/built-in" theme images in images folder)
move themes/ribbon/index.html => slides.ribbon.html -- and change links in source move themes/ribbon/pictures/* => pictures/*