on PC:
- run
- run
from operator node:
3. run and note results of etcdctl member list; patronictl -d etcd:// list patroni_psql0x
4. run etcdctl member remove TARGET
- it may ask you to rerun command using provided node ID
5. run etcdctl member add TARGET http://TARGET_IP:2380
from target node:
6. systemctl stop etcd patroni
7. rm -Rf /var/lib/etcd/*; rm -Rf /var/lib/postgresql/psql0x/*
8. systemctl start etcd
9. etcdctl member list; patronictl -d etcd:// list patroni_psql0x
and verify this node is present
8. systemctl start patroni
10. wait 5-10 minutes
11. patronictl -d etcd:// list patroni_psql0x
and expect new node to be Replica
and running
with lag=0