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almost edited this page Jan 13, 2012 · 42 revisions


WHAT: A hack day, writing apps to make The Skiff more awesome (and maybe releasing stuff for other groups to use?)

WHEN: 14 January 2012

WHERE: The Skiff

WHO: Everyone is welcome, Skiff Mates and non-Skiff Mates alike!

WHAT NEXT?: Join the mailing list here: and say hi! Then add yourself to PeopleSkills

UPDATE: We're doing a pre-SkiffHack hack afternoon on the 9th at the Skiff from about 12. We're going to be working on making Dharmafly's Tasket suitable for use on the SkiffHack day and at The Skiff in general:

This is a wiki, click "Edit" and add your thoughts!

Calling all designers, programmers ux people, frontend people, backend people and anyone else who works at or uses the Skiff. Let's make some web apps to make the Skiff even more awesome!

The idea is that we all get together for a day and make as much of this happen as possible. There will be snacks, pizza, fame and fortune!

Please put down your skills here: PeopleSkills

Anyone who wants access the Github please say so on the mailing list or email Tom directly at [email protected]. Get access now then when you have something to add you'll be ready! Don't be shy!

We'll need to decide how much of this stuff we write ourselves and how much we re-use existing stuff.

Existing Systems

The Skiff currently uses (that I know of):

We ideally want to avoid having to sign up for extra services (unless there's a good reason) so let's try and get stuff working on Heroku. They don't just do Ruby anymore they also do Javascript (node), Python, PHP and probably others!

Ideas (click "edit" and add your own!)

User registration

Registration for skiff members

Current Solution: Wufoo form at Highrise ( is used to keep track of members (there is a Wufoo->Highrise connector)

Having a place where new users can sign up will make a lot of the other apps easier. This will give everyone at the Skiff a login that they can to access the apps. Maybe later it will be tied in with billing too?

One option here would be to use Twitter Auth, this would make supporting authentication over a range of apps really simple but would require that all Skiff members get a Twitter account which worries me a little. I'd love to hear some opinions on this option!


User profiles

Current solution: None

Everyone gets a profile, pre-filled from their Twitter details if they have one (let's not require Twitter though, not everyone wants one). This could help with putting names to faces, a problem everyone has at some point I think but especially difficult for new members.

Some extra ideas from Pete Goodman and Chris James who would like to share the system with The Werks (which I think is a great idea -tom):

  • Use something like jQuery Masonry: - so everyone initially gets a 100x100px block with an image (defaulting to twitter logo, gravatar, etc).

  • When you select one you see their name, location, where they sit, contact details, skill-set, how long they've been at the Skiff/Werks, and any other information they wish to add.

  • we could put filters above the blocks, so they can be filtered by information such as:

  • Skiff or Werks
  • Designer / Developer / Copywriter
  • Or by tags: Python / Drupal / Brand / Typography
  • etc!

No preferential treatment is given to anyone, any member of the Skiff or the Werks can add themselves and edit their own details.

We'd need to think about whether we'd eventually like to expand this to allow anyone in Brighton to be added, but at first I think we can keep it to just members of these two co-working locations.

Skiffbook Places

Current solution: None

Solves the problem of: Not sure

A week view, showing who's saying they are in (or going to be in) The Skiff on a particular day. Like:

Bonus: schematic view of the office showing who's checked in to a particular position.

I believe Graeme (grasuth) was working on an app that tracks connections to the Wi-Fi. Could (and should) we integrate this?


A way for captains to volunteer and be notified when it's their turn. Also a way to quickly tell who is the captain.

Current solution: Doodle (

Meeting bookings

A bookings app to handle members booking the meeting rooms

Current solution: Wufoo form and Google Calendar. Entry is manual!


  • Takes a while for meetings to get put on calendar, same day bookings are a problem
  • Lots of extra work generated for Anna, Jon and Wired Sussex

Meeting bookings are members only now I think? (although organisations can have meetings-only membership)

I've been looking into this - Steve Purkiss

Ideas board

A board where ideas to improve the Skiff can be submitted, voted on (to sort the more popular ones to the top) and discussed.

Perhaps this would be a good use case for Dharmafly's Tasket?

Current solution: Mailing list postings that get forgotten and talking in person that doesn't include everyone


Pull all this together into a dashboard that a member can go to to get an idea of the current state of the Skiff!

I've been working on this -- keen to do more in a hackday -- grasuth

I've been working on and would like to continue work on an emergent social media newspaper / dashboard, where people can explore public content from active (or currently present) Skiffsters -- premasagar

Skiff phone

A telephone answering system for the Skiff

Current solution: The phone in the skiff rings, someone has to answer it and often doesn't know where to direct the caller.

I (tom) have already written most of this, you can try it out at 01273 253718. I have a volunteer (Cori from Future Platforms, thanks Cori!) to record the greetings so we can get rid of the robot voice. It also should be integrated with the captains app so that the emergency option can call the current captain.

Group Chat

It would be cool to have a group chatroom for simple announcements, calls for tea etc.

Current Solution: None?

Suggestion: We can use something like

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