A Coherence storage driver using https://github.com/oracle/coherence-go-client.
func New(config ...Config) (*Storage, error)
func (s *Storage) Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
func (s *Storage) Set(key string, val []byte, exp time.Duration) error
func (s *Storage) Delete(key string) error
func (s *Storage) Reset() error
func (s *Storage) Close() error
func (s *Storage) Conn() *Session
Coherence is supported on Go versions 1.19 and above:
Install the coherence implementation:
go get github.com/gofiber/storage/coherence
Before running or testing this implementation, you must ensure a Coherence cluster is available. For local development, we recommend using the Coherence CE Docker image; it contains everything necessary for the client to operate correctly.
To start a Coherence cluster using Docker, issue the following:
docker run -d -p 1408:1408 ghcr.io/oracle/coherence-ce:22.06.5
See the documentation here on connection options when creating a Coherence session.
Import the storage package.
import "github.com/gofiber/storage/coherence"
You can use the following possibilities to create a storage:
// Initialize default config, to connect to localhost:1408 using plain text
store, err := coherence.New()
// Initialize custom config to connect to a different host/port and use plaint ext.
store, err := coherence.New(coherence.Config{
Address: "my-host:myport",
// Initialize to connect with TLS enabled with your own tls.Config
tlsConfig := config := &tls.Config{...}
store, err := coherence.New(coherence.Config{
Address: "my-host:myport",
TLSConfig: tlsConfig,
Note: If you create two stores using
they will effectivity be idential. If you wish to have two separate stores, then you can use:store1, err := coherence.New(Config{ScopeName: "scope1"}) store2, err := coherence.New(Config{ScopeName: "scope2"})
// Config defines configuration options for Coherence connection.
type Config struct {
// Address to connect to, defaults to "localhost:1408"
Address string
// Timeout is the default session timeout to connect to Coherence, defaults to 30s
Timeout time.Duration
// ScopeName defines a scope allowing for multiple storage sessions
ScopeName string
// Reset indicates if the store should be reset after being created
Reset bool
// TLSConfig specifies tls.Config to use when connecting, if nil then plain text is used
TLSConfig *tls.Config
var DefaultConfig = Config{
Address: "localhost:1408",
Timeout: time.Duration(30) * time.Millisecond,
ScopeName: defaultScopeName,
Reset: false,