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linkcheck = true, - format = Documenter.HTML(), + linkcheck = false, + checkdocs = :none, + format = Documenter.HTML( + canonical="https://sisl.github.io/SatelliteDynamics.jl", + edit_link="main", + assets=String[], + prettyurls = get(ENV, "CI", nothing) == "true" + ), sitename = "SatelliteDynamics.jl", authors = "Duncan Eddy", pages = Any[ @@ -22,6 +33,7 @@ makedocs( "modules/attitude.md", "modules/coordinates.md", "modules/astrodynamics.md", + "modules/sgp_models.md", "Orbit Dynamics" => "modules/orbit_dynamics.md", "Earth Environment" => Any[ "Space Weather" => "modules/earth_environment/space_weather.md", @@ -39,11 +51,7 @@ makedocs( ] ) -# Generate plots -makeplots() - deploydocs( repo = "github.com/sisl/SatelliteDynamics.jl", - devbranch = "master", - devurl = "latest", + devbranch = "main", ) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/makeplots.jl b/docs/src/makeplots.jl index 206382f..0d226a1 100644 --- a/docs/src/makeplots.jl +++ b/docs/src/makeplots.jl @@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ function makeplots() println("Generating plots") # Make output directory - plot_dir = (pwd()[end-3:end] == "docs") ? "build/plots" : "docs/build/plots" - if isdir(plot_dir) + plot_dir = "src/plots" + if isdir(joinpath(pwd(), plot_dir)) rm(plot_dir, recursive=true) end mkdir(plot_dir) diff --git a/docs/src/modules/sgp_models.md b/docs/src/modules/sgp_models.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..06dfa41 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/modules/sgp_models.md @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# SGP Models + +The `sgp_models` module contains the implementation of the Simplified General Perturbations (SGP) models for orbit propagation. These models are based on the work of [Vallado et al. (2001)](https://celestrak.com/publications/AIAA/2006-6753/). The SGP models are a set of simplified models for propagating the orbits of Earth-orbiting satellites. The models are based on the two-line element (TLE) format used by the US Department of Defense to distribute satellite orbit data. The SGP models are widely used in the satellite tracking community due to their simplicity and computational efficiency. + +```@docs +TLE +state +ecef +eci +``` \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/tutorials/orbit_propagation_example.md b/docs/src/tutorials/orbit_propagation_example.md index 1ef03ff..9555a22 100644 --- a/docs/src/tutorials/orbit_propagation_example.md +++ b/docs/src/tutorials/orbit_propagation_example.md @@ -75,11 +75,11 @@ module to propagate an orbit. We can visualize the orbit in inertial space: -![](../../plots/keplerian_orbit.svg) +![](../plots/keplerian_orbit.svg) Or the evolution of the orbital elements: -![](../../plots/keplerian_elements.svg) +![](../plots/keplerian_elements.svg) ## Full Force Model @@ -114,11 +114,11 @@ t, epc, eci = sim!(orb, epcf) We can visualize the orbit in inertial space: -![](../../plots/fullforce_orbit.svg) +![](../plots/fullforce_orbit.svg) Or the evolution of the orbital elements: -![](../../plots/fullforce_elements.svg) +![](../plots/fullforce_elements.svg) From these plots we can see the effect of the orbit perturbations on each of the orbital elements. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/sgp_models.jl b/src/sgp_models.jl index 09e1e7a..6d435f0 100644 --- a/src/sgp_models.jl +++ b/src/sgp_models.jl @@ -2428,9 +2428,16 @@ function state(tle::TLE, epc::Epoch) end export ecef -``` +""" Compute the satellite state in the Earth-fixed frame. -``` + +Arguments: +- `tle::TLE` Two-Line element object +- `epc::Epoch` Epoch for SGP4 state + +Returns: +- `ecef::AbstractArray{Float64, 1}` Position and velocity in ECEF frame. Units [m; m/s] +""" function ecef(tle::TLE, epc::Epoch) s = state(tle, epc) ecef = zeros(Float64, 6) @@ -2444,9 +2451,16 @@ function ecef(tle::TLE, epc::Epoch) end export eci -``` +""" Compute the satellite state in the Earth-centered inertial. -``` + +Arguments: +- `tle::TLE` Two-Line element object +- `epc::Epoch` Epoch for SGP4 state + +Returns: +- `eci::AbstractArray{Float64, 1}` Position and velocity in ECI frame. Units [m; m/s] +""" function eci(tle::TLE, epc::Epoch) s = ecef(tle, epc) diff --git a/src/universe.jl b/src/universe.jl index 15c3578..a760fec 100644 --- a/src/universe.jl +++ b/src/universe.jl @@ -419,16 +419,21 @@ global GRAVITY_MODEL = GravModel(abspath(@__DIR__, "../data/EGM2008_90.gfc")) export load_gravity_model """ -Load new gravity model into module global EarthOrientationData object. The product can be one of the symbols: `:EGM2008_20`, `:EGM2008_90`, `:GGM01S`, `:GGM05S`, or the filepath to a text-encoded gravity model file. +Load new gravity model into module global EarthOrientationData object. Arguments: - `gfc_file::String` File path of gravity field model -- `product_name::Symbol` _OR_ a symbol of a known gravity field product. Valid ones are: `:EGM2008_20`, `:EGM2008_90`, `:GGM01S`, `:GGM05S` """ function load_gravity_model_file(gfc_file::String) global GRAVITY_MODEL = GravModel(gfc_file::String) end +""" +Load new gravity model into module global EarthOrientationData object. The product can be one of the symbols: `:EGM2008_20`, `:EGM2008_90`, `:GGM01S`, `:GGM05S`, or the filepath to a text-encoded gravity model file. + +Arguments: +- `product_name::Symbol` Symbol of a known gravity field product. Valid ones are: `:EGM2008_20`, `:EGM2008_90`, `:GGM01S`, `:GGM05S` +""" function load_gravity_model(product_name::Symbol) global GRAVITY_MODEL = GravModel(product_name::Symbol) end