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Tailscale routes manager

tailscale-manager dynamically manages Tailscale subnet route advertisements based on user-configurable discovery sources. It runs alongside tailscaled on the node(s) where you want to advertise routes.

Supported discovery methods

config keyword example description
routes [""] Static routes
hostRoutes [""] DNS hostname lookup
awsManagedPrefixLists ["pl-02761f4a40454a3c9"] AWS Managed Prefix Lists

hostRoutes can be used to emulate Tailscale App Connectors by advertising a set of individual IP address routes that are kept in sync with DNS lookups of a set of hostnames. This is most useful when using Headscale, which doesn't normally support App Connectors.

Possible future discovery methods


Create a configuration file in either JSON or YAML format. Here’s an example:


  "routes": [
  "hostRoutes": [
  "awsManagedPrefixLists": [

or config.yaml

  - ""
  - ""
  - "special-hostname1.example"
  - "special-hostname2.example"
  - "pl-02761f4a40454a3c9"
  - "--webclient"

Run tailscale-manager:

tailscale-manager your-config-file.json --interval 300

The above will result in individual /32 (or /128 for ipv6) route advertisements on your tailnet for the IP addresses that and resolve to, plus any routes found in the named AWS managed prefix lists, and any static routes provided in the routes list. Every 300 seconds, tailscale-manager will refresh its route discovery sources and update tailscale route advertisements accordingly.

Commandline options

Usage: tailscale-manager <configfile.json> [--dryrun] [--tailscale PATH] 
                         [--socket SOCKET_PATH] [--interval INT] 
                         [--max-shrink-ratio RATIO]

  Tailscale routes manager

  Dynamically resolves a list of hostRoutes to IP addresses, then tells tailscale
  to advertise them as /32 routes along with any normal CIDR routes.

  Config file example:

    "routes": [
    "hostRoutes": [
    "awsManagedPrefixLists": [
    "extraArgs": ["--webclient"]

Available options:
  --dryrun                 Dryrun mode
  --tailscale PATH         Path to the tailscale executable
                           (default: "tailscale")
  --socket SOCKET_PATH     Path to the tailscaled socket
                           (default: "/var/run/tailscale/tailscaled.sock")
  --interval INT           Interval (in seconds) between runs. 0 means exit
                           after running once. (default: 0)
  --max-shrink-ratio RATIO Max allowed route shrinkage between consecutive runs,
                           as a ratio between 0 and 1. 1 means no limit.
                           (default: 0.33)
  -h,--help                Show this help text

Docker image

A Docker image is built and pushed to GitHub Container Registry on each version, commit, and pull request. The image is built based on Alpine images and contains a statically-linked tailscale-manager binary.

You can use it to build your own custom Tailscale Docker images using the following Dockerfile and script.

# Dockerfile
FROM AS tailscale-manager
FROM tailscale/tailscale AS tailscale

COPY --from=tailscale-manager /bin/tailscale-manager /bin/tailscale-manager

COPY config.json <CONFIG_FILE>

COPY /usr/local/bin/entrypoint
CMD ["entrypoint"]
tailscale-manager <CONFIG_FILE> --interval 300 &

This will allow you to use Tailscale as a Docker container while having tailscale-manager running in the background, periodically updating routes.

NixOS module

If you use NixOS, this repository provides a flake with a NixOS module to install and run tailscale-manager as a systemd service. You can incorporate it into your flake.nix like so:

  description = "my nixos config";

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-24.11";
    tailscale-manager = {
      url = "github:singlestore-labs/tailscale-manager";
      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, tailscale-manager }:
    nixosConfigurations.default = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
      system = "x86_64-linux";
      modules = [
        ({ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
           nixpkgs.overlays = [ tailscale-manager.overlays.default ];

           services.tailscale.enable = true;

           services.tailscale-manager = {
             enable = true;
             routes = [
             hostRoutes = [
             interval = 300;
             maxShrinkRatio = 0.25;