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Provides an UltraDNS API package called ultradns for go



import ""

To do a basic API connection and call, construct an ultradns.APIConnection struct. ultradns.NewAPIConnection() is provided to apply default configuration while still allowing control over the underlying connection.

When creating the struct either via the NewAPIConnection() call, or directly, either the Username/Password or RefreshToken must be set. If you pass both, the RefreshToken takes precedence.

This project only supports the JSON API request/response for UltraDNS, not the optional XML format.

apiConn := ultradns.NewAPIConnection(&ultradns.APIOptions{
  // API Username.
  Username: "",

  // API Password. 
  Password: "",

  // This refresh token can be used in lieu of username/password. To initially get a RefreshToken requires a
  // Username/Password, however.
  RefreshToken: "",

  // Defaults to "". Typically only overridden to allow testing or to use a sandbox endpoint.
  BaseURL: "",

  // Timeout is a time.Duration given to the underlying http.Client
  Timeout: 5 * time.Second,

// apiConn has a similar API to go's net/http library

// Send a GET request to the given path. Returns a http.Response pointer and error.
resp, err := apiConn.Get("/some/api/path")

// Send a POST request to the given path. Returns a http.Response pointer and error.
resp, err := apiConn.Post("/some/api/path", json_to_send)


There are various examples in examples/ that give real examples. Most require passing in a -user and -pass flag to authenticate with UltraDNS. To build an example, run make <name of example>

For example, to compile and run the status example from examples/status/main.go:

make status
./status -user <username> -pass <password>


Ensure that golint is installed

go get -u

Run all tests, linters, etc with make.