Our customer support team is receiving a storm of complaints. You're the only guy who can solve this problem. Here's what you have to do to fix the situation:
- You may notice that the logout button is not working
- Create an additional tab (old) that should show passwords older than 30d
- Login validation message is non-human-readable. UX can be improved a bit too
- Add a loader to the login page
- Make sure that the page is not reloaded, after the password update
- Add tests
- Refactor the code (this will keep your teammates happy)
- Code should be clean and consistent
- Basic programming principles should be followed, like KISS, DRY, Separation of Concerns, etc.
- Find at least one security issue
- Hint1: You might want to look in login / logout functionality
- Hint2: Feel free to change "backend" code too
- Fix as many errors as you notice