SikaLabs Utils, v0.72.0
-h, --help help for slu
- slu argocd - ArgoCD Utils
- slu aws - AWS Utils
- slu awx - AWX Utils
- slu azure - Azure Utils
- slu base64 - Base64 Utils
- slu chaos-monkey - Chaos Monkey Utils
- slu check - Check for dependencies, versions, clusters, ...
- slu cloudflare - Cloudflare Utils
- slu completion - Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
- slu copy-from-cloud - Copy local file from temporary cloud storage
- slu copy-to-cloud - Copy local file to temporary cloud storage
- slu ddev - Run sikalabs/dev in Docker
- slu debug-server - HTTP Server for debug & development
- slu df - System's "df" filtered for /dev devices and human readable
- slu digitalocean - DigitalOcean Utils
- slu docker - Docker Utils
- slu du - Own implemetation of "du"
- slu eck - ECK (Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes) Utils
- slu elasticsearch - ElasticSearch Utils
- slu example-server - Run example web server
- slu expand - Expand environment variables in files and strings
- slu file-templates - Create common files from templates
- slu file-utils - Utils for working with files like sed, ...
- slu generate-docs - Generate Markdown docs
- slu generate-files - Generate dummy files for testing
- slu git - Git Utils
- slu github - Github Utils
- slu gitlab - Utils for Gitlab
- slu gitlab-ci - Utils for Gitlab CI
- slu go-code - Utils for writing Go code
- slu golang - Go Tools
- slu google-drive - Google Drive Utils
- slu helm - Helm Utils
- slu host - Get IP from domain
- slu install-any-bin - Install any binary from url (Github, Gitlab, ...)
- slu install-bin - Install preconfigured binary tool like Terraform, Vault, ...
- slu ip - Get my current IP address (using
- slu ip-local - Get local IP from network device
- slu k8s - Utils for Kubernetes
- slu kdev - Run sikalabs/dev in Kubernetes
- slu kn - Simple embdeded kubens
- slu kv - Key-Value store in Vault
- slu kx - Simple embdeded kubectx
- slu length - Length of a string
- slu loggen - Log Generator
- slu login - Login to slu vault
- slu mail - Mail Utils
- slu metrics-generator - Prometheus Metrics Generator Server
- slu mssql - MSSQL Utils (Microsoft SQL Server)
- slu mysql - MySQL Utils
- slu ondrejsika - Ondrej Sika's Personal Utils
- slu postgres - Postgres Utils
- slu proxy - Proxy Utils
- slu random - Random Utils
- slu rmline - Remove line in file
- slu s3 - S3 Utils
- slu scripts - Go & Shell Scripts
- slu sentry - Sentry utils
- slu serve-files - Serve files in local directory
- slu shell-scripts - Shell Scripts Utils
- slu sleep - Sleep Utils
- slu sqlite - SQLite Utils
- slu ssh - SSH Utils
- slu static-api - Static API Generator (for static frontend)
- slu systemd - Utils for systemd
- slu time - Time Utils
- slu tls - TLS Utils
- slu up - Try to run make up, docker-compose up, go run main.go
- slu upload - Upload file to S3
- slu version - Prints version
- slu wait-for - Wait for utils
- slu wait-for-it - Wait for TCP connection
- slu wait-for-tls - Wait for VALID TLS certificate
- slu watch - Watch Util
- slu web-server - Set of embedded web servers
- slu windows - Windows Utils
- slu wireguard - WireGuard Utils