A typical deployment consists of the following steps:
There are two ways to get oe-engine
- Download the latest release
- Build from the source code, by following the instructions below.
If you don't have Golang development environment yet, you may want to set it up:
wget https://dl.google.com/go/go1.11.linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo tar xvfz go1.11.linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/
mkdir $HOME/gopath
export GOPATH=$HOME/gopath
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$GOPATH/bin
It is recommended to preserve GOPATH
and PATH
in configuration files, such as .profile
or .bashrc
Next, download oe-engine github project and build the binary:
go get -d github.com/Microsoft/oe-engine
cd gopath/src/github.com/Microsoft/oe-engine
make build
The oe-engine
binary is located in ./bin
The VM definition file is a JSON-formatted description of the properties of the VMs, such as: compute power, OS image, credentials, etc.
For details, refer to the Setting properties in the VM definition file
The examples below illustrate how to set the various properties.
- Multi-VM deployment - Deploying multiple VMs
- Existing VNET - Deploying VMs into an existing virtual network
- Enabling boot diagnostics - Creating a new storage account, or using an existing storage account for boot diagnostics
- Vanilla VM deployment - Skipping installation of the Open Enclave SDK
- Linux user password - Using password authentication instead of SSH on Linux
- Windows OpenSSH - Installing and configuring OpenSSH on Windows
generates 3 files:
- ARM deployment templateazuredeploy.parameters.json
- template parameters fileapimodel.json
- full VM definition file (all omitted parameters are explicitly set to default values)
oe-engine generate --api-model <VM definition file>
By default oe-engine
creates ./_output
directory and places generated files there.
You can set output directory with the --output-directory
Login to Azure
az login
Set the default subscription for your account if it has multiple active subscriptions
az account set --subscription <subscription id>
Create resource group. Currently SGX VMs are only supported in eastus
and westeurope
az group create -l eastus -n <resource group name>
Deploy VMs
az group deployment create --name <deployment name> --resource-group <resource group name>
--template-file _output/azuredeploy.json
--parameters @_output/azuredeploy.parameters.json