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File metadata and controls

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Deployment of ACC VMs

A typical deployment consists of the following steps:

Getting oe-engine binary

There are two ways to get oe-engine binary:

  • Download the latest release
  • Build from the source code, by following the instructions below.

Build oe-engine from source (optional)

If you don't have Golang development environment yet, you may want to set it up:

sudo tar xvfz go1.11.linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/
mkdir $HOME/gopath
export GOPATH=$HOME/gopath
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$GOPATH/bin

It is recommended to preserve GOPATH and PATH in configuration files, such as .profile or .bashrc

Next, download oe-engine github project and build the binary:

go get -d
cd gopath/src/
make build

The oe-engine binary is located in ./bin directory

Create VM definition file

The VM definition file is a JSON-formatted description of the properties of the VMs, such as: compute power, OS image, credentials, etc.

For details, refer to the Setting properties in the VM definition file

The examples below illustrate how to set the various properties.

Generate deployment template

oe-engine generates 3 files:

  • azuredeploy.json - ARM deployment template
  • azuredeploy.parameters.json - template parameters file
  • apimodel.json - full VM definition file (all omitted parameters are explicitly set to default values)
oe-engine generate --api-model <VM definition file>

By default oe-engine creates ./_output directory and places generated files there. You can set output directory with the --output-directory parameter.

Deploy in Azure

Login to Azure

az login

Set the default subscription for your account if it has multiple active subscriptions

az account set --subscription <subscription id>

Create resource group. Currently SGX VMs are only supported in eastus and westeurope regions.

az group create -l eastus -n <resource group name>

Deploy VMs

az group deployment create --name <deployment name> --resource-group <resource group name>
  --template-file _output/azuredeploy.json
  --parameters @_output/azuredeploy.parameters.json