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Get the current and parent subnetworks in a pop-up

This example shows how to add a new attribute to quickly identify all parent subnetworks

Use cases

For an electric network, the field and office staff need to know which networks are feeding a customer


Select a layer in ArcGIS Pro, Right click and select Configure Pop-up. Add a new expression and copy and paste the expression found in the expression template below to the Arcade editor. Adjust the layer id to match that of your device layer

Expression Template

Create an expression to identify parent networks

// This script will traverse the subnetwork table to find all neighboring and parent subnetworks

// *************       User Variables       *************
// This section has the functions and variables that need to be adjusted based on your implementation

// The subnetwork table in a feature service is always layer id 500002 or named Subnetworks
// The subnetwork table in a FGDB UN is based on the DSID, it will be something like UN_5_Subnetwork
var subnetwork_fields = ['subnetworkname', 'globalid', 'featureglobalid', 'isdirty', 'tierrank', 'tiername'];
var subnetwork_table = FeatureSetByName($datastore, 'UN_5_Subnetworks', subnetwork_fields, false);

// The device class is the only class that can be controllers, use its map name or layer ID
// For services this is the name in the feature service or the layer ID
// In a FGDB, use the name of the feature class in the GDB
var device_table = FeatureSetByName($datastore, 'ElectricDevice', ['subnetworkname', 'globalid'], false);

// ************* End User Variables Section *************

function get_parents(current_subnetwork) {
    // Filter the subnetwork table to get the controllers for the subnetwork the feature is on
    var results = Filter(subnetwork_table, 'subnetworkname = @current_subnetwork AND isdirty = 0');
    var global_ids = [];
    var i = 0;

    // Create a list of the controllers global IDs for the features subnetwork
    // NOTE: Count does not work on results
    for (var result in results) {
        global_ids[i++] = result.featureglobalid;
        controller_guid[Count(controller_guid)] = result.globalid;
        subnetwork_rows[Count(subnetwork_rows)] = result;
    if (Count(global_ids) == 0) {
    // Filter the device class to get the subnetwork names from the controller feature
    var devices = Filter(device_table, "globalid IN @global_ids");
    var device_subnetworks = [];
    for (var device in devices) {
        // Store the device into a global variable
        controller_features[Count(controller_features)] = device;
        // If a controller has a parent network, the networks are concatenated with ::, continue if no parent
        if (Find('::', device.subnetworkname, 0) == -1) {
        // Split on the subnetwork concatenation string
        var device_sub = Split(device.subnetworkname, '::');
        for (var j in device_sub) {
            // Only store the network if it is a parent, do not store the network that the controller is controlling
            if (device_sub[j] != current_subnetwork) {
                device_subnetworks[Count(device_subnetworks)] = device_sub[j];
    // If not parent networks are found, exit function
    if (Count(device_subnetworks) == 0) {
    // Get a unique set of subnetworks
    device_subnetworks = Distinct(device_subnetworks);
    // Loop through all parents, and store into global variable
    // using recursion, call get parents for each parent
    for (var parent_sub_idx in device_subnetworks) {

function create_result() {
    // If no controllers where found, ie, feature is not on a subnetwork, exit
    if (Count(controller_guid) == 0) {
        return "No Controllers Found";
    // Dict of arrays with key as tier rank, each subnetwork controller row is store in here
    var results_dict = {};
    // Dict of strings with key as tier rank, each values is the subnetwork name
    var tier_names = {};
    // Array of the tier ranks as int
    var tier_ranks = [];
    // the current tier rank the feature resides on
    var feature_tier_rank;
    // Loop through the subnetwork rows found in get_parents
    for (var rowidx in subnetwork_rows) {
        // Store the row using the loop index
        var subnetwork_row = subnetwork_rows[rowidx];
        // Convert the tierrank to text as dict keys must be strings
        var tier_rank = Text(subnetwork_row.tierrank);
        // If the tier name as not been stored yet, store into list with tier_rank as key
        if (HasKey(tier_names, tier_rank) == False) {
            tier_names[tier_rank] = subnetwork_row.tiername;
        // Store the current rank the feature resides on, do not store into result dict, as the current subnetwork is
        // displayed separately
        if (subnetwork_row.subnetworkname == $feature.subnetworkname) {
            feature_tier_rank = tier_rank;
        // Store the tier rank, as a number, into array to arrange results
        tier_ranks[Count(tier_ranks)] = subnetwork_row.tierrank;
        // Init the dict with the tier rank as the key as an array
        if (HasKey(results_dict, tier_rank) == False) {
            results_dict[tier_rank] = [];

        // Add to the array in the dict by tier rank the subnetwork name
        results_dict[tier_rank][Count(results_dict[tier_rank])] = subnetwork_row.subnetworkname
    if (Count(tier_ranks) > 1) {
        // Get a unique list of tier ranks
        tier_ranks = Distinct(tier_ranks);
        // Sort the tier in descending order
        tier_ranks = Reverse(Sort(tier_ranks));
    // Create the result value, first with tier the feature is on
    var result_string = "Feature is on " + tier_names[feature_tier_rank] + ": " + $feature.subnetworkname + " \n";
    // Loop through all the ranks, highest first
    for (var key_idx in tier_ranks) {
        // Get the key as text
        var tier_key = Text(tier_ranks[key_idx]);

        if (IsEmpty(results_dict[tier_key])) {
            // No other subnetworks are on the features tier
        if (feature_tier_rank == tier_key) {
            // If you want to display the information about other subnetworks on the same tier as the feature, change 
            // the line below,
            result_string = result_string + tier_names[tier_key] + " - " + Concatenate(Distinct(results_dict[tier_key]), ', ') + " \n";
        } else {
            result_string = result_string + tier_names[tier_key] + " - " + Concatenate(Distinct(results_dict[tier_key]), ', ') + " \n";
    return result_string;

// Init Global Variables
var controller_guid = [];
var controller_features = [];
var subnetwork_rows = [];

if (IsEmpty(subnetwork_table) == true) {
    return "Subnetwork table not found"
if (IsEmpty(device_table) == true) {
    return "Device table not found"

// Call Get Parents to get parent Subnetworks
return create_result();

Example output
