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Building ParaView

This page describes how to build and install ParaView. It covers building for development, on both Unix-type systems (Linux, HP-UX, Solaris, Mac), and Windows.

ParaView depends on several open source tools and libraries such as Python, Qt, CGNS, HDF5, etc. Some of these are included in the ParaView source itself (e.g. HDF5), while others are expected to be present on the machine on which ParaView is being built (e.g. Python, Qt, CGNS).

Adapted from the Paraview wiki which has more complete but dated instructions.


  • The ParaView build process requires CMake version 3.3 or higher and a working compiler. On Unix-like operating systems, it also requires Make, while on Windows it requires Visual Studio and Ninja build.
  • Building ParaView's user interface requires Qt, version 5.6+ (5.9.* is recommended, 5.7.* and 5.8* also work, 5.10 is not yet recommended). To compile ParaView, either the LGPL or commercial versions of Qt may be used. Also note that on Windows you need to choose a Visual Studio version to match binaries available for your Qt version.
  • For Windows builds, unix-like environments such as Cygwin, or MinGW are not supported.

Download And Install CMake

CMake is a tool that makes cross-platform building simple. On several systems it will probably be already installed. If it is not, please use the following instructions to install it.

There are several precompiled binaries available at the CMake download page.

Add CMake to your PATH environment variable if you downloaded an archive and not an installer.

Download And Install Qt

ParaView uses Qt as its GUI library. Qt is required whenever the ParaView client is built with a GUI.

  • Download a release.
    • For binaries, use the latest stable version of qt-PLATFORM-opensource-VERSION.[tar.gz or zip or dmg or exe]. When downloading binaries, ensure that your compiler version matches the Qt compiler indicated. Version 5.6+ supports Visual Studio 2015.
    • For source code, use the latest stable version of qt-everywhere-opensource-src-VERSION.[tar.gz or zip or dmg].

Compiler and Build Tool

Linux Ubuntu/Debian (16.04):

  • sudo apt install
    • build-essential cmake git python-dev mesa-common-dev mesa-utils freeglut3-dev libhdf5-serial-dev autoconf libtool bison flex
  • sudo python
    • sudo -H pip install numpy
    • sudo -H pip install Mako
  • sudo apt-get install ninja-build
    • ninja is a speedy replacement for make, highly recommended.

Note for Ubuntu 16.04. The official Qt 5.9.1 binaries downloaded from are linked against a different version of libprotobuf than what ParaView uses, which causes runtime errors in ParaView. To avoid this, you can move the file out from Qt5.9.1/plugins/platformthemes. This platform theme is linked against a different libprotobuf than ParaView. Moving it causes it not to be loaded, thereby avoiding the runtime errors with no negative effects on running ParaView.


  • Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition
  • Use "VS2015 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt" for cmake and build.
  • Get Ninja Build. Unzip the binary and put it on your path.

Optional Additions

Download And Install ffmpeg (.avi) movie libraries

When the ability to write .avi files is desired, and writing these files is not supported by the OS, ParaView can attach to an ffmpeg library. This is generally true for Linux. Ffmpeg library source code is found here: 6


To run ParaView in parallel, an MPI implementation is required. If an MPI implementation that exploits special interconnect hardware is provided on your system, we suggest using it for optimal performance. Otherwise, on Linux/Mac, we suggest either OpenMPI or MPICH. On Windows, we suggest Microsoft MPI.


In order to use scripting, Python is required (version 2.7 is supported, whereas version 3.5 support is under development). Python is also required for ParaViewWeb builds.


Off-screen Mesa can be used as a software-renderer for running ParaView on a server without hardware OpenGL acceleration.

Retrieve the Source

  • Install Git - Git 1.7.2 or greater is required for development

  • Develop ParaView - Create a fork and checkout the source code.

    • A useful directory structure is ParaView/src for the git source tree, ParaView/build for the build tree, and if needed, ParaView/install for the install directory.
    • Please follow the instructions in [git/] for creating a fork and setting up the repository for contributing to ParaView.

Run CMake

  • cd ParaView/build
  • cmake-gui ../src or ccmake ../src
  • Generator: choose ninja for the ninja build system.
  • There are several CMake setting you may consider changing:
Variable Value Description
PARAVIEW_ENABLE_PYTHON ON Add python scripting support
BUILD_TESTING ON/OFF Build tests if you are contributing to ParaView


  • cd ParaView/build
  • ninja

ParaView will be in bin/paraview.exe

Other Variations

ParaViewWeb uses ParaView as a server, so doesn't require the QT gui. It configures OSMesa instead.