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92 lines (62 loc) · 3.13 KB

File metadata and controls

92 lines (62 loc) · 3.13 KB


This plugin provides an easy way of switching between project directories indexed from a specified workspace folder or folders. It's based on an idea I originally stole from kieran-ohara's dotfiles.

Screen Capture


Install via Plug

Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim' "requirement from benwainwright/fzf-project
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive' "requirement from benwainwright/fzf-project
Plug 'benwainwright/fzf-project'

Install via Vundle

Plugin 'junegunn/fzf.vim' "requirement from benwainwright/fzf-project
Plugin 'tpope/vim-fugitive' "requirement from benwainwright/fzf-project
Plugin 'benwainwright/fzf-project'


Running FzfSwitchProject in command mode will produce a list of folders from within your workspace folders. When you select a project, the working directory is changed and you are presented with a fzf list of files to switch to.


Installing FzfSwitchProject will automatically cd to the root directory of any given project when you open a file. It does this by recursively locating the nearest .git folder in the directory hierarchy. For this reason, is recommended to use git with this plugin


let g:fzfSwitchProjectWorkspaces = [ '~/workspace1', '~/workspace2' ]

Automatically list projects in the above folders

let g:fzfSwitchProjectProjects = [ '~/folder1', '~/folder2' ]

Add individual folders to the project list (I use it for my dotfiles folder)

let g:fzfSwitchProjectProjectDepth = 1 " default

Set the project folder depth. When this is set to 1 (the default), only the immediate children of workspace folders are considered project folders. If it is set to a number greater than 1, then the project finder will recurse that many times to find project folders. E.g. if it is set to 2, the grand children of workspace folders are considered project folders, and if set to 3, the great-grandchildren.

Note, that if during recursion any folder is found to contain a ".git" folder (and is therefore a git project), that folder is automatically considered a project folder and recursion will not continue.

If this setting is set to the string 'infinite' (or indeed any value other than a number greater than 0), recursion continues infinitely until exhaustion or a .git project is found.

let g:fzfSwitchProjectFindFilesCommand = 'git ls-files --others --exclude-standard --cached' " default

Command that is executed to get a list of all the files in a given project

let g:fzfSwitchProjectAlwaysChooseFile = 0

Don't automatically open a file picker once project is selected

let g:fzfSwitchProjectCloseOpenedBuffers = 0

Set this to 1 if you want to close and delete all opened buffers after switching to a different project, it will only close and delete opened buffers if all updated buffers are saved.


  • FzfSwitchProject - open project switcher
  • FzfChooseProjectFile - switch file within project
