- Full: Shalanah Faith Dawson
- Lead Front End Developer at WHCC in Eagan
- Live in St. Paul originally from just outside of Chicago
- Play broomball year-round
- Github: @shalanah
- Twitter: @shalanahfaith
- Usually do "pretty" slides (not this time!)
- Start slow... going to build :)
- Covering
- Hand coding inline SVGs + rad things with them
- Raising hands
- Heard of SVG
- Used svg assets in a site
- Exported svgs using software
- Created svgs using software
- Edited svg code in file / inline
- Inline svgs
- Animated svgs
- Not covering
- Svg files
- Browser differences
- Vector graphic softwares (Illustrator, Inkscape etc)
- MDN Resources
- Ask questions along the way! Let me know if I'm going to fast!
- WHCC: Card Editor (went live about 3 years ago)
- Reduce digits
- Select good viewboxes
viewBox="0 0 10 10" viewBox="0 0 28000 28000" viewBox="0 0 10.0625 10.0625"
- Reduce decimal points (smartly)
- Remove not needed code
- Smaller file size the better 😀👍
- Svg elements add dom nodes