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File metadata and controls

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VCF Zarr specification

Version 0.3

This document is a technical specification for VCF Zarr, a means of encoding VCF data in chunked-columnar form using the Zarr format.

This specification depends on definitions and terminology from The Variant Call Format Specification, VCFv4.3 and BCFv2.2, and Zarr storage specification version 2.

Compatibility with VCF and BCF

Any VCF file that can be represented in BCF format can be represented in VCF Zarr. Like BCF, VCF Zarr does not support the full set of VCF, since BCF is stricter than VCF around what is permitted in the header regarding field and contig information.

Overall structure

A VCF Zarr store is composed of a top-level Zarr group that contains VCF header information stored as Zarr group attributes, and VCF fields and sample information stored as Zarr arrays.

VCF Zarr group attributes

The VCF Zarr store contains the following mandatory attributes:

Key Value
vcf_zarr_version "0.3"
vcf_header The VCF header from ##fileformat to #CHROM inclusive, stored as a single string.

The following attributes are optional:

Key Value
source A string identifying the program (including a version number) writing the VCF Zarr data

VCF Zarr arrays

Each VCF field is stored in a separate Zarr array. This specification only mandates the path, shape, dimension names, and general dtype of each array. Other array metadata, including chunks, compression, layout order is not specified here.

Zarr dtypes

This document uses a shorthand notation to refer to Zarr data types (dtypes). The following table shows the mapping to VCF types.

Shorthand Zarr dtypes VCF Type
bool |b1 Flag
int <i1, <i2, <i4, <i8 or >i1, >i2, >i4, >i8 Integer
float <f4, <f8 or >f4, >f8 Float
char |S1 Character
str |O String

This specification does not mandate a byte order for numeric types: little-endian (e.g. <i4) or big-endian (>i4) are both permitted.

The str dtype is used to represent variable-length strings. In this case a Zarr array filter with and id of vlen-utf8 must be specified for the array.

Missing and fill values

Missing values indicate the value is absent, and fill values are used to pad variable length fields. The following float values are based on the "signalling NaN" values used in BCF. Note that the BCF specification refers to fill values as "END_OF_VECTOR" values.

Dtype Missing Fill
int -1 -2
float NaN (0x7F800001 32-bit, 0x7FF0000000000001 64-bit) NaN (0x7F800002 32-bit, 0x7FF0000000000002 64-bit)
char "." ""
str "." ""

There is no need for missing or fill values for the bool dtype, since Type=Flag fields can only appear in INFO fields, and they always have Number=0.

In addition to encoding the missing and fill status in the values, some implementations may choose to store this information in accompanying Zarr arrays of the same shape. This can make masking out missing data easier for the user, since they don't have to know how missing and fill values are encoded for each type.

An array called <name> may have an accompanying array called <name>_mask with dtype bool, where true values indicate that the corresponding values are missing or fill values, and should be masked out. There may also be an accompanying array called <name>_fill with dtype bool, where true values indicate that the corresponding values are fill values.

Array dimension names

Following Xarray conventions, each Zarr array has an attribute _ARRAY_DIMENSIONS, which is a list of strings naming the dimensions.

The reserved dimension names and their sizes are listed in the following table, along with the corresponding VCF Number value, if applicable.

Dimension name Size VCF Number
variants The number of records in the VCF.
samples The number of samples in the VCF.
ploidy The maximum ploidy for any record in the VCF.
alleles The maximum number of alleles for any record in the VCF. R
alt_alleles The maximum number of alternate non-reference alleles for any record in the VCF. A
genotypes The maximum number of genotypes for any record in the VCF. G
contigs The number of contigs in the VCF.
filters The number of filters in the VCF.
parents The number of unique parental categories used in the VCF header.
region_index_values The number of chunks in the variant_position Zarr array.
region_index_fields The number of fields in the index (6).

For fixed-size Number fields (e.g. Number=2) or unknown (Number=.), the dimension name can be any unique name that is not one of the reserved dimension names.

(Implementation note: In general it is not possible to determine the size of some dimensions without a full pass through the VCF file being converted. Implementations may choose to fix the maximum size of some dimensions, although they should warn the user if this results in a lossy conversion.)

Fixed fields

The fixed VCF fields CHROM, POS, ID, REF, ALT, QUAL, and FILTER are stored as Zarr arrays according to the following table. Note that the REF and ALT fields are combined into a single Zarr array, with the REF first.

VCF field(s) Zarr array path Shape Dimension names Dtype
CHROM variant_contig (variants) [variants] int
POS variant_position (variants) [variants] int
ID variant_id (variants) [variants] str
REF, ALT variant_allele (variants, alleles) [variants, alleles] str
QUAL variant_quality (variants) [variants] float
FILTER variant_filter (variants, filters) [variants, filters] bool

Each value in the variant_contig array is a zero-based integer offset into the contig_id array.

The variant_filter array contains a true value at position i if the filter at position i in the filter_id array applies for a given variant. If no filters have been applied for a variant, all values are false.

INFO fields

Each INFO field is stored as a two-dimensional Zarr array at a path with name variant_<field>, of shape (variants, <Number>), dimension names [variants, <Number dimension name>]. Dtypes, and missing and fill values are encoded as described above.

FORMAT fields

Each FORMAT field is stored as a three-dimensional Zarr array at a path with name call_<field>, of shape (variants, samples, <Number>), dimension names [variants, samples, <Number dimension name>]. Dtypes, and missing and fill values are encoded as described above.

A Genotype (GT) field is stored as a three-dimensional Zarr array at a path with name call_genotype, of shape (variants, samples, ploidy), with an int dtype. Values encode the allele, with 0 for REF, 1 for the first alternate non-reference allele, and so on. A value of -1 indicates missing, and -2 indicates fill in mixed-ploidy datasets.

To indicate phasing, there is an optional accompanying Zarr array at a path with name call_genotype_phased, of shape (variants, samples), with dtype bool. Values are true if a call is phased, false if unphased (or not present). If the array is not present then all calls are unphased.

Contig information

Contig IDs are stored in a one-dimensional Zarr array at a path with name contig_id, of shape (contigs), dimension names [contigs], and with dtype str. The contig_id array plays the same role as the dictionary of contigs in BCF, providing a way of encoding a contig (in the variant_contig array) with a (zero-based) integer offset into the contig_id array.

Contig lengths are optional, and if present are stored in a one-dimensional Zarr array at a path with name contig_length, of shape (contigs), dimension names [contigs], and with dtype int.

Filter information

Filters are stored in a one-dimensional Zarr array at a path with name filter_id, of shape (filters), dimension names [filters], and with dtype str. Filters must appear in the same order as specified in the header, except for PASS, which is always first.

Filter descriptions are stored in a one-dimensional Zarr array at a path with name filter_description, of shape (filters), dimension names [filters], and with dtype str.

Sample information

Sample IDs are stored in a one-dimensional Zarr array at a path with name sample_id, of shape (samples), dimension names [samples], and with dtype str.

Region index [experimental]

This section is experimental and may be subject to change.

To support efficient queries over variant regions, an optional two-dimensional Zarr array representing a region index may be stored at a path with name region_index, of shape (region_index_values, region_index_fields), dimension names [region_index_values, region_index_fields], and with the same int dtype as variant_position.

If region_index is present, the BCF rlen field is stored in a one-dimensional Zarr array at a path with name variant_length, of shape (variants), dimension names [variants], and with dtype int.

All Zarr arrays with a variants dimension must have the same chunk size in this dimension.

The region index must have a row for each distinct contig in each variants dimension chunk. The following properties of these chunk-contig pairs are stored as values in this column order:

  • the variants dimension chunk index (zero-based)
  • the contig ID (from variant_contig)
  • the start position (from variant_position)
  • the end position (from variant_position)
  • the maximum end position (from variant_position combined with variant_length)
  • the number of records


To illustate how to build a region index, consider the following sample VCF Zarr dataset, which shows only the relevant variant fields, plus a chunk index for a chunk size of 3 in the variants dimension.

Chunk index variant_contig variant_position variant_length
0 0 111 1
0 0 112 1
0 1 14370 1
1 1 17330 1
1 1 1110696 1
1 1 1230237 1
2 1 1234567 1
2 1 1235237 1
2 2 10 2

The corresponding region_index array is as follows:

Chunk index Contig ID Start position End position Maximum end position Number of records
0 0 111 112 112 2
0 1 14370 14370 14370 1
1 1 17330 1230237 1230237 3
2 1 1234567 1235237 1235237 2
2 2 10 10 11 1

Using the region index to perform an overlap query is a two-step process. First, the set of query intervals is matched against the region index intervals (defined by the contig ID, start position, and either the end position or maximum end position, depending on the type of overlap). This gives a list of chunk indexes for the matching chunks, which can then be retrieved for the variant_contig, variant_position, and variant_length arrays before applying a second overlap query on each set of chunks to filter to the precise set of rows that overlap.

For the previous example, the query 1:1-20000 matches the second and third rows of the region index, corresponding to chunk indexes 0 and 1. Applying the same overlap query to each of these chunks returns the third and fourth rows of the original dataset (1:14370 from the first chunk and 1:17330 from the second).


Changes between VCF Zarr 0.2 and VCF Zarr 0.3

  • Add an optional top-level attribute for source.
  • Clarify type of vcf_zarr_version attribute.
  • Add a new parents reserved dimension name.
  • Add filter_description field.
  • Add region_index.

Changes between VCF Zarr 0.1 and VCF Zarr 0.2

  • The contigs VCF Zarr group attribute was removed and replaced with a contig_id array and a contigs dimension name.
  • Introduced a contig_length array for defining contig sequence lengths.
  • The filters VCF Zarr group attribute was removed and replaced with a filter_id array.