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File metadata and controls

110 lines (80 loc) · 5.15 KB


Asciipy Logo

Convert images and videos to ascii art and you can print them to the terminal or save them in image / video formats or in .txt file.


pip install asciipy

Audio support

install with [audio] - this installs ffmpeg-python

pip install asciipy[audio]



  • opencv-python
  • Pillow
  • numpy



from asciipy import AsciiVideo, AsciiImage

# image
img_path = 'C:\image_to_ascii\your_image.png'
image = AsciiImage(img_path)
image.ascii_img() # save, return or display an ascii image
image.ascii_terminal() # print an ascii image to the terminal
image.ascii_txt() # put it into a txt file

video_path = 'C:\\video_to_ascii\your_video.mp4'
video = AsciiVideo(video_path)
video.ascii_video() # save or return an ascii video
video.ascii_terminal() # print an ascii video to the terminal
video.ascii_txt() # put frames into a txt file

# input image can already be loaded
# by opencv or pillow, just pass that as an argument


asciipy -f C:\image_to_ascii\your_image.png


Type -h or --help into the cli to get all descriptions

Cli Desc. Options
-f / --file Input file path (or already loaded image) str
-ac / --action Return, save, show, play 'return', 'save', 'show', 'play'
-o / --output Out put file path 'terminal', 'save', 'text'
-oa / --output-as Output to - terminal, save, text (only cli) str
-op / --option Option to use when converting str
-ch / --chars Characterset str
-au / --audio With audio (if downloaded with ffmpeg) bool
-fo / --font Font file str
-as / --save-as Save with given extension str
-s / --scale Scale compared to deafult img/video size float
-df / --density-flip Reverse the given charachterset (dark, light chars flip) bool
-cs / --character-space Character spacing on the image 'sm', 'bg', 'avg'
-fs / --font-scale Font scale compared to the default scale of the font file float
-ts / --terminal-size Terminal size - width, height ex. 50, 30 int (width, height)
-rt / --ratio-to Terminal printing ratio. Keep image ratio to width or to height 'width', 'height', 'pass'
-tspc / --terminal-spacing Character to divide the ascii characters in the terminal str
-clr / --clear Clear terminal/.txt after writing image there bool

In code you can pass these as keyword arguments, with always the same name as the longer version of the cli flag


asciipy -f py_logo.png -oa terminal -df True -op bandw
img = AsciiImage('py_logo.jpg')
video = AsciiVideo('example_video.mp4')
video.ascii_video(output_as='save', charcter_space='avg', audio=True,
font='C:\Windows\Fonts\Segoepr.ttf', font_scale=0.5)
AciiImage Example One AciiImage Example Two

AsciiVideo Example

Img Example